Sharks vs Blues


Pretty much a regular
Since no one posted it, what are we doing here tonight? I’m thinking this gotta be an Under game but not sure
I'm still going with the mindset of Sharks in Game 3, Blues in Game 4.
Over until they show me otherwise...
I'm still going with the mindset of Sharks in Game 3, Blues in Game 4.
Over until they show me otherwise...

could very well happen. BOTH teams seem to be even matched. Sharks with a 2-0 lead end of 1st period in St Louis and Blues are In Game +300 :rolleyes:
Hokey Smoke!!! "NBA on Ice" 2nd period. Blues with 4 goals to 1 for Sharks AND score 4-3 going into the 3rd. Martin Jones looking like early VGK series Jones. In Game now Sharks +340 for "fiddle in the middle" players ;)
Good God Gertie!!! Logan Couture with just under a minute to go and Jones on the bench TIES the game 4-4. going to OT. game SOG's about even 29-28 Blues o_O
To be fair it was away from the puck and no swinging motion at all...

Obviously the league is in the tank for the sharks so don't fight it, just play their future
maybe. but super shady at this point

Normally maybe, but they had already called a sharks goal back once today

Plus the reffing this post season has been legendarily bad, 2 refs got sent home after round 1, every series has basically had a horrific call that effected the score if not a whole game

It's just been bad

Up here where tsn and sportsnet talk nhl like espn does nfl, there are segments on what to do with review because of mess ups in the playoffs basically every night

It all goes back to that fucking matt duschene offside goal a few years ago
Not sure where to put this, but WTF with the no call on the hand pass????

obviously the Blues got ROYAL FUCKED!!! looked to me like St Louis was the better team in the OT and had 3 SOG's before the Sharks got one AND the goal. media asked Craig Berube about the hand pass in his press conference and HE said "WHAT do YOU think" ??? back at them. when they ALL said YES "Booby" said "OK. I do NOT have to comment then"

WORKS for ME, though because NOW I can pretty much "buy out" that horrible Sharks -125 pre-series bet I made. hopefully the Blues series odds will be +200 or higher going into game four :p
O.K. YES! Sharks Fan From 1990/1991...

I have seen MANY calls not go The Sharks Way...In Almost 30 Years...

The blues can cry and smash their sticks all they want. But...

Rules Are Rules.

Anyone Forget That The blues hit one over/into the net, but no delay of game was called tonight?!

Why?! Not Review able..Just like the hand pass. Do I As A Sharks Fan AGREE That It Was A Hand Pass?! Fuck Yeah It Was...

I see A LOT of changes to the rules come next season...

blues looked VERY Unprofessional Tonight...

To be fair it was away from the puck and no swinging motion at all...

Obviously the league is in the tank for the sharks so don't fight it, just play their future

This Whole, "The League Wants The Sharks To Win" Is ridiculous.

As Also A Raider Fan...Yes. Tuck Rule Was BS. BUT...Raiders Had The Lead, Should Have Come Together As A Team And STOPPED NE...

The Refs DIDN'T Put 4 In The Net...Vegas Goalie Choked.

Refs Didn't Allow A Tying Goal With 1:01 left in the 3rd. St. Louis Did...

We are all adults. Stop with the conspiracy theories. That is SOOOO Covers Shit...

This Whole, "The League Wants The Sharks To Win" Is ridiculous.

As Also A Raider Fan...Yes. Tuck Rule Was BS. BUT...Raiders Had The Lead, Should Have Come Together As A Team And STOPPED NE...

The Refs DIDN'T Put 4 In The Net...Vegas Goalie Choked.

Refs Didn't Allow A Tying Goal With 1:01 left in the 3rd. St. Louis Did...

We are all adults. Stop with the conspiracy theories. That is SOOOO Covers Shit...

Donaghy should still be officiating
I agree with Vap here. As a Patriots fan how could I not because the whole world equates their championships to cheating, made-up rules & bad calls.

My issue here is with the NHL. They can review an offsides leading to a goal, when the player was offsides by inches and there could have been several passes made between zone entry & the goal. BUT when you have a fucking hand pass that leads to an OT goal that decides a conference final game, they can't review. That's some bullshit right there.
It is easier to blame someone else. My bet lost?! F'n Refs! My team lost?! F'n Refs?!
Did the Sharks cheat? No. But they got away with something...
Did the blues cheat when they didn't get 2 minutes for delay of game? No. But they got away with something.
I agree @Zeke Great Point.
I BELIEVE we will see some changes in what can and can't be reviewed...
Every sport has humor error, Every. Single. Game.

Horse is disqualified in The Kentucky Derby?! F'n Stewards.
Let me guess...The 3 of em had $100 across the board on Country House...

Donaghy should still be officiating

Not surprised you went there.

Tim Donaghy. A man people will bring up as the 'Ace In A Hole'

Was he paid by the league or was he going rogue?!

Because I thought we were talking about every sports league, 'Making sure the "RIGHT" team wins..."

You want an example of human error on display, every single day?! Angel Hernandez MLB Ump.

This tool Hernandez is suing MLB for discrimination, alleging that he’s been passed over for numerous promotions to crew chief due to his Latino descent...
Listen up Foo. You suck as an ump. The fans complain about you, as well as players and coaches. You suck. You not getting a promotion is due to this fact.

NOW...If your team loses because of this umps bad calls...Is it because MLB wanted your team to lose a meaningless Tuesday game in May? Or, maybe...Just Maybe...This ump just plain sucks...
My point is that we should have just let Donaghy continue to officiate. It is the teams job to overcome his calls. No one to blame but themselves if they don't
How do the Blues respond tonight after that controversy last game? They made some very tough shots last game
Tough to try and win 5 of 7 when you match up poorly.

They seemed to be saying the right things as far as mindset goes though. Hard to imagine that Blues don't get a power play edge tonight, which would be more proof of what is going on incidentally. AKA hard to imagine no agenda from officiating.

Problem for Blues is they are being out fore-checked repeatedly. Theirs stinks and the sharks are giving them fits. Blues dump and chase isn't working because sharks are more physical. Just a horrible match up for the Blues imo, but could only back them in this game were I to try. Other problem is that even if Blues get the man advantage their power play has been stinky poo in the playoffs.

Just start the Sharks Bruins series already. My other fixing theory is that they want Sharks to win in 7 each round, so it is another reason to think Blues win tonight.