Sharks Hockey!!!


9:03 P.M. West Coast... Sharks Down 3-0, 10 Minutes Left In The Final Period... My Hockey Buddy Alycyn Text Me...And I Quote... "Same Old Disappointing Sharks" I Said... Sigh...Not Over Yet! Sharks Captain Goes Down...5 Min Power Play To The Sharks...They Band Together For Their Captain...Score 4 Goals In 4:01, 4 F'n MINUTES!!! Then, Win In Overtime... Been A Fan Since 1991. That. Was The Most Amazing Game EVER! MLB Playoffs?! NBA Playoffs?! (Snooze) NFL?! Boring...NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs Is The Best Ever!!! Hahaha! Let's Go Sharks!!!
That was some crazy shit. I'm sure there are a LOT of pissed off VGK fans out there, rightfully so. But when all is said & done SJ is moving on. Congrats!
Jonathan Marchessault says the game was 'Stolen From Them'
Maybe he has a point. Maybe Should have been a 2 min and not a 5.
But you guys couldn't stop the Sharks from scoring 4 goals in a 5 min power play.
What's that say about your team?
Vap, was amazing the way your guys took advantage of the major power play...absolutely unreal.

What I don't get is why didn't they call a penalty when it happened? The call and JM's rant (which was pretty epic) was that the ref said directly "it looked pretty bad"

If the ref didn't even see it, that's a tough break for VGK...but the Sharks were amazing in their intensity on that major. Thornton and Couture could hardly move because they refused to leave the ice....lot of guts to win a game like that.

As a Sharks fan, my major concern is that a 7-game physical-as-hell series takes something out of you even if you get past the Avs. Either Dallas or the Blues are defensive-first hockey teams. And then of course you can't have "Bad Marty Jones" show up....but this 1st round has been awesome. Great win by your boys last night.
I agree with the whole, 'Why wasn't the penalty called when it happened.' I would have been surprised/happy with a 2 min call. But the refs saw blood and then more than likely, a bad call.
Just like in let's say football. "We lost that game cause of a missed holding call!"
No. You didn't rise above the bad call and win the game.
Maybe should have played harder for the other 59 minutes.
Vegas just had to kill the penalty. I'm sure they have killed off a 4 or 5 min penalty before.
Goalie needed to step up. He didn't.
After Thornton helped Joe to the bench he said to the guys on the bench, "Now go out there and score 3 fucking goals!"
They got 4.
And still went to OT.
Vegas could have won in OT...But didn't. Whose fault is that.

All that being said, you are correct. How much did Game 7 take out of em?! Could I see them losing in Round 2, maybe 3?! Sure. They are tired and beat up. Or maybe a game like this is what they needed. See the man with the 'C' go down. Do it for Johnny Man! We'll do it for Johnny! (Just Add 'Joe' To That Great Movie Quote...)
Rule 609. Cross-Checking. ... (a) A minor or a major penalty shall be assessed for cross-checking an opponent. (b) A major plus a game misconduct penalty shall be assessed to any player who injures an opponent as a result of cross-checking. Face-off defense zone Vegas, cross check to the head with no chance or intention to go for the puck. Sorry but I consider this to be a five minute major penalty.

Last thing... Why didn't Vegas call a time out during that PP?! Would have been a GREAT Idea after the second one went in...

Last thing Part 2... Maybe win the series when your up 3 Games to 1?!
Rule 609. Cross-Checking. ... (a) A minor or a major penalty shall be assessed for cross-checking an opponent. (b) A major plus a game misconduct penalty shall be assessed to any player who injures an opponent as a result of cross-checking.

Last thing... Why didn't Vegas call a time out during that PP?! Would have been a GREAT Idea after the second one went in...

Gallant fucked up royally not calling the TO after the first goal 6 seconds into the power play. Enormous mistake.

If you don't do is MANDATORY he calls it after the 2nd PP goal. To wait for the 3rd goal of the power play was a catastrophic mistake in my opinion. Hell, even call the timeout before the power play up 3-0.....that's as big a blunder as you will ever see an NHL head coach make.

Good teams take advantage of situations...Sharks did just that. More power to them.

NHL looks bad...very bad for how all of the refs stuff played out and how vocal VGK was. Plus having one team get a 23-4 penalty minute advantage in a playoff game is something that is pretty one-sided too.

Greatest game I've ever seen idea how I'll ever watch a hockey game that tops that one.
Rule 609. Cross-Checking. ... (a) A minor or a major penalty shall be assessed for cross-checking an opponent. (b) A major plus a game misconduct penalty shall be assessed to any player who injures an opponent as a result of cross-checking. Face-off defense zone Vegas, cross check to the head with no chance or intention to go for the puck. Sorry but I consider this to be a five minute major penalty.

Cody Eakin did NOT cross check Pavelski in the head or throat. he just pushed him in the chest. in fact Pavelski lost his balance and landed head first on the ice because Stasny put a secondary hit on him as he was going down. I think the VGK broadcast color man Shane Hnidy got it correct. refs called a major NOT because of the cross check itself BUT because of the resulting injury. at worst it should have been a 2 minute minor :mad:

BTW when that major was called, the William-Hill In Game odds was Sharks +1000. absolutely unbelievable
In the end, right or wrong. Vegas couldn't stop a 5 minute PP. 4 Goals. Flowers And The D are to blame for this lost.
Or maybe Sharks just wanted it more?!
Congrats to the Sharks and their fans.

With regard to the game, 23 minutes to 4 in PP minutes is beyond insane. Even worse when you consider 1 minute was 4-4.

The play the penalty is called on is so bad it boggles the mind.

1. Shark player uses skate to interfere with Cody on the faceoff.
2. Cody gives him the mandatory push after someone does this (not close to a cross check)
3. Shark player either loses his balance or intentionally loses his balance
4. Other Vegas player makes contact and he falls to the ground.

That is not a penalty and you could call similar 30 - 40 times a game.
If you do call a penalty there, you cannot follow that up with a 5 minute major even if the player gets hurt. It was the contact with the second player that caused the injury not the little push.

Vegas likely was not deserving of a 3-0 lead in that game but then again they probably should have won the prior game by 3 or 4 goals in what was one of the most dominating games in Vegas hockey history.

It's a shame to see a team get robbed in that manner.

Grats to the Sharks. They are a good team and they fought hard all series but heartbreaking to Vegas who was the better team last night and had it stolen.

Imagine having a full period of man advantage over your opponent in a game 7 in the Stanley Cup playoffs. To play an entire season and then be in a game 7 like that and have officials do what they did there is just a shame. Total puck possession in the last two games was insanely one sided when 5-5 in Vegas' favor and yet somehow the knights were down about 19 minutes combined in the two games in PP minutes. It just stinks.

I guess with the Raiders coming to town, Vegas should just get used to bad calls now.
As a raider fan ... I used to hear people say that the Pats still had to make a long FG and the Raiders could have still won the game in overtime as if that is an excuse for the inexcusable tuck rule call. These are closely matched professional teams. Sometimes one horrible call is all it takes. Vegas won that game just like the raiders beat the Pats but the games were stolen from them. The idea that you still could have won when you basically already won are very hollow words.

I suppose in the case of the golden knights, there was still enough time for sharks to come back and win even if they don't make that ridiculous call so it is slightly different than the tuck rule, which was game over.
Apparently the league called the owner of the Vegas team and apologized.
The officials will not be officiating another game this year (it is possible that could have happened anyway.

I don't understand why the league has not officially made a statement saying how bad that call was. Hockey fans are fairly knowledgeable and there is unlikely any person who has watched the sport that thinks that is a 5 minute major penalty (and I would wager more than 3 out of 4 would say there was no penalty at all). You would be stating the obvious and what everyone knows already ... no harm in it. Just admit it was the worst call in the history of sports and say you will try and do better.
I don't disagree with what your saying. Didn't know you were a Raider fan. I as well since 1979.
Sharks Fan Since 1991.
Was it a bad call on the ice? Yes. If ANYTHING I'd give 2 min roughing penalty when he got pushed to the ice.
But. A 5 min major was called. At this point, Vegas needed to step up and kill the penalty. They didn't.
Not even close. They should have called a time out after the 1st goal, the latest after the second goal. They didn't.
So now it's time to blame somebody. Anybody but yourself. So you blame the refs.
YES. A bad call was made. But they needed to step up and they didn't.
They didn't step up in Game 5 or 6. Who's fault was that?
But when you point your finger, you got three pointing back at you.
Look in the mirror and say, "We didn't step up, and I will try and do better next season."
Blaming others for your failure is never pretty, and makes you look like a cry baby.

I don't disagree with what your saying. Didn't know you were a Raider fan. I as well since 1979.
Sharks Fan Since 1991.
Was it a bad call on the ice? Yes. If ANYTHING I'd give 2 min roughing penalty when he got pushed to the ice.
But. A 5 min major was called. At this point, Vegas needed to step up and kill the penalty. They didn't.
Not even close. They should have called a time out after the 1st goal, the latest after the second goal. They didn't.
So now it's time to blame somebody. Anybody but yourself. So you blame the refs.
YES. A bad call was made. But they needed to step up and they didn't.
They didn't step up in Game 5 or 6. Who's fault was that?
But when you point your finger, you got three pointing back at you.
Look in the mirror and say, "We didn't step up, and I will try and do better next season."
Blaming others for your failure is never pretty, and makes you look like a cry baby.


Eh .. .I can cry baby some .. it is the Democrat in me.

Just saying that SJ was a very undeserving winner of the series.

They will be tough to beat as there appears to be an agenda at play. The Game six officiating was also ponderous. The only thing remotely even in the game was the penalty minutes and the score.
It is not the Sharks fault they were handed the game. They took advantage of the undeserved opportunity.

Not sure how Vegas is supposed to look in the mirror and do much better than they did the last two games. 3-0 lead on the road against a quality team and in game six probably played their best game as a team in the short history of the franchise. Look in the mirror and say dominate every opponent so that it won't matter if they get an entire 20 minutes of a 60 minute game with a man advantage, including a major where they can keep scoring until the penalty is over? Oh and don't touch anyone in the game because if he is clumsy (or dives) and falls down, the ref might make a terrible call.

It's so ridiculous.

The whole idea that the Raiders should have overcome that fumble (BTW the patriots had 0 offensive penalty yards, and 0 defensive penalty yards in that game. Their only penalty was on special teams when they lit up a kick returner before the ball got there and they had zero choice but to throw a flag) and biased officiating for 60 minutes is a nice idea ... you always hope that your football team is 20 points better than their opponent so they can overcome that type of thing or that your hockey team is 4 goals better than their opponent so they can overcome that type of thing .. .the reality is that the Raiders beat the Patriots and the Knights were very likely going to beat SJ without those two calls ... but the teams were only slightly better than their opponent ... they were not dominant enough to overcome that type of discrepancy.

I feel bad for Cody. Has to live with that despite not doing anything wrong.
I seem to remember in Game 6. They were letting both teams play. Stuff that would be called in the regular season, they let go without calling a penalty...
That being said, when they finally did call a penalty, it was to The Sharks. (A very week call considering all the others that they looked the other way during the overtimes) So it's the refs fault Sharks won Game 6. No penalty, and Sharks don't score a short handed call...

Agree BTW...In was in the cards that The Patriots won that year, with their red white and blue uniforms and after 9/11 no less. Somebody said something for sure...

In their first playoff game, the Patriots won in great controversy. They were on the verge of losing to the Raiders, and in a season-ending play, Tom Brady went for a forward pass but tucked the ball. Charles Woodson knocked it out of his hands, and the officials ruled the play a fumble. The game was over. The Patriots lost.

BUT WAIT. After instant replay, the referee reversed the call, and in post-game interviews the referee admitted that his explanation for the call reversal was in error. So why such a shady ending? The men behind the scenes were doing everything in their power to ensure the Patriots went to the Superdome for the Super Bowl.
I seem to remember in Game 6. They were letting both teams play. Stuff that would be called in the regular season, they let go without calling a penalty...
That being said, when they finally did call a penalty, it was to The Sharks. (A very week call considering all the others that they looked the other way during the overtimes) So it's the refs fault Sharks won Game 6. No penalty, and Sharks don't score a short handed call...

Agree BTW...In was in the cards that The Patriots won that year, with their red white and blue uniforms and after 9/11 no less. Somebody said something for sure...

In their first playoff game, the Patriots won in great controversy. They were on the verge of losing to the Raiders, and in a season-ending play, Tom Brady went for a forward pass but tucked the ball. Charles Woodson knocked it out of his hands, and the officials ruled the play a fumble. The game was over. The Patriots lost.

BUT WAIT. After instant replay, the referee reversed the call, and in post-game interviews the referee admitted that his explanation for the call reversal was in error. So why such a shady ending? The men behind the scenes were doing everything in their power to ensure the Patriots went to the Superdome for the Super Bowl.

I think this call was worse. The refs didn't even call a penalty on the play because no one saw one (I would argue because no penalty existed) and then after he was laying on the ice, the refs huddled and called a five minute major. On the Tuck Rule ... they went to the replay and tried to find an excuse to steal it from the Raiders, here they didn't even bother with that type of thing .. they just called a penalty they never saw, after the fact when they realized they could make it a Major. 23-4 penalty minutes in a game 7 where the Knights were slightly better (Not 3-0 better, that was fortunate) when the teams were 5-5.

And in game six ... The Knights had the puck the entire game. It was as dominant a performance as you can have in hockey. Yet somehow, the Sharks and knights had the same penalty minutes after four periods of complete and total domination and one sided puck control.

It's the worst call in American sports history. Bye Tuck Rule.
Sharks Killed Off A 4 Minute PP. vs A FAST Colorado Team.
They deserve to still be playing.
Not a team that gives up 4 goals as quickly as Vegas Did.