Shaqtacular gives some fighting words

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Looks like he is back to his old form, even in the way of trash talking, this is just pure comedy here

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Mar 04, 2009 8:16 PM EST
Stan Van Gundy has made the mistake of engaging Shaquille O'Neal in a game of verbal warfare, as the center lashed back at the Magic coach before Wednesday's game.
Van Gundy said of Shaq's flopping, "“I was shocked, seriously, shocked. And very disappointed cause he knows what it’s like. Lets stand up and play like men, and I think our guy did that tonight.”
"He (Howard) came with the same old, stale Patrick Ewing move so I tried to stand there and take the charge," said O'Neal. "The new rules say if you come through, you fall. But as I fell, I realized that it was a flop and it reminded me of Coach Van Gundy’s whole coaching career. The one thing I despise is a frontrunner. First of all, none of his players like him. When it gets tough, he will become the master of panic like he did before and he will quit like he did before. The one thing I despise is frontrunners. Yeah, he’s got a young team playing good but don’t be a frontrunner. Him and his brother and even the legend on the bench ain’t done what I’ve done in my whole career. So flopping would be the wrong choice of words. "I just tried to take a charge. The (expletive) rules say you can’t stand there and get hit. You’ve got to fall. The (expletive) got the same old stinking move that Patrick Ewing has been doing his whole career. I went down, got up and didn’t complain. I see him and Stan complaining the whole game because they’ve got to. Remember, I’ve done more than him, his brother and Patrick Ewing. "Stan Van Gundy reminds me of a broke navigational system. He knows everything about everything but ain’t never been nowhere. Think about that. If I’m right here and I type in the address of where you’re going, I know where it’s at but I’m not going there. "When a bum says some (stuff) about it and I respond, you can (expletive) cancel that cuz I know how he is in real life. We’ll see when the playoffs start and he (expletive) panics and quits like he did when he was here (in Miami). And you (expletive) print it just like that. Do I look soft to you like you can say something and I’m not going to say something?
"Notice they didn’t play me straight up. We’ll see how far they go cuz I know Stan. I said this a long time ago but I was actually talking about him: 'When the general panics, the troops will panic. Like in business, when the head panics and takes out all his stock, what happens?
"All the players hate him. The players don’t even like him. I hate frontrunners. I really do. I don’t like any frontrunners. There’s a pecking order involved. I’ve been there six times. "I ain’t going to let no bum like him rip me and not say anything back. You can cancel that (expletive) all the way. Usually, I let (expletive) go. Not that. Not him. Hell no. "The rules say when a guy goes through your chest you’ve got to fall to get the call. It was a flop. You’ve watched me play for 17 years. I don’t play like that."

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This is by far the funniest line in this whole story
But as I fell, I realized that it was a flop and it reminded me of Coach Van Gundy’s whole coaching career
"Stan Van Gundy reminds me of a broke navigational system. He knows everything about everything but ain’t never been nowhere.

^^^^^^Awesome one-liner
Love Shaq for giving me a reason to bet the Magic to serve up an 18 point win by the Magic against the Nets on Friday. It's about time they got blown out of the building and all this media circus with Shaq should provide the motivation.
The whole thing is comical. Shaq will never let the other person get the last word. He's always given other people shit, calling the Kings the "Queens". Calling Chris Bosh the Rue Paul of big men, haha. Seems like he can dish it out but can't take any criticism because that was a flop.
kinda reminds me of a grandpa discreditting any accomplishment/whine from a younger person with a "back in my day..." lecture. Only in NBA terms
JESUS CHRIST Shaq had to rant all the way only to admit it was a flop? A flop, big frikkin deal, one flop, ok, move the fuck on.
shaq is playing some top caliber ball this year...i don't know if he has just worked very hard in getting in shape or as richayu says it is steroids...either way, he is playing well...the guy has always had some entertaining quotes but enough already....the guy can't stop talking...just shut the eff up for once
yea the big ass baby shaq can sure be a hell of name caller and make fun of people, but when you say he's over weight or something he cant even handle that. what a fukn baby!! hope one of shaq's ppl read this so he can come here to CTG and get bashed about his fat ass!! come here shaq, we watin for you!!
shaq is playing some top caliber ball this year...i don't know if he has just worked very hard in getting in shape or as richayu says it is steroids...either way, he is playing well...the guy has always had some entertaining quotes but enough already....the guy can't stop talking...just shut the eff up for once

A lot of times it has to do with the team your on. When I say that, I point at the medical staff and training staff. Shaq was in terrible shape and battling injuries in Miami. Since he got to Phoenix, they have a top-notch staff and things have turned around. Look at Grant Hill, he has been rejuventated out there as well.

I point this out because if/when Detroit goes after Boozer this summer I look forward to what results they can get when they get him in under our medical staff which is right there with the Suns as best in the league.
I couldnt agree with you more...Medical and Training Staff is never mentioned as one of the key components to why an injury proned player stays healthy. Unfortunately, Philly is not known for its medical staff...

But we have good hospitals...