Shanahan out in Denver

wow, i thought he still had some leeway. but yeah, he did coach his way out. he abandoned the run way too early IMO. yeah i know he had all the injuries at the rb position but even early in the season when they were healthy, he was pass happy. he should give al davis a call, we're looking for a coach, haha.
Are you guys serious ? He coached himself out of a job ? Really ?

They ONLy put 7 RB's on IR this season and ended with Tatum Bell who was out of football selling cellphones . They have a turnover prone QB . They played mostly with 2 of their 3 starting LBs out , they probably had Champ for half the year , the whole defense was hurt at various times in the same manner that NE was except Denvers wasnt good to begin with .....

Played a fairly tough schedule . He had a bad loss or two but have to say this is undeserving IMO based on 2008 . Other things factoring in and just time for a change but he did well keeping this team together . Thought he did a very good job considering ...

Dude, he won 1 (one) playoff game since 19fucking99....did I mention 1 (one)! Yeah, that JUST HAPPENS to be the year after Elway retired. He's done NOTHING SINCE Elway retired, NOTHING!
Dude, he won 1 (one) playoff game since 19fucking99....did I mention 1 (one)! Yeah, that JUST HAPPENS to be the year after Elway retired. He's done NOTHING SINCE Elway retired, NOTHING!

Like I said based on 2008 . I dont disagree with that . My point was saying he did about as good as job as possible THIS season. That team was a joke . Thats all I am saying 2008 he did a good job and while the last few weeks look bad you cant blame him for Buffalo and SD was going to crush whoever they played ...:shake:
Did you know he has a glass eye? Doh..whats love got to do with it? Got to do with it? what's love but a second hand emotion. oops, sorry, got side tracked. I always liked Shanahan. I think he was a hell of a coach. He needs a different team. Time for a change. I dont know whats going on behind the scenes between him and management but I'm sure there was friction there. It's time for a change. The Denver fans deserve it, Mike Shanahan deserves it.
He will most likely be back coaching in the nfl next season. I agree with Shark's points about it being good for both the Broncos and Shannahan, his message may have been getting stale in that organization.
I thought with the inexperience and injuries this year he did a decent job. I agree though it was time to move on. I think in his next job he needs to focus on coaching and leave the GM duties to somone who has more time. I hear him and jerry jones are GREAT friends and he loves Romo???? If he is willing to just coach this would be huge for Dallas and not very good for us Giant fans.
The guy has always been over rated as a coach. Elway covered a lot of his flaws for him , since Elway is the best QB of my lifetime in my opinion.

He is not a character guy either .... seems to me , adding another weasel to the mix in the dallas lockerroom is not a good idea.

His son did play for the Texas Longhorns , so there is a Texas connection.
Like every sport there are few great coaches . I dont think he makes his teams worse and IMO he did a pretty great job in 2008 . Not sticking up for the guy but how many guys win without great QB's? Sometimes the only thing a coach needs to do is not mess up a good thing . Will he be coaching soon ? Well he is owed 3 years 20 million...No rush

As mentioned already it was probably just time in DEN eyes considering they ate 20 million wasnt 2008 it was simply time for a fresh start and the collapse was a good media excuse

That needed to be done in Denver. It was just time. Funny thing is, the reports are that he got fired because he wouldn't fire his DC.

If that's true, this guy's a dips**t. Yeah, they keep changing DCs there, but in the last two weeks you gave up like 30 points to Buffalo (Buffalo?!?), at home no less, and 52 to the Chargers. How could that guy even come close to keeping his job with that secondary? Whoever he is, he should have been fired on the plane back to Denver.

In a related story, I have this sick feeling that Shanahan ends up in Cleveland.
Also, wow, what a d*ck. Just as I was typing this, Shanahan was on ESPNews and right after he said how he and Bowlen will be friends forever and all that jazz, he finished with, "I'm sure this was harder on him than it was on me."

He may or may not be a good coach, that's subjective, but that he's massively arrogant shouldn't be much of a question.
That needed to be done in Denver. It was just time. Funny thing is, the reports are that he got fired because he wouldn't fire his DC.

If that's true, this guy's a dips**t. Yeah, they keep changing DCs there, but in the last two weeks you gave up like 30 points to Buffalo (Buffalo?!?), at home no less, and 52 to the Chargers. How could that guy even come close to keeping his job with that secondary? Whoever he is, he should have been fired on the plane back to Denver.

In a related story, I have this sick feeling that Shanahan ends up in Cleveland.

Think about he cant lose . He puts his foot down and looks good for sticking upto his DC or Denver says your fired and pays him 20 million the next 3 seasons . Then he gets to pick whatever job he wants basically.....his stock rose considerable in Denver ....

How many coaches really make a difference in the league ? 6 or so ? Giants told Coughlin to back down and they win the Super Bowl...
Also, wow, what a d*ck. Just as I was typing this, Shanahan was on ESPNews and right after he said how he and Bowlen will be friends forever and all that jazz, he finished with, "I'm sure this was harder on him than it was on me."

He may or may not be a good coach, that's subjective, but that he's massively arrogant shouldn't be much of a question.

Joe he gets 20 MILLION still !! What the fuck would we care ....

Just saying look at the big picture ...
I understand standing by your guys, but if you saw any of the Broncos' last two games, there's no possible way you could defend what that defense became. They had zero heart and the longer games went the less able they were to stop anybody. I'm not sure Buffalo punted in the second half last week.

Let me say that again. Buffalo. The Buffalo Bills. I'm not sure they punted once in the entire second half last week. I'm also not sure SD did on Sunday.

Shanahan has an adjustment problem, in that his teams in recent years don't seem to adjust well especially as the season goes along.

How many times have you seen the Broncos be a team that looks good in the beginning of the season only to fade as the season goes along once teams figure them out? It's an annual thing. This year you can say it was injuries, but hardly as much on the defensive side of things. Teams figure out the Broncos and when that happens, it's time to either make big changes or for that coach to go.