Series/NBA finals game 1-Cap got in a skurmish other day at DC united game


Richmond Local TV Legend
Celts Series (+165) $500/825
biggest wager of 2008 for me... I know some of you bet this a game for me this is a lot of money)

Celts -2.5 (-111) 100/90.09

Under 192 (-112) 100/89.29

Cap been absent for a couple days.
Cap got into an unfortunate occurence at the DC United game yesterday tailgating.
Cap was lucky he did not get an assault charge (although they would have had to charge both parties, and we both said we didnt wanna press charges obviously...his would have been a lot more serious though since he used a fucking beer bottle)
I fucking hate the dynamo and I fucking hate all their deuchebag mostly-hispanic fans.

Basically these fuckbags were playing soccer and me and my 2 buddies were drinkin over at my car. They tried to play a longball over to this dude in the corner, he misplayed it, and it hit my car. No harm, no foul it happens.
Well they hit my car again, this time was on purpose. Cap was not havin that fucking bullshit. It was 4 people of mexican descent, dynamo fans.

So i said fuck you to him and threw a miller lite can at the one that kicked the ball, it missed him, but was close. he came over, got in my face I pushed him and his pussy ass actually took 2 steps backward and fell down, I laughed at him and started talkign shit.
Before I get my first sentence in his boy comes out of the corner of my eye with a fucking 22 and swung it at the side of my fucking head.
I dodged it BARELY thank god but he still got me in my fucking shoulder.

Ive seen people got smashed by beer bottles before, well never me.
My buddy tackled the mexican who hit me, I was more stunned then anything but I saw the beaner who I hit was just gettin up so right as he was gettin his feet I fuckin haymakered his bitch ass right in the jaw and he was down again.

Event staff came running over, cops followed, and even thoguh i put my hands up and said yo its over, they slammed me to the pavement.
We were immediately taken over to this holding tank/center thing, kind of like a mini jail, the 2 beaners and me and my buddy. They gave us some speech about how they could charge us all with assault and him assault w/ deadly weapon, but couldnt find a witness around so basically they were going to kick us out unless we wanted to press charges on eachother. We didnt. They told me I needed to be transported out of there to the hospital for stitches, I agreed, got 23, and here I stand. My shoulder feels like it has a hemmroid on it or something. Its on fire.

Fucking crazy day. :3_9_7:
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THanks man, I agree. Fuck the fakers

Ive posted my thoughts in and around the forum, mostly shortly after the celts win in detroit. Theyre scattered..

Basically I like the under because its game 1 of the finals. Anxiety and nerves will play a factor. I like boston to present some tough defensive looks and lakers trying to adjust and find a way to penetrate it.
Both will be kind of treading lightly, being patient, trying to get a feel for what the other team is trying to establish.

We all know what the matchups are. We've discussed and beat that over the head already.

We know the lakeshow have the SG/PG/Bench/Coaching advantage, while celts will look to get it done with defense and keeping gaysol off the glass.

Defense wins championships. I know kobe wants to win one without shaq but KG wants it more. I'll take the home court advantage and better defensive team.

Gimme celts in 7 games fellas
THanks man, I agree. Fuck the fakers

Ive posted my thoughts in and around the forum, mostly shortly after the celts win in detroit. Theyre scattered..

Basically I like the under because its game 1 of the finals. Anxiety and nerves will play a factor. I like boston to present some tough defensive looks and lakers trying to adjust and find a way to penetrate it.
Both will be kind of treading lightly, being patient, trying to get a feel for what the other team is trying to establish.

We all know what the matchups are. We've discussed and beat that over the head already.

We know the lakeshow have the SG/PG/Bench/Coaching advantage, while celts will look to get it done with defense and keeping gaysol off the glass.

Defense wins championships. I know kobe wants to win one without shaq but KG wants it more. I'll take the home court advantage and better defensive team.

Gimme celts in 7 games fellas

Nice work Bro :cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers::cheers:
throw is just mad about game1 (despite posting it b4)

...i was on the Under and i have the series bet, but i am looking to hedge.

good luck cap and fuck the dynamo "fans" cuz they just bandwagon and pretend to be real all around Texas while i'll be the first to tell you i won't even watch the Revolution unless they're in the finals (25% chance i'll watch it there tho)
way to go Tyson ;)

nice job


Sometimes I wish i wasnt so militant.

It got me into a lot of trouble in the past.

But thanks bro, and congrats on the big win tonight!
Will probably be on your boys again on sunday..... line opened at -2 and I will probably hit that tonight or tomorrow before it goes north.
Marlo- I wonder who the mighty WALLSTREET played tonight. err wait, hes probably waiting till football season...orrr is it baseball season 09....or NBA 09? who knows lol

Brewer- :cheers: BOL on your wagers

counselor- thanks man, hoping i do too..... otherwise i will be done wagering for a bit. 500 is a penny to some but a good chunk for others of us. if i lose ill be set back pretty good.

Warner, do not hedge your series bet. The way the celtics won tonight is what theyll look to do all series. Make kobe dish the ball, keep odom/gaysol off the glass, and limit fakers penetration, keeping them out of the paint and forcing them to take perimeter shots. Nice hit on the under too :cheers:
cap don't get into any more fights ok?

unless you can post pics, that'll be fine.

i agree with you 100%, don't take shit from anyone.
Next time take his shoe off and give him a beating with the shoe and then take the shoe with you. It is called an old school beating. You have a suovenir and he is walking with one show and people know he ran into Cap who gave him an old school beating
Cap, you should have "Hooligan" under your name, now...I think you qualify, now, right?


"green street hooligans" is a somewhat entertaining movie about soccer/futbol firms in england. Stars the guy who plays frodo baggins in the hobbit movie , if i remember right.

GOOD movie kyle.

Except DC united fans are softttt compared to how it goes over there....they go hard in europe.

this is why players from the EPL and spanish primera come to the MLS to die. lol.

Looking at the stats for tonights game and I really like the celts, but a billion people that i dont want to go against are on the fakers.
everyone is on the fakers..... will have a play later.
you can see Wallstreet getting pummeled by the guy in the tan jacket on the bottom right. LOL.