Seems Like Marc Stein Is The Only Sensible NBA Analyst On ESPN

Gorgolon Lives

The Reverend of CTG
The full league report and predictions are out. Honestly, who cares?

9 out of 10 of them picked Toronto to finish ahead of New Jersey, except for Stein of course. And there's no coincidence that he is the best of this group. First of all, who is Jemele Hill and Chris Broussard? And why do I care what they think?

Now to get to the Toronto/New Jersey debate, and why I would bet significant money that the Nets finish ahead of Toronto. We saw last year that aside from Toronto's inexperience, their defense was piss poor. The starting roster adds Kapono, who may be the East's WORST defender at the 3 position. It also adds Bargnarni, who I like, but who also cannot play defense or rebound at this point in his career. Yes, New Jersey has some players returning from injury last season, but predicting that a team won't be healthy in a given year is impossible! Day 1's starting roster has Kidd, Carter, Jefferson, Kristic, and Collins/Magloire splitting Center time. And that is a roster that can compete in the East.

Here's what Jemele Hill has to say about Toronto:

It's very possible this team will take a step forward without their record reflecting it. Chris Bosh's disappointing playoff performance should be a motivator. This will be one of those teams no one wants to see in the playoffs.

1. How can a team get better, but their record to stay the same?

2. How can Chris Bosh possibly do anything more than he did last year? He carried Toronto down the stretch. His numbers: 22.6 PPG, 10.7 RBG, 1.3 BPG, Nearly 50% FG.

3. Why wouldn't I want to face this team in the playoffs? We saw how poorly they played last season. Their roster may be a decent regular season roster, but when playoff time comes, especially in the EAST, it's all about defense, toughness, and half-court sets. The Raptors simply aren't built for the playoffs. They are built like the Suns without the Suns' talent.
I think Toronto finishes ahead of new jersey. Do I have no sense? This is he same nets roster that it has been in years past except they are all older. They haven't been able to put it together; why should I beleive that they will this year. There is no way their 3 stars stay healthy, every single one of them have been injury prone for a few years now. A younger healthier toronto beats them out in the regular season.
The injuries to Bargnani and garbo were significant in the NJ series.

People in Toronto and those outside of Toronto who believe Bosh will be THE ONE to take the Raptors deep into the play-offs are delusional. Bosh is and will keep us afloat during the regular season, but give a team a series against Bosh. Thats a different story.

Bargnani has to be the guy to lead us. He has to be the guy to take over a game late in the 4th. He has to be the guy that his teammates have confidence in to go deep into the play-offs.

Bargnani is the only unguardable player on the Raptors. Watch his games with Benetton 2 years ago. He was the new guy that tried to fit, but in the play-offs there was no denying his presence. he simply took over during the Euro Championships as a 20 year old.

I am confident that NJ does not win the series IF Bargnani and Garbo are healthy.
Wow, just wow.

Ok I don't post in the NBA Forum much but I do try to provide some tips on the Raptors and I truely disagree with this response.

First off, how the hell were the Raps piss poor on Defense? I am absolutely curious where you got that conclusion from. Statistically wise, the Raps and Nets were very similar in most categories. Also, the Raps have much more versatility than that of the Nets.

Another thing, the Raps major loss was Mo Pete who ideally was just a perimeter threat that the Raps could cover. Nets on the other hand loss Mikki Moore who i thought was probably one of the key reasons for their late success. You think Collins does anything useful? Sure Magloire comes into the frey....but how did a guy who has stable as a Hornet all of a sudden get thrown around?

Perhaps the Nets are better than the Raps but your analysis was poor. You did not provide statistical evidence to suggest any sort of attack. You are basing your opinion on ONE reporter who also is basing his pick on the health status of Garbojosa and Bosh but yet he doesn't even bother to mention the health status of Jefferson, Kidd, Carter all 3 of whom have had far worse injuries to deal with than any Toronto player.
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im with you on the nets believe. i think they can give boston all they can handle for division but fall just short.
I think the Nets are going to suffer from losing Mikki Moore. That guy was huge for them in the Raptors series.

I also agree on Bargnani, but you can say that about a lot of guys--they 'should' take over.

He may or may not, but until he does, it's up to Bosh who was really the only threat Toronto possessed in that series.

Also, I'm not convinced NJ is coached better than Toronto.

For reasons that boggle the mind, NJ wanted to run the offense through Vince Carter in the playoffs last year. Hello, his name is Jason Kidd, he's only one of the best distributors in the game. Why, in the good name of all that is holy on this planet, would you basically turn him into a jump shooter?

Particularly when Vince is clutch about once every three games. If Vince could pull it off every game, then you may have an argument, but he can't, he's never been able to, so why he suddenly should be able to now remains a total mystery to me.
Let's get one thing straight. Raptors may have improved their defense a little last year but they are NOT a good defensive team whatsoever. This is just my opinion, but the type of game plan that they have implemented (looking back at the previous 5 years) is DEFINITELY NOT DEFENSIVE MINDED.

I agree with Believe here. I think the Nets beat out the Raptors...

Only time will tell
Let's get one thing straight. Raptors may have improved their defense a little last year but they are NOT a good defensive team whatsoever. This is just my opinion, but the type of game plan that they have implemented (looking back at the previous 5 years) is DEFINITELY NOT DEFENSIVE MINDED.

I agree with Believe here. I think the Nets beat out the Raptors...

Only time will tell

they've never been a defensive team but i'm arguing against how believe claims that the 2006/2007 saw a "piss poor" defensive team when infact Nets were not far off. Both teams held opposition just around the 98 point mark.
they've never been a defensive team but i'm arguing against how believe claims that the 2006/2007 saw a "piss poor" defensive team when infact Nets were not far off. Both teams held opposition just around the 98 point mark.

Ah I see... that's cool, I guess we just have differing opinions on the matter, but it's all good.
If anybody really wants the stats then take a look.

Toronto was a better team on defense than New Jersey last year when you look at the all important defensive effiency rankings.
I watched a ton of basketball last year (thanks to a certain member who is not here anymore--who I hope could get a second chance). Down the stretch I saw a poor Raptors defense, namely in transition. I can't see them improving in that area this year, because Kapono can't defend for shit, and Barny just isn't physical enough to battle underneath.

I understand Toronto Mike's passion for his home team. But the whole Mikki Moore thing...He had a breakout season last year, and really played well in the Raptors series, but Krstic (albeit off a serious injury) is back this year. He is a legit 15-20pt and 10 rebound guy. Magloire is alittle older now, but he's serviceable. Collins is just a big body to rebound and offer 6 fouls at the center spot. Also, I didn't compare the Nets D last year to the Raps D. The Nets have a much different looking team than last season with Jefferson and Kristic ready to go.

And I'll also add that I do agree Bargnarni is an offensive threat. He can legitimately hit the outside shot. I just don't know if him alongside Bosh is a capable front line thats physical enough.
Nets are not going to "suffer" from losing career journeyman Mikki Moore. Kristic is back and with coupled with the addition of Magloire the Nets will be just fine. Mikki Moore like Kenyon Martin should be thanking their lucky stars that they played with the best pg of his era: Jason Kidd as he is the reason why they looked so good playing with the Nets and subsequently cashed in on it. It is possible for a team to be better than the previous season but not show it in terms of their record, if the entire conference is better than the year before.
Mikki Moore like Kenyon Martin should be thanking their lucky stars that they played with the best pg of his era: Jason Kidd as he is the reason why they looked so good playing with the Nets and subsequently cashed in on it.

I completely agree with that.

And he may not exactly be missed night in and night out during the regular season with its ever-increasing pointlessness. That said, he's an effort guy, and you need guys like that when it comes time for the playoffs. The guys who will basically do whatever a guy like Kidd tells them to do.

I don't blame Mikki Moore for cashing in, he's put in the years to get that contract and he deserved it, but I have a feeling you're not going to hear much from him ever again precisely for the reason you say, because he's not with Kidd.

But just as the Pistons lost in the playoffs, in large part, because they were without not just the play, but the attitude and effort of Ben Wallace, I think if we're talking playoffs the Nets aren't as threatening without replacing what they get from Mikki Moore.
Nets are not going to "suffer" from losing career journeyman Mikki Moore. Kristic is back and with coupled with the addition of Magloire the Nets will be just fine. Mikki Moore like Kenyon Martin should be thanking their lucky stars that they played with the best pg of his era: Jason Kidd as he is the reason why they looked so good playing with the Nets and subsequently cashed in on it. It is possible for a team to be better than the previous season but not show it in terms of their record, if the entire conference is better than the year before.

How Ya doing? Great thoughts! Hope to see u in the NBA forum.
Doing quite fine, will definitely be in the NBA forum, I am a hoops junkie(high school, college, nba, not ashamed to admit womens hoops as well: at least at the college level). I do agree with you Joe Public that Moore was/is definitely an effort guy and I am not blaming him or at least I hope it did not appear that way for cashing in. Moore is a good guy who has worked on his game, I just think that with Magloire and a healthy Kristic, and more minutes for Josh Boone, they Nets will be ready come playoff time. The key for them will be health, Kidd despite his greatness is no spring chicken, Vince Carter is always one injury away and Jefferson has had some unfortunate luck with injuries recently. I like what Colangelo is doing with the Raptors but I do not believe they are ready to take that next step quite yet. BTW love your "What have we learned writeups about the NFL". GL to all this NBA Season, only a few days away, and college hoops is vastly approaching as well, it's freaking Christmas time for me with all this hoops action.