Second in a series - Top 30 RB units...


CTG Regular
This is going to be the second in a series where I project my Top-30 units at each position going into the start of fall camp. Tonight, it's the running backs. I don't see how anyone can argue with Arkansas at the top - in fact I'd say this is as close to a sure thing as there is in possibly all of the unit rankings...

1. Arkansas
2. West Virginia
3. Clemson
4. Oregon
5. Navy
6. Texas A&M
7. Wisconsin
8. Arizona State
9. Michigan
10. Georgia
11. Louisiana State
12. Texas
13. Northwestern
14. Mississippi
15. Boise State
16. Georgia Tech
17. Miami (Florida)
18. Ohio State
19. Southern California
20. Virginia Tech
21. Idaho
22. Iowa
23. Rutgers
24. North Carolina State
25. Oklahoma
26. Oregon State
27. Texas El Paso
28. Louisville
29. Florida State
30. Central Michigan
I would agree with most of top 10..I'd maybe slide Ohio State in top 10 though as well...but that is arguable..good list.
No homer remark but I'd definitely move Miami up to 13ish. Cooper (true Fresh) is going to be the next real deal and he's splitting time with Edge's little cousin all year.
Solid, but Michigan State would be about number 15 on my list

Calcrick, Ringer and Jimmerson are a potent trio.
11. Louisiana State

-- LSU is so freaking deep at RB, it makes me wish there was free agency or trades to work out. Williams, Scott, Murphy... Hester can be a true FB this season. Flynn will succeed, and that along with Tolliver and Doucet will open up the run game.
Backing Dog here, while Devine is doing very well at camp he is being used as more of the flanker at this point as wellas backing Slaton (via local papers covering camp). Also, the simple fact that Slaton is a bad ass!
Can't get too excited about Mishitgan State RB's... They haven't had a 1,000 yard rusher since 01 (blame that perhaps on coaching regime when Williams was there and Smith's lack of a fullback)... I do like Ringer and his backups are capable but this is a middle-of-the-road Big 10 backfield, and that does not constitute top 30 in America, in my opinion...

Capn - you're nuts if you think I would switch Arkansas with anyone. And you're even MORE nuts if you think Slaton will be relegated to the bench by a true freshman troublemaker...

BlueChip - Losing Broussard actually hurt LSU. I realize that Broussard rushed for almost 400 as a true frosh in 2003, broke the school record with 250 vs. Ole Miss with 250 and led... and since then, injuries slowed him down. Coupled with ridiculous depth, it was going to be hard for him to get back out there. But his leadership is going to be the big thing they miss this season. Yes, they have depth out the ass but all of those kids are young and I think it will take them time to sort out who's gonna get the carries...

Mags - Gotta see the freshman kid for Miami play before they go any higher. Potential upside is great and they could easily be top 10 by midseason - but going in, frosh are always at a disadvantage on these lists because of the unknown.

UConn is a middle of the road Big East backfield; they lost two backs to the Niffel and Brown is still quite young. He might eclipse 1,000 yards but I rank them on par with Pitt, and behind West Virginia, Louisville and Rutgers.

Thanks for the responses fellas. Keep 'em coming...
Brian Leonard was one special back. A four-year starter who did virtually whatever was asked of him. Led them in rushing as a true in 2003, then was injured in 2004 but still led them and was First Team All-Big East. He shared the load with Rice the last two years but without him this fall, there is an appreciable drop-off in proven commodities after Rice. While I think he's a top 10 or 12 back, the unit is rated lower because I think you can never overestimate the power of a senior leader, which is what Leonard gave them last year.
Sorry Rex, your way off on MSU's running backs. I understand going with history of a spread offense but as a group they are top 3-4 in a talented big-ten. Like, I love Mike Hart, but I would go with that trio over one back at UM(obviously injury concerns).

Ringer has as much talent as anyone, Caulcrick has just been underused in that garbage system they employed and Jimmerson is very adeqeute.

Tough to justify anyone in slots 21-30 over this group.
Might be a little homer in me CKR but i would probally move Wisconsin into the top 5. They got Hill, Lance Smith, and VHT John Clay. I love using Phil Steeles abbreviations haha
Yeah I get a kick out of HT and VHT as well - they are part of my vernacular when discussing footsies to friends.

Maybe you're right BAR but I just don't see it. Only time will tell, and D'Antonio will certainly try to establish the run, so I guess we'll find out.

But they cannot be ranked above any of the five Big 10 teams I listed here. And yes, while Northwestern and Michigan don't exacly have a lot of depth, they more than make up for in star power out of the starter; hence, the high rankings.
BlueChip - Losing Broussard actually hurt LSU. I realize that Broussard rushed for almost 400 as a true frosh in 2003, broke the school record with 250 vs. Ole Miss with 250 and led... and since then, injuries slowed him down. Coupled with ridiculous depth, it was going to be hard for him to get back out there. But his leadership is going to be the big thing they miss this season. Yes, they have depth out the ass but all of those kids are young and I think it will take them time to sort out who's gonna get the carries...

Scott is solid and Murphy has impressive speed, but Williams is the #1 RB. He has the carries from last season, and there are no doubts/questioning by anyone on the coaching staff. Sure, Miles/Crowton will use Murphy's speed on some plays, Scott will give Willams rest in-game, and Hester will be a full-time FB (Miles already said this). So, I don't think the carrying duty is in need of sorting.

Also, Hester is a senior. I know Hester is not Broussard, but the experience is there. I do not ever remember reading an article where Williams/Scott/Murphy talked about Broussard's leadership ability (other than the sympathy crap when he left the team). In fact, Broussard had threatened to leave the team multiple times, so I don't believe LSU misses a step with AB's departure.
glad to see that the boys from state are on there...

thought they may be a little higher with baker, brown (both future nifflers) and eugene in the backfield...i see a big season from all 3 with the focus shifting to the run with the lack of the qb at state...