SEC Week 10 Discussion


Head of Alabama Department of Decision-Making
Week 10 games:

aTm vs UTSA

UGA vs Florida

Miss St @ Arky

Ole Miss @ AU

Tenn vs UAB

Vandy @ SC

PR lines:

UGA -4

Miss St -7

AU -19

SC -16.5

And since it will probably be discussed, I have Alabama -10.5 if Tua plays
At first glance, can't find anything of interest from a situational perspective. Potential letdown for AU, but it is their first home game in a month and they have a bye next week
Jumping ahead a week. Seeing the kick for LSU / Bama is set for 2:30. I know CBS has flexed its SEC kicks to prime time in the past. Really surprised they didn't do so in this case. I may be missing something.
They get one night kick per year and I believe they have to designate which weekend it will be prior to the season. Due to the one sided early November tilt as of late, this year they selected Georgia-Notre Dame.

In 2011 they had already used the primetime kick before LSU-Alabama but they were able to negotiate some kind of deal. I suppose they couldn’t pull it off this time, or weren’t interested in paying whatever that price is.
They get one night kick per year and I believe they have to designate which weekend it will be prior to the season. Due to the one sided early November tilt as of late, this year they selected Georgia-Notre Dame.

In 2011 they had already used the primetime kick before LSU-Alabama but they were able to negotiate some kind of deal. I suppose they couldn’t pull it off this time, or weren’t interested in paying whatever that price is.

I think they knew that the UGA-ND game was guaranteed to bring in massive amounts of eyeballs, given the ND fanbase, so they jumped at it. I can't remember the exact terms from the 2011 deal, but I think they had to grant ESPN first choice of games for a week or two the following season in addition to paying a ton of money. I know CBS has the most profitable deal with a conference right now, so maybe they figured they need to save for when the deal comes up for renewal, because it's going to cost them a ton
Are you talking about Brennan Eagles or someone else / others?

Looks like Herman may have lost the team. For a guy who doesn't mind letting you know that he's the smartest guy in the room, Herman doesn't have many answers right now. Outside of Ehlinger, there is no none / zero leadership on the team and that certainly isn't helping matters.
Plumlee will almost certainly not play this week against Auburn.

In his press conference today, Luke said that Plumlee will practice tomorrow. I have my doubts. If you’re betting this one then you have to assume that Corral gets the majority of the reps for Ole Miss.
Are you talking about Brennan Eagles or someone else / others?

Looks like Herman may have lost the team. For a guy who doesn't mind letting you know that he's the smartest guy in the room, Herman doesn't have many answers right now. Outside of Ehlinger, there is no none / zero leadership on the team and that certainly isn't helping matters.
Been on your boards. I trust you on UT better than anyone.
Can be put in Recruiting, but this is too good..

LSU picks up a commit from a 2022 kid

Decoldest rumor is middle name is Todoiteva
Everyone is now like "WTF" and is Herman in over his skis? TCU was a big game after back-to-back crap performances. Could / would the coordinators adjust and put the personnel is the right place(s) to win the game? But in many respects, they (the players and coaches) just looked lost, again . And when the most reliable player on the team, Ehlinger, becomes as unreliable as anyone the flags really start going up.

I've not heard of any widespread dissension internally. Several key players will be healthy after this week's bye. But if we lose to K-State in the next game, things may really go south.
Not to serial SEC thread sorry GPS

One more thing.....I see a lot of Herman had an open checkbook and brought “these” COs
Texas always offers an open checkbook. We bleed money. Yay. Look where it's got us over the last decade.

It's that Mack Brown thing. Recall that Herman was a GA under Brown in '98. I fear that TH is carrying some of that baggage with him. As in, getting too tied in to relationships with your coordinators.

At the end of the day, what did Michael Corleone say, it's business, not personal. Well, we will see how Herman handles related things.

On to the SEC.
No one has mentioned it here, but I would be stunned if Tennessee comes out flat this weekend. Would normally be a spot you could see them overlooking someone but not after what happened earlier this year and how they are playing now. Vols -10.5 seems too easy, but I like them and UGA a decent amount this week.
They get one night kick per year and I believe they have to designate which weekend it will be prior to the season. Due to the one sided early November tilt as of late, this year they selected Georgia-Notre Dame.

In 2011 they had already used the primetime kick before LSU-Alabama but they were able to negotiate some kind of deal. I suppose they couldn’t pull it off this time, or weren’t interested in paying whatever that price is.
They made the right decision before the year as well. Obviously it sucks now, but that's their contract.
No one has mentioned it here, but I would be stunned if Tennessee comes out flat this weekend. Would normally be a spot you could see them overlooking someone but not after what happened earlier this year and how they are playing now. Vols -10.5 seems too easy, but I like them and UGA a decent amount this week.

I've been down on UAB...and been wrong a lot in that respect.

They have played such a shit schedule, I think Alabama State could've beaten most of those teams.

This is the spot that UAB finally plays a team that has some talent, size and speed...and this is the time I should go against them rather than going against them with some collection of awful CUSA teams, but I'm gun shy now.

Really consider who UAB has been playing...ODU, UTSA, Rice, WKU (lost), South Alabama, Akron - the teams there they beat are a combined 5-36 I believe.
That is big. Dude should have been starting. Damn boosters politicking for the favored son.

I mean Nix isn't good, but I'm not sure Gatewood is either. But, I hear there were many on the team who felt the same way as Gatewood, so something to monitor for sure
Also, Saban said today that Tua will be back at practice, will be a gametime decision as to whether he'll play next weekend
I mean Nix isn't good, but I'm not sure Gatewood is either. But, I hear there were many on the team who felt the same way as Gatewood, so something to monitor for sure
I'm hearing this is affecting AU recruiting.
Alabama and FSU have agreed to a home and home series in 2025 and 2026. If this holds, we'll play both FSU and Wisconsin in 2025, and FSU and WVU in 2026
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Alabama and FSU have agreed to a home and home series in 2025 and 2026. If this holds, we'll play both FSU and Wisconsin in 2025, and FSU and WVU in 2026
Unless a 1-loss Bama gets left out of the playoff this year (highly unlikely), there is no reason for those sets of games in 2025/2026.

Those will change. Especially if FSU rebounds into a top ten team.
Unless a 1-loss Bama gets left out of the playoff this year (highly unlikely), there is no reason for those sets of games in 2025/2026.

Those will change. Especially if FSU rebounds into a top ten team.

I think the only way it changes if there are coaching changes, which is entirely possible at both schools
Fwiw, that is a whole nother thread for a great topic...home n homes and whether they are worth it in the playoff era...
I look forward to the “Bama doesn’t play anyone” narratives those years because we play Chattanooga in week 11
I'm all over FLA this week, unfortunately, I see a lot of pundits thinking the same way.
I took the under in MessySt/Arkie. Both teams have horrible D stats, but I don't think the O's can take advantage.
I'm all over FLA this week, unfortunately, I see a lot of pundits thinking the same way.
I took the under in MessySt/Arkie. Both teams have horrible D stats, but I don't think the O's can take advantage.
UGA across the board is better personnel wise, but Mullen is just on a different level scheme wise. Dude can coach his A$$ off.

Opposite on the total. Just think scoring will be plenty. Thinking mid 60s. 38-28 type game. Think Hill reintroduces himself to the SEC. He is due for a breakout game and Arky is what the Dr ordered.

Like your Aggies to run it up early. 24 is steep 1H, but Jimbo has been known to fine tune against lesser opponents.

AU/OM intrigues me. Can see that going any which way. Layoff for me, but could be a good watch.

How does USCe not curb stomp Vandy?

Took TN early at 9.5. Wished I would have put up more, but line is unbeatable at current number to me. UAB is just pesky.
Opposite on the total. Just think scoring will be plenty. Thinking mid 60s. 38-28 type game. Think Hill reintroduces himself to the SEC. He is due for a breakout game and Arky is what the Dr ordered.

Like your Aggies to run it up early. 24 is steep 1H, but Jimbo has been known to fine tune against lesser opponents.
Won't surprise me if the over hits. I guess the ugly from both teams sticks in my brain.

I wish the Ags were playing USCe, then UTSA, before the season ending fun of UGA/LSU.
I remember being ragged about saying I didn't think UGA was all that. I haven't dug the thread up , but where are the sunshine pumpers after the dawgs threw up sooner than I suspected?
As I said earlier in the season, I like Jimbo. I'm all in on him, but the team looks flat sometimes and that bothers me.
Won't surprise me if the over hits. I guess the ugly from both teams sticks in my brain.

I wish the Ags were playing USCe, then UTSA, before the season ending fun of UGA/LSU.
I remember being ragged about saying I didn't think UGA was all that. I haven't dug the thread up , but where are the sunshine pumpers after the dawgs threw up sooner than I suspected?
As I said earlier in the season, I like Jimbo. I'm all in on him, but the team looks flat sometimes and that bothers me.
The D is bad, but the entire SEC seems to be down D wise (exceptions). He is muddling with the prior regimes players. Let him get his legs under him. I have no doubt he’ll deliver. Dude is solid.