Sean Taylor Died

I agree. From the news reports, it seems that he was targeted and obviously must have had some enemies.
I aint buying it that he died because "they couldnt stop the bleeding". Thats bullshit. He was in surgery for 7 HRS.? I am willing to bet you that he died because of a blood clot induced by the surgery. Ofcoarse the hospital will never own up to it. I had a brother that died in that very same shit hole hospital "Jackson Memmorial" also because they couldnt stop a bleeding after he was involved in a motorcycle wreck.

This is really a very sad and tragic story. My thoughts and prayers are with the family.
RIP Sean Taylor

Good article on Taylor

Very good article about Sean Taylor. While Sean Taylor certainly didn't deserve this fate, this article lends some perspective. Let's all pray for him, his fiancee and his daughter.

quote from Michael Wilbon inside the article:

My colleague, Post columnist and ESPN broadcaster Michael Wilbon was asked about Taylor during his weekly internet web site discussion Monday and said, "I've known guys like Taylor all my life, grew up with some. They still have shades of gray and shouldn't be painted in black and white.

"I know how I feel about Taylor, and this latest news isn't surprising in the least, not to me. Whether this incident is or isn't random, Taylor grew up in a violent world, embraced it, claimed it, loved to run in it and refused to divorce himself from it. He ain't the first and won't be the last. We have no idea what happened, or if what we know now will be revised later. It's sad, yes, but hardly surprising."
RIP Sean Taylor

guy was an amazing athelete and hit like no other.

will be missed in the league and my everyone!
My thoughts are certainly not with his family, and praying is silly, but this is certainly a sad story. Curious to see the details of what the story was behind this.
My thoughts are certainly not with his family, and praying is silly, but this is certainly a sad story. Curious to see the details of what the story was behind this.

okay Killa. that's enough.

Folks are commiserating, and no one's demanding you do the same. Every time someone mentions prayer now, you feel the need to shit on it. No one's telling you to pray, and no one's forcing you to hear any. Please stop being a prick about other people doing it.

I'm requesting some minute courtesy here. You might have heard about manners. Try them out.
Is my iconoclasm is upsetting people again? I'm sorry.

I won't lie and say that I'm thinking about the Taylors today or that I'm deeply and personally saddened by this person's death, because that isn't what I feel. I said it was a very sad story and I'm curious to know the truth behind what happened.

Have a nice day, I love you.
I aint buying it that he died because "they couldnt stop the bleeding". Thats bullshit. He was in surgery for 7 HRS.? I am willing to bet you that he died because of a blood clot induced by the surgery. Ofcoarse the hospital will never own up to it. I had a brother that died in that very same shit hole hospital "Jackson Memmorial" also because they couldnt stop a bleeding after he was involved in a motorcycle wreck.

This is really a very sad and tragic story. My thoughts and prayers are with the family.

Very interesting point of view on teh death of taylor. For teh people that live or have lived in miami area, is Jackson Memorial that big of a problem hospital?

If it was a blood clot that killed him, would there be any way to prevent it from happening. Excuse me ignorence on the matter as i am not medically intelligent.

RIP and best wishes for teh family.
Clinton Portis is changing his number to 21, nice gesture. This situation is soo awful, I just hope they figure everything out ASAP, so it doesn't drag on for the family.
Is my iconoclasm is upsetting people again? I'm sorry.

I won't lie and say that I'm thinking about the Taylors today or that I'm deeply and personally saddened by this person's death, because that isn't what I feel. I said it was a very sad story and I'm curious to know the truth behind what happened.

Have a nice day, I love you.

I'm not a big fan of religion too bro, but man, sometimes you don't have to try and prove your point, especially when the guy just got murdered. Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing.
Is my iconoclasm is upsetting people again? I'm sorry.

I won't lie and say that I'm thinking about the Taylors today or that I'm deeply and personally saddened by this person's death, because that isn't what I feel. I said it was a very sad story and I'm curious to know the truth behind what happened.

Have a nice day, I love you.

The more intellectual you try to sound, the more of the horses ass you show. Dont push it.
The more intellectual you try to sound, the more of the horses ass you show. Dont push it.

Hey, don't bring me into this! I don't even know what iconoclasm is.<!-- / message --><!-- sig -->
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There Is Some Huge Money To Make Off This. Thats All I Know. Redskins Are Done- Stick A Fork In These Boys
He Won"t Even Be Buried By Then- Your Crazy. Do You Think They Are Preparing For The Game Or Crying
dont matter i know its different but look at what Favre did when his dad passed look at what the broncos did this year to give tribute to D.Williams and Nash. I know this is totally different but this can go both ways.

1. They come out like shit and lose by 30

2. They come out and play the game of their lives in tribute,

GL on whatever you do because I think your hoping for #1
There is no way the team can play the game of their lives. This is a team were talking about not an individual dealing with a problem.

There is no way WASH will cover 5.5
think they rise to the occasion

This week, absolutely.

I just wish the Bills would have waited a week to swap out Losman. Skins win this week, probably pretty easily.

But it goes downhill from there.
Yet another perspective on Taylor

Ryan Clark Remembers His Friend

</MTWEBLOGPOSTIFSHOW>Ryan Clark was probably Sean Taylor's closest friend during their two years together on the Washington Redskins (2004-2005). Sean made 53 NFL starts - 22 of them were with Clark by his side (rookie LaRon Landry has the second-most starts with Sean, just 9). Numerous Redskins teammates said that Clark was a calming, soothing influence on Taylor, and a devout Christian who played a role in Sean becoming more interested in his faith.
Clark helped Sean with in-game adjustments, was the player who reached out to him the most and the player who got through to him the most. When Clark was allowed to depart in free agency in March 2006, most Redskins veterans took it as a massive blow to team chemistry, and when Taylor struggled with new partner Adam Archuleta in 2006, some said privately that Taylor was brooding over the loss of his friend. (Taylor downplayed the importance of Clark to his development during training camp, when Sean made his only real public comments of the season, but a bevy of current and former teammates believe Clark was a tremendous positive force in his life. "I don't think anybody in the NFL is tied to each other," Taylor said at the time)
Before Sean's daughter was born, he would spend nights playing video games with Clark's kids. Sean's fiancée, Jackie, became close with Clark's wife. Taylor ate meals at Clark's house, and began to make positive changes in his life. And this morning, a friend of Taylor's fiancée called the Clarks - who now reside in Pittsburgh with Ryan a safety for the Steelers - to tell them their friend was dead.
Clark had missed a few phone calls very early in the morning from former Redskin Antonio Pierce, now a standout linebacker with the NY Giants, and went to bed last night fearing the worst. Three times this season he sent Taylor text messages, but never heard back, not unusual for Sean "I usually let him be during the season when we play our ball."
So their last conversation came during Pittsburgh's preseason game at FedEx Field Aug. 18..
"We talked for 30 minutes before the game, just sharing stories and laughing," Clark said on his cellphone tonight, "and it was good man, and I thank the Lord for that last opportunity to let him know how I felt about him, and he let me know how he felt about me and we moved on from there. He seemed like he'd changes a lot and matured and he was playing incredible football this year."
The Clarks reached out to Sean's fiancée and daughter today, sending their love. "We just wanted to let his girls know that we were here for them and they always can always call on us. The people you worry about - the people who really matter, are his fiancée and his daughter. Sean was a good father and good man and he basically lost his life making sure they were okay and checking on them." Ryan also spoke with several of his former coaches in Washington on the phone today, including Gregg Williams, assistant head coach - defense, safeties coach Steve Jackson and special teams coach Danny Smith.
"Every time they show something about his they show his legalities and things like that, but that's not who he was," Clark said. "it paints a picture like he lived a certain way, so he deserved to go a certain way. But he was a good man and good talent who had become a great man, and I'm said all the people want to focus on is the negative. He was a 24-year-old kid, a brother and a father who passed away.
"All you can do now is lean on your faith and I know Sean did get the opportunity to get right with God and he did get the opportunity to change his life and you have to take the approach that Sean would have taken and that's that he's moved on and he's going to be watching us all now, and if you have faith then you have to believe that he is better off there than he was here."
In my last conversation with Sean, in an impromptu group setting after that Aug. 16 practice, he did elaborate on his mindset coming into this season, one that resulted in what was clearly his best season ever.
"It's almost like we play a kid's game for a king's ransom, and if you don't take it seriously enough, one day you're going to say, 'Oh, I could have did this, or I could have did that.' " Taylor said. "I'll just say that I'm healthy right now, and I'm going into my fourth year, so why not do the best that I can? Whether it's eating right, whether it's training myself right, or whether it's studying harder. It's whatever I can do to better myself."

the posting above is from the Washington Post:
Clinton Portis is changing his number to 21, nice gesture. This situation is soo awful, I just hope they figure everything out ASAP, so it doesn't drag on for the family.

Thought maybe they should have retired his #, or at least just not make it available for another else in the history of the franchise.
"Its a sad day for sports fans everywhere, it sucks cause whether your a movie star, pro athelete, or somebody who is doing good in life and making money, there is always someone who can provide for themselves, and dont want to get a job and be lazy and want to hurt someone else and take what they have cause they cant get off there ass an get motivated to do something with there life" Sean Taylor was a hell of an athlete and person and new father, and now his child want ever get to experience life with him, because of some sore low life. its truly sad. 2 NFL players have been shot killed this year and for what? cause they play the game they love, and make a lot money doing it. Sad
More Information About That Horrible Night

[FONT=Times New Roman,times,serif]From Jason La Canfora, Redskins beat writer for the Washington Post:[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,times,serif][/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman,times,serif]Okay, I think this is going to be it for me until tomorrow. I am pretty wiped out.[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,times,serif]Wanted to get a few more pieces of info up before I crashed and went to bed.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman,times,serif]Spoke to Richard Sharpstein, Sean's lawyer and de facto family spokesperson at this point. He cleared a few things up.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman,times,serif]Sean did have an alarm system on his home, Sharpstein said, but it was not engaged that night. Sharpstein said he spoke to Jackle, Sean's girlfriend, about that evening and she said that here sister had been staying with them and coming and going from the house, so Sharpstein said that may have been why the alarm was not on at that time. [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman,times,serif]Sharpstein said that Jackie had difficulty getting a dial tone and struggled to make the 911 call then "scurried to get her cellphone," and made the call from that.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman,times,serif]However, Sharpstein said he could not say for certain whether the intruders had actually cut the phone lines at the house, as some have reported, and Sharpstein said the police were investigating that aspect of the case. [/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman,times,serif]Sharpstein said that at the time the person or persons entered the house, making a noise in the living room that startled Sean and his wife, Sean's baby was in her crib. However, as they heard the clutter Sean reached for the machete under his bed - he is prohibited from having a firearm from his prior felony weapons charge - his girlfriend grabbed the baby from the crib and put her in bed with her (I believe Jackie was attempting to shield her from whatever was to come, but my last conversation with Richard was cut short and I could not get that 100 percent verified).[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman,times,serif]Jackie, Sean and the baby were the only three people in the house at the time of the murder. Sharpstein said the intruder/intruders kicked in the door, immediately fired two shots into the bedroom - one of which struck Sean, ultimately killing him - the retreated without ever entering the bedroom.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman,times,serif]Spoke to a few Redskins on the drive home from The Park. They said that it is not unusual at all for a player to return home the weekend when hurt and it was not surprising to them at all that Sean was there. They said that they did not get the sense from Sean that week that he was worried there was going to be another attack on his house and that they never got the sense that any of the issues he faced two years ago over the ATVs was at the forefront of his mind or that he thought there would be some carry over from that.[/FONT]

[FONT=Times New Roman,times,serif]Tackle Cornelius Griffin said: "If Sean thought there was a chance that something was going to happen, there is no way he would have put his family in danger. No way. I don't believe that for one minute."[/FONT]
[FONT=Times New Roman,times,serif]Moving on is not going to be easy.[/FONT]
joebren, have your Skins scout PM me here at CTG, thanks in advance

Re: taylor's death, i would imagine some foul play involved
Nice Sean Taylor Story

Brian Moorman Remembers

</MTWEBLOGPOSTIFSHOW>Sean Taylor slammed his body into more than his fair share of wide receivers and running backs and tight ends over the years, but the hit that's stamped into plenty of minds involves a punter. Yeah, a punter. At the Pro Bowl. Yeah, the Pro Bowl. The Bills' Brian Moorman, a former national champion hurdler and a member of the NCAA Division II Track and Field Hall of Fame, was carrying the ball on a fake punt. I'll let his teammates take over from there.

"I was watching it," safety George Wilson said. "I jumped up off the couch and was like, "OH MY GOODNESS!"

"At first when I had seen it I was like, 'Man, Sean just hit somebody so HARD, who was tha....oh that's Brian MOORMAN. Oh, Snap!'" cornerback Jabari Greer said.

"Some of the guys thought his jaw was broken," Josh Reed said. "I mean, did you see the hit?"

"That's what made him the player he was, that type of take-no-prisoners, cutthroat mentality," Coy Wire said. "As a football player, you've got to respect that. It's unfortunate that he had to do it to our punter."

To his eternal credit, Moorman immediately popped up off the ground and ran straight over to Taylor, just to let him know he wasn't still on the turf. "Nice hit," Moorman said he told Taylor, who was too busy celebrating to respond. They never managed to discuss the hit.
Moorman, of course, got a bit of playful kidding from teammates when they gathered for offseason workouts. "I'm like, 'What were you thinking, bro?'" Greer remembered telling the punter. "That's going to be a play that we'll definitely remember."

The highlight packages will make sure of that. While the hit has been wiped clean from YouTube, thanks to the NFL's copyright claims, it has appeared again and again in Taylor video retrospectives this week. Moorman, a team leader who has been to two consecutive Pro Bowls, has seen the tackle replayed before--although not this week--and he knows he'll always be linked with Taylor.

"It's strange," he said today. "Obviously it's a memory for me, and now it's become just very surreal, to know that tragedy has happened. Our thoughts are just with him and his family."

At the time, message boards were filled with discussions of whether Taylor had displayed excessive aggression in what was a glorified exhibition game, and blogs seized upon the video. "The Pro Bowl briefly refused to be about the sexiest cheerleaders in the AFC and NFC when Sean Taylor of the Washington Redskins treated Buffalo Bills punter Brian Moorman like Ray Fosse," With Leather wrote at the time, referring to the catcher Pete Rose once flattened. "Ouch," summarized FanHouse. Some commentators hinted that the hit was somehow dirty or unsporting, but Moorman said he never felt that way.

"You know, a lot of people ask about that, but it was a clean football play and I have a lot of respect for him," he told me. "Any time a punter or kicker gets hit like that, it's kind of a topic of conversation. It's fun to rib me, it's fun for me to take it. It was always a light-hearted thing. I never had any hard feelings. At the end of the day somebody's got to make a tackle. It was my fault for running straight up."
And, um, dare we ask what it felt like?

"It definitely took my breath away for a minute, and then I was able to jump up and catch it and move on," Moorman said. "It looks a lot worse than it hurt."