SD you MOFO!!

was an intercepted lateral...probably the worst beat i've ever had. brutal. gotta just shake your head and wwalk away so you don't punch something...

THEY TOOK IT OFF!!!! 10-11 final..


Now to look at Dallas/Wash. Portis is playing and looks good during warm ups..
called it a forward lateral and ended it 10-11...unreal.

he says...i know a lot of ppl will be happy with a 10-11 final. refs are nuts for calling that a forward lateral or even caring
i have never seen that before in all my years of gambling. 0:00 seconds on the clock and they review to see if it was a forward pass then call it dead....hahahahahha unreal
the thing is the is it was not a forward pass...definitely backwards. no idea why you would even review that let alone call it a forward pass when it was clearly not....

those pissed off people shouldn't be too pissed though they definitely didn't deserve to win when san diego was covering for 59 mins and 59 secs and then something like that happens
RIGJOB bullshit

I don't care if Pitt backers "deserved" it or not...who cares? Call the fucking game right.
i had sd also...would have been more bullshit if they let the game end with that td. by far would have been the worse backdoor ive ever ever backers deserved it, right side