Scarf's Fuck it Lets Gamble Week 1 CFB Picks


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howdy boys and girls...

Have no business starting a thread other than being a loudmouth, drinking, degen SOB who works too much and loves this site and this sport.

Just gonna roll out plays based on feel, gut and blood alcohol level.

GL folks....will add throughout the day.

Wyoming TT U19.5 (1.1/1)
UNC TT O 35.5 (1.1/1)
Thanks, guys.

3T 8.5 Teaser (1/1.1)

South Carolina +15.5
Nebraska -6
Alabama Pick
Thanks, guys. Paying for the juice on the short number but worth it as I think they're clearly better and are winning a close one.

2H Michigan -2.5 -147 (1.1/.75)
56 is even more than 40.

I'll take it, pal. Really just think that Willie and what he did at SF is going to be a great fit to get that offense back on track to what it was under Chip.

Been a nice day...can't complain about the way the season has started.
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Saturday (6-2-1) (+4.5 Units)

Hoping to keep building off of yesterday's solid start...GL tonight gang.

Grier O 210.5 Pass Yards (.78/5)
Rosen O 319.5 Pass Yards (1.3/1)
Rosen O 2.5 TD+Int (1.35/1)
Nice job on those props

Thanks, Kyle. The game is one now where I feel there is much more value in props, in game lines and team totals (especially 2H's) because of how the rules have altered the sport. Add in coaches not giving a damn about yardage totals and I just don't find standard game lines and totals hold the same value as they once did.
Had no week I can ever remember where I feel I got every break possible, but I am not going to complain.

Ended Week 1 (9-2-1) (+7 Units)

Rarely do I put in early plays but grabbed this play for week 2 this afternoon

2T 6 Pt Teaser (1/1)

Ohio State -1
Washington State -2.5

Had my eye on this Boise rematch since last year's game where Leach finally pulled his head out of his ass in the 4th qtr and they turned their season around. I am very high on Washington State as their defensive improvements went largely unnoticed last year IMO and I think they've got a d coordinator in Grinch whose name will be thrown around for some decent named jobs in the very near future as he's only 37 and bringing D to a place and a HC who practically pays no attention to it. Tied them with Bucky because I see zero chance they lose in C-Bus to an Oklahoma team that hasn't shown me anything in big games outside their conference in ages.