Scarf 5/15 Bases


CTG Moderator
Staff member
Overall Record = (107-100-3) (+15.74 Units)

Favorites = (30-24) (-0.38 Units)
Underdogs = (31-28) (+11.85 Units)

RL Underdogs (+1 or more) = (6-2) (+3.85 Units)
RL Favorites (-1 or more) = (10-9) (+0.91 Units)

Full Game Overs = (11-8-1) (+3.57 Units)
Full Game Unders = (4-4) (-0.33 Units)

(1st 5) Overs = (0-0)
(1st 5) Unders = (0-3) (-3.31 Units)

(1st 5) Favorites = (0-2) (-2.39 Units)
(1st 5) Underdogs = (2-0) (+2.21 Units)

Team Total Overs = (1-3) (-3.71 Units)
Team Total Unders = (0-0)

(1st 5) Team Total Overs = (1-0) (+1.00 Units)
(1st 5) Team Total Unders = (1-0) (+1.00 Units)

Parlays = (3-8) (+0.76 Units)

LIVE Plays = (5-6-2) (+2.12 Units)

Props = (2-3) (-1.41 Units)

5/15 Plays

Padres (+105) (1/1.05) W
Braves (+115) (1/1.15) L
Dodgers -½ (1st 5) (-123) (1.23/1) L
Rays (+100) (1/1) W
2T Par NYY/O8½ NYY/Wsh (+221) (1/2.21) PPD

Will be on a few more chance now I'm getting off of the same "Fade Yu" train I've ridden all season, just waiting for a number. Good luck today, CTG.
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Good luck

Thanks, 50cent....BOL on your action as well tonight, my friend.

Braves (+115) (1/1.15)

I've said it from the beginning of the season. Darvish is done as a pitcher. Give me the better, younger team at home vs. a guy lined like its 5 years ago...I will keep fading him until the books adjust...and I think they're starting to get the same idea.
If Yu doesn't pitch well tonight, he is done. There's a piece of me that says the cold has been hurting his breaking pitches.
Id think cold air would help a pitcher grip breaking pitches? With heat you have sweat and slippage
Inspekdah, I agree that Yu will have "a DL visit" if things don't go well tonight...but he's not right right now...also is getting too much money to give up on him. But he's trash right now and I'm going to keep betting against him if they keep sending him out there as is.

Dodgers -½ (1st 5) (-123) (1.23/1)
Id think cold air would help a pitcher grip breaking pitches? With heat you have sweat and slippage

You're definitely right... and perhaps I should have said just not very comfortable this year to date... with most of his starts having been in chilly temperatures. Nothing at home has been warm and he had a start @ Colorado at night. But he needs to hang it up for a bit on the DL if he fizzles tonight and is definitely worth fading.