Scandal on Montreal


Canucks Homer
According to Hockeybuzz (not Eklund directly, someone posting there), CKAC is reporting that Roman Hamrlik and the Kostitsyn brothers have been accosiating with a Montreal drug lord, who also bet on Habs games.

This shit is just getting more and more fucked in Montreal, supposedly Bettman is on his way to Montreal to be there and figure some shit out.
Ya I was reading about this at a couple of places. Some people are saying that there is much more to this. I read this at another site.

Well I guess the news should be out soon but I figured I would pass along what I've heard, disclaimer, from a guy who knows a guy at RDS (which is clearly not the most reliable source).

- 3 players on tape 'involved' with prostitution ring
- 1 player caught with coke
- 1 player caught trying to drug an underage girl

And on a Montreal Canadiens show someone transcribed what was said between the people on it.

Demers: "Honestly, there are things I know, and what looks like what's going to come out [in the papers] tomorrow, I swear to you, I thought about Mr. Beliveau tonight...and I just hope I'm dreaming. I'm a proud Canadien, the Canadiens are my life, and I hope I'm dreaming but I don't think I am"

Bergeron: "I feel the same way. It's unbelievable. Tomorrow, hockey will be second. I don't like at all what I've heard today."

Hartley: "If everything we've been told is true, I've never seen that in my life. If it's true, I'm going back to Atlanta [joking]"

Mitchell: "The Canadiens are my roots, and my idols, like you guys...and it looks like the foundation is going to be shaken. Not just for the Quebecois but for anyone who wears the Canadiens sweater around the country. To me, what's happened, it's unacceptable".

Crete: "We can't go into many details but something has happened that will implicate not just one Canadiens player but many. You'll be hearing more tomorrow."

Sounds like big stuff might be coming down tomoro.

Congrats on the 100th season Montreal!
TSN is reporting it now

As many problems as the Canadiens have had on the ice lately, they potentially have an even greater one off the ice.

Montreal's La Presse newspaper is expected to report in Friday's edition that some members of the team may have had a relationship with an alleged criminal who was recently arrested in a sting operation by Montreal police.

The police reportedly recorded conversations between the arrested man, Mangiola Pasquale, and at least two players.

Pasquale was arrested on charges of drug trafficking last Thursday.
This is the original story of the arrest

Gangsters among 47 arrested in Operation Axe raids, police allege

Some of the most "untouchable" people allegedly involved in the street gang underworld in Quebec and Ontario were arrested in a series of widespread raids on Thursday, police say.

By late afternoon, police officers from five agencies had executed 63 search warrants in the Montreal area and the Ottawa region during what has been billed as Operation Axe.

Insp. Bernard Lamothe of Montreal police said 47 people had been arrested — 44 men and three women.

The suspects were allegedly part of a network of groups working together to traffic drugs in the Montreal and Ottawa areas.

Twenty of the arrests were especially significant to investigators, said Lamothe.

"These individuals were considered to be almost untouchable by some of the emerging street gangs. So these arrests show that no criminal is immune," he said at an afternoon press conference.

During the operation, police seized:

25 weapons.
44 kilograms of cocaine.
11 kilograms of hashish.
225 kilograms of marijuana.
Hundreds of pills and other medications.
$600,000 in cash.
The individuals face charges ranging from gangsterism, to drug trafficking and possession of prohibited weapons.

The suspects are expected to appear in court starting at 8 a.m. ET on Friday.
This is the cover of La Presse tomoro

They said itd rock the foundations of the franchise...Its got to be more than this. Its not new that some players keep bad company.
Rejean Tremblay (known writer here) says if this story seems like a lame duck so far its because of legal reasons. He says it involves other players and serious charges.
haha ok well after reading more about this...turns out not much going on. A guy arrested had the Kostysin brothers' financial statements. Turns out he's just their accountant. No big deal.
haha ok well after reading more about this...turns out not much going on. A guy arrested had the Kostysin brothers' financial statements. Turns out he's just their accountant. No big deal.

The guy that had those thing is an alleged criminal. But theres more to it than this, I would think.
Yea he is connected to criminal organizations. I don't get why he would have their credit card statements. Doesn't make sense. Anyone that funds organized crime wouldn't use credit cards. Maybe an ins policy??
There has to be more to it with the way that Jacques Demers and Bob Hartley were saying it would rock the franchise. What has come out is basically nothing.
Nothing special really, just that Kovalev practiced with the team. Said he had meeting with team this morning, discussed lifestyle, choices, making good choices etc
Well Gainey did say he was concerned but it was nothing new, that those types of organizations try to get their tentacles on the montreal canadiens organization frequently...

The Kostitsyn issue is a fairly lame, rumour is that its only the tip of the iceberg so I keep hearing and that the press cant say anything cause of lawyers, I don't know if any of this is true or not...And the reaction by certain pundits last night on talkshows should mean theres more to this yet, but if there isnt, then theres a lot of good hockey people who are going to take a serious credibility hit.
What I dont understand is people like Demers, Hartley and bergeron say it would shake the foundation of the franchise...I mean the Jose Theodore thing was much worse than this.
Look, I bet 95% of this is sensationalized journalism and that's all.
I am a Montrealer and have "socialized" with many Montreal sports athletes over the years including dare I say Tim Raines and many many Habs and Alouette players. Montreal is a Mecca for entertainment of all kinds that most people including some of you readers cannot fathom or comprehend.
You are going to find out that it will be no dissimilar to Phelps and his bong water. Carey Price is a very very young, rich, and good looking young man, and in a city where women outnumber men by five to one. He has chicks chasing him left and right. It is quite conceivable that there may be another side to the story. There always is. Montreal is a Cosmopolitain city of major proportions. It is along with New York, the fashion capital of North America. It's a bustling city that doesn't slow down. You can go to a different restaurant every night for twenty years, and you still would not have been to them all. Also having previously been the owner of a then popular "strip joint" in Montreal, these athletes are seen ALL the time at these venues. Montreal sports stars are royalty in Montreal. They never pay for drinks, ever, and are constantly led into temptation, and swarmed by the beautiful girls...
We are in the age of You Tube and all that other garbage, so I think you'll see that when the dust settles, it isn't going to be such a big deal.
The luckiest guy right now is A-Rod...the attention and press will be all over this unfortunately and take the focus off him.
Haha this story will not drag attention away from a-rod unless it gets much worse. People do not care about hockey anough here in the states. A-rod probably said who are the canadians?
Its a non-issue outside of the hockey world, and even within it, most are writing it off as nothing. Just another distraction for the helpless canadiens.
Here it is a week later..... There's NOTHING about nothing....
Typical sensationalism.

I knew it!