Saturday's umps, weather, etc.

Hollywood Beaker

Stalking the umps
Umps we know:

ChiW: Barry
SF: Bucknor
LAA: Fletcher
Cin G1: Hoberg
Cin G2: May
Pit: Kulpa
NYM: Layne
Tor: Livensparger
Atl: Morales
Min: Ripperger
Hou: Tichenor
StL: Vanover
Bos: Welke
Sea: Winters
KC: Wolf

Umps we're stalking:

Estabrook was in Pit
Marquez was in Atl

Games we're stalking:

LAD/Wsh x 2
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We'll have to keep an eye on the umpire sitch in St. Louis. Wendelstedt replaced Rackley last night late in the game for an unspecified reason.
Scherzer w/Danley

Hill w/Danley
Danley 1.36 whip in 2017 (40th)
Danley 1.29 whip in 2018 (8 gms)
remaining weather...
Kluber w/Tichenor

Keuchel no appearances with Tichenor

Tichenor 1.39 whip in 2018 (7 gms)
Tichenor 1.40 whip in 2017 (20th highest)
Corbin w/Layne

Matz no app w/Layne

Layne 1.29 whip 2017 (68 rank)
Layne 1.49 whip 2018 (8 gms - 8 rank)

Ugh, those kluber numbers not very attractive. Still made small play on tribe, I'm a big kuechal hater (been paying off this year, lol) and despite not having good numbers vs him tribe been smacking lefties to tune of .794 ops overall. Gotta like the small plus money there!!