Saturdays Probable Pitchers


Pretty much a regular
Bal at Fla

Orioles - Brad Bergesen, Wilfrido Perez, Bob McCrory, Kim Mickolio, Alberto Castillo, Brian Bass

'09 spring stats

Bergesen - 3ip ~ 4 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
Perez - 3ip ~ 0 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
McCrory - 2.1ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
Castillo - 2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Bass - 3ip ~ 5 hits/1BB ~ 2R/1ER ~ 2k's

Marlins - Sean West, Burke Badenhop, Kiko Calero, Brett Sinkbell, Logan Kensing, Leo Nunez, Tim Wood

'09 spring stats

Badenhop - 1ip ~ 1hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Calero - 1ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Sinkbell - 1ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Kensing - 1ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 1k
Nunez - 1ip ~ 0 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Wood - 2ip ~ 2hits/2BB ~ 3ER ~ 4k's
<table class="forum"><tbody><tr class="even"><td class="forumpost-post">Atl at Nyy

Braves - Jair Jurrjens, Buddy Carlyle, Rafael Soriano, Kris Medlen, Luis Valdez, Blaine Boyer

'09 spring stats

Jurrjens - 2ip ~ 4 hits/1BB ~ 2ER ~ 0k's
Carlyle - 2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
Medlen - 2ip ~ 1 hit/2BB ~ 1ER ~ 3k's
Valdez - 0.2ip ~ 0 hits/4BB ~ 1ER ~ 2k's
Boyer - 2ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k

Yankees - Chien-Ming Wang, Brett Tomko, Phil Coke, Michael Dunn, Wilkin De La Rosa

'09 spring stats

Wang - 2ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Tomko - 4ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 2k's
Coke - 2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Dunn - 2ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
De La Rosa - 1.2ip ~ 3 hits/2BB ~ 2ER ~ 2k's</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td class="quoterow-left">
</td> <td class="quoterow">
Was at Nym

Nationals - Scott Olsen, Tyler Clippard, Josh Towers, Jesus Colome, Mike Hinckley

'09 spring stats

Olsen - 2ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Clippard - 1ip ~ 2 hits/2BB ~ 3ER ~ 0k's
Colome - 3ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Hinckley - 3.1ip ~ 4 hits/0BB ~ 3ER ~ 0k's

Mets - Dillon Gee, Valerio de los Santos, Sean Green, Darren O'Day, Casey Fossum, Eddie Kunz, Tom Martin, Carlos Muniz

'09 spring stats

Gee - 3ip ~ 6 hits/1HBP ~ 7R/2ER ~ 2k's
De Los Santos - 2ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 0k's
Green - 1.2ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 1k
O'Day - 3.1ip ~ 3 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Fossum - 2ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Kunz - 1ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 1k
Martin - 1.1ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Muniz - 2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 3k's
Stl at Hou

Cardinals - Joe Pineiro, Brad Thompson, Blake Hawksworth, Charlie Manning, Royce Ring, Shaun Garceau, Kat Maekawa

'09 spring stats

Pineiro - 2ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 1R/0ER ~ 2k's
Thompson - 2.2ip ~ 5 hits/0BB ~ 3ER ~ 3k's
Hawksworth - 5.2ip ~ 8 hits/1BB ~ 3ER ~ 5k's
Manning - 3.1ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 2R/1ER ~ 3k's
Ring - 3.2ip ~ 5 hits/0BB ~ 2R/1ER ~ 2k's
Garceau - 1.1ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 2ER ~ 1k
Maekawa - 3ip ~ 1 hit/3BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's

Astros - Mike Hampton, Jose Valverde, Russ Ortiz, Tim Byrdak, Geoff Geary

'09 spring stats

Hampton - 4ip ~ 6 hits/3BB/1HBP ~ 4ER ~ 4k's
Valverde - 2ip ~ 3 hits/0BB ~ 2ER ~ 4k's
Ortiz - 5ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 6k's
Byrdak - 2ip ~ 2 hits/2BB ~ 2ER ~ 1k
Geary - 2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Det at Phi

Tigers -
Edwin Jackson, Kyle Bloom, Ryan Perry, Clay Rapada, Chris Lambert, Eddie Bonine

'09 spring stats

Jackson - 2ip ~ 0 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
Bloom - 2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Perry - 1ip ~ 1 hit/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Rapada - 2ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Lambert - 2ip ~ 0 hits/)BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Bonine - 4ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 3k's

Phillies -
Jamie Moyer, JA Happ, Scott Eyre

'09 spring stats

Moyer - 2ip ~ 1 hit/2BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Happ - 5ip ~ 4 hits/1BB/1HBP ~ 2ER ~ 1k
Eyre - 1ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 1k
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Pit at Min

Pirates - Zach Duke, Chris Bootcheck, Craig Hansen, Daniel McCutchen, Tyler Yates

'09 spring stats

Duke - 3ip ~ 3 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 2k's
Bootcheck - 5ip ~ 2 hits/2BB ~ 0ER ~ 5k's
Hansen - 4ip ~ 0 hits/2BB/1HBP ~ 0ER ~ 5k's
McCutchen - 3ip ~ 6 hits/2BB ~ 3ER ~ 0k's
Yates - 3ip ~ 3 hits/2BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's

Twins - Scott Baker, RA Dickey, Matt Guerrerier

'09 spring stats

Baker - 2ip ~ 6 hits/0BB ~ 3ER ~ 0k's
Dickey - 4ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 2ER ~ 5k's
Guerrerier - 3ip ~ 3 hits/2BB ~ 1ER ~ 1k
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Cin at Tor

Reds -
Homer Bailey, Robert Manuel, Carlos Fisher, Jeff Kennard, Adam Pettyjohn, JAred Burton, Bill Bray

'09 spring stats

Bailey - 4ip ~ 1 hit/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 6k's
Manuel - 1.1ip ~ 6 hits/2BB ~ 6ER ~ 1k
Fisher - 2.2ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 4k's
Kennard - 2ip ~ 6 hits/1BB ~ 6R/5ER ~ 3k's
Pettyjohn - 1.1ip ~ 2 hits/2BB ~ 3ER ~ 1k
Burton - 3.1ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's

Blue Jays -
Jesse Litsch, Ricky Romero, Matt Bush, Dirk Hayhurst, Brian Wolfe

'09 spring stats

Litsch - 2ip ~ 1 hit/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Romero - 3ip ~ 1 hit/7BB/1HBP ~ 4ER ~ 4k's
Hayhurst - 3ip ~ 3 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 4k's
Wolfe - 2.1ip ~ 6 hits/1BB ~ 4ER ~ 0k's
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Bos at Tb

Red Sox - Tim Wakefield, Wes Littleton, Devern Hansack, Billy Traber

'09 spring stats

Wakefield - 4ip ~ 6 hits/3BB ~ 3R/2ER ~ 0k's
Littleton - 2.2ip ~ 5 hits/2BB/2HBP ~ 7ER ~ 3k's
Hansack - 3ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 4k's
Traber - 3ip ~ 7 hits/2BB ~ 4ER ~ 3k's

Rays - James Shields, Jason Hammel, Brian Shouse, Lance Cormier, Grant Balfour

'09 spring stats

Hammel - 6ip ~ 6 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 5k's
Shouse - 2ip ~ 4 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Cormier - 3ip ~ 3 hits/1BB/1HBP ~ 1ER ~ 2k's
Laa at Ari

Angels - John Lackey, Sean O'Sullivan, Jordan Walden, Daniel Davidson, Rafael Rodriguez

'09 spring stats

Lackey - 2ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
O'Sullivan - 1ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 2ER ~ 0k's
Walden - 2ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
Davidson - 3.1ip ~ 3 hits/2BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Rodriguez - 5.2ip ~ 6 hits/2BB ~ 1ER ~ 3k's

Dbacks - Dan Haren, Juan Gutierrez, Jon Rauch, Scott Schoenweis, Doug Slaten, Tony Barnette

'09 spring stats

Haren - 4ip ~ 1 hit/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 3k's
Gutierrez - 4ip ~ 3 hits/0BB ~ 2ER ~ 3k's
Rauch - 2ip ~ 4 hits/2BB ~ 3ER ~ 1k
Schoenweis - 1ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 2ER ~ 1k
Slaten - 2ip ~ 5 hits/1BB ~ 2ER ~ 1k
Barnette - 3.2ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 2k's
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Cws at Tex

White Sox -
Clayton Richard

'09 spring stats

Richard - 5ip ~ 4 hits/1BB ~ 4R/3ER ~ 3k's

Rangers -
Vicente Padilla, Dustin Nippert Warner Madrigal, Elizardo Ramirez, Eddie Guardado

'09 spring stats

Padilla - 2ip ~ 4 hits/2BB ~ 4R/3ER ~ 2k's
Nippert - 2ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 1k
Madrigal - 2ip ~ 3 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 3k's
Ramirez - 3.1ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Guardado - 1ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 3ER ~ 0k's
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Chc at Mil

Cubs -
Carlos Zambrano, Angel Guzman, Kevin Hart, David Patton, Brian Schlitter, Jason Waddell

'09 spring stats

Zambrano - 2ip ~ 0 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
Guzman - 3ip ~ 5 hits/1BB/1HBP ~ 2k's
Hart - 3ip ~ 3 hits/2HBP ~ 1ER ~ 3k's
Patton - 3.1ip ~ 5 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 3k's
Schlitter - 2ip ~ 1 hit/2BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Waddell - 4ip ~ 3 hits/2BB ~ 1ER ~ 3k's

Brewers -
Jeff Suppan, Chris Narveson, RJ Swindle, Carlos Villanueva, Chase Wright

'09 spring stats

Suppan - 5ip ~ 6 hits/2BB ~ 4ER ~ 3k's
Narveson - 1ip ~ 3 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 1k
Swindle - 2ip ~ 2 hits/1BB/1HBP ~ 1ER ~ 1k
Villanueva - 3ip ~ 6 hits/2BB ~ 3ER ~ 3k's
Wright - 4ip ~ 5 hits/1HBP ~ 3ER ~ 2k's
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Keep up the awesome work, I was trying to pitch in with the Oakland stuff and couldn't find anything past the starters, Sean Gallagher and Josh Geer
Col at Sf

Rockies - Jason Hirsh, Ryan Speir, Franklin Morales, Juan Morillo, Steven Register, Shane Lindsay

'09 spring stats

Hirsh - 4.2ip ~ 12 hits/5BB ~ 7ER ~ 1k
Speier - 2ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Morales - 5ip ~ 9 hits/1BB ~ 7R/5ER ~ 4k's
Morillo - 3ip ~ 3 hits/3BB/1HBP ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Register 1ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 1k
Lindsay - 1ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k

Giants - Matt Cain, Alex Hinshaw, Jeremy Affeldt, Bob Howry, Pat Misch, Luis Perdomo

'09 spring stats

Cain - 3.1ip ~ 6 hits/2BB ~ 4ER ~ 3k's
Hinshaw - 3ip ~ 7 hits/1HBP ~ 4ER ~ 3k's
Affeldt - 3ip ~ 7 hits/1BB ~ 4ER ~ 3k's
Howry - 3ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Misch - 2ip ~ 6 hits/2BB ~ 5ER ~ 0k's
Perdomo - 4ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 5k's
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Keep up the awesome work, I was trying to pitch in with the Oakland stuff and couldn't find anything past the starters, Sean Gallagher and Josh Geer

Thanks :shake:

I have SD's pitchers but dont have Oaklands yet. I'll put those up in a couple minutes.
Oak at Sd

A's -
Gio Gonzalez, Santiago Casilla, Jeff Gray, Chris Schroeder, Russ Springer

'09 spring stats

Gonzalez - 4ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 3k's
Casilla - 2.1ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Gray - 3ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Schroeder - 3ip ~ 0 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 4k's
Springer - 2ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 3k's

Padres -
Josh Geer, Cla Meredith, Chris Britton, Mark Worrell, Cesar Ramos, Matt Buschmann

'09 spring stats

Geer - 2ip ~ 3 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 1k
Meredith - 2ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Britton - 2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Worrell - 1ip ~ 0 hits/2BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Ramos - 2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Buschmann - 2ip ~ 0 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
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Sea at Lad

Mariners -
Gaby Hernandez, Chris Seddon, Randy Messenger, Stephen Kahn, Miguel Batista, Roy Corcoran, Tracy Thorpe, Luis Pena, Sean White

'09 spring stats

Hernandez - 2ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 0k's
Seddon - 2ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Messenger - 2.1ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Kahn - 0.2ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 1k
Batista - 2ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Corcoran - 1ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
Thorpe - 0.2ip ~ 1 hit/2BB/1HBP ~ 1ER ~ 0k's
Pena - 2ip ~ 1 hit/2BB ~ 2ER ~ 3k's
White -2ip ~ 2 hits/2BB ~ 2ER ~ 0k's

Dodgers -
Chad Billingsley, Shawn Estes, Jesus Castillo

'09 stats

Billingsley - 4ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 3k's
Estes - 3.1ip ~ 9 hits/0BB ~ 7R/5ER ~ 0k's
Castillo - 1ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 1k
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Kc at Cle

- Kyle Davies, Horacio Ramirez, Devon Lowery

'09 spring stats

Davies - 5ip ~ 3 hits/2BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
Ramirez - 3ip ~ 12 hits/1BB ~ 9R/3ER ~ 2k's
Lowery - 1.2ip ~ 0 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's

- Aaron Laffey, Zach Jackson, John Meloan, Jack Cassel, Tony Sipp, Juan Salas, Greg Aquino, Ryan Edell

'09 spring stats

Laffey - 4ip ~ 8 hits/1BB ~ 5R/4ER ~ 2k's
Jackson - 4ip ~ 5 hits/1BB ~ 2ER ~ 1k
Meloan - 2ip ~ 0 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Cassel - 4.2ip ~ 9 hits/0BB ~ 4ER ~ 2k's
Sipp - 1ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Salas - 2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Aquino - 2ip ~ 2 hits/1HBP ~ 1ER ~ 3k's
Edell - 1ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
I went with Oakland, Washington, Cincinatti FWIW

Baileys pitching great, but there are a few guys after that that are scaring me off that play. I told myself a couple days ago that I wouldnt play the Nats away (0-4 now). I'm going to stick with that plan. What does FWIW mean?