Saturdays Pitchers


Pretty much a regular
Det at Nyy

Tigers - Rick Porcello, Zach Miner, Fernando Rodney, Clay Rapada

'09 spring stats

Porcello - 4ip ~ 7 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 3k's
Miner - 13ip ~ 23 hits/4BB ~ 14ER ~ 10k's
Rodney - 5ip ~ 4 hits/3BB ~ 1ER ~ 5k's
Rapada - 5ip ~ 5 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 5k's

Yankees - Joba Chamberlain, Mariano Rivera, Edwar Ramirez, Jose Veras, Jonathan Albaladejo

'09 spring stats

Chamberlain - 7ip ~ 8 hits/1BB/1HBP ~ 3ER ~ 6k's
Rivera - 2ip ~ 0 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 2k's
Ramirez - 3ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
Veras - 6ip ~ 2 hits/5BB/2HBP ~ 1ER ~ 10k's
Albaladejo - 6.2ip ~ 5 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 7k's
<table class="forum"><tbody><tr class="even"><tr class="even"><td class="forumpost-post">Tb at Bal

Rays - Andy Sonnanstine, David Price. Derek Rodriguez

'09 spring stats

Sonnanstine - 4ip ~ 3 hits/0BB ~ 1ER ~ 2k's
Price - 4.1ip ~ 3 hits/4BB ~ 1ER ~ 6k's
Rodriguez - 6ip ~ 10 hits/3BB/2HBP ~ 8R/5ER ~ 4k's

Orioles - Mark Hendrickson, George Sherrill, Jamie Walker

'09 spring stats

Hendrickson - 5ip ~ 10 hits/0BB ~ 5R/3ER ~ 1k
Sherrill - 5ip ~ 10 hits/3BB ~ 3R/2ER ~ 4k's
Walker - 5ip ~ 6 hits/0BB ~ 2ER ~ 5k's
Stl at Was

Cardinals - Kyle Lohse, Kyle McClellan, Jason Motte, Royce Ring

'09 spring stats

Lohse - 15ip ~ 14 hits/2BB ~ 6ER ~ 10k's
McClellan - 10ip ~ 11 hits/3BB ~ 7ER ~ 5k's
Motte - 7.1ip ~ 5 hits/1BB ~ 3R/1ER ~ 12k's
Ring - 5.1ip ~ 7 hits/1BB ~ 5R/4ER ~ 5k's

Nationals - Jordan Zimmerman, Jason Bergmann, Garrett Mock, Terrell Young

'09 spring stats

Zimmerman - 12.1ip ~ 6 hits/2BB ~ 0ER ~ 16k's
Bergmann - 6.1ip ~ 4 hits/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 4k's
Mock - 9ip ~ 12 hits/3BB ~ 7R/6ER ~ 4k's
Young - 9ip ~ 7 hits/6BB ~ 4ER ~ 4k's
Pit at Cin

Pirates - Paul Maholm, Matt Capps, Craig Hansen, Evan Meek, Jesse Chavez, Chris Bootcheck, Donnie Veal

'09 spring stats

Maholm 13.2ip ~ 7 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 8k's
Capps - 7ip ~ 5 hits/6BB ~ 2ER ~ 7k's
Hansen - 8.1iP ~ 5 hits/7BB/1HBP ~ 5ER ~ 9k's
Meek - 10.1ip ~ 7 hits/6BB ~ 4ER ~ 9k's
Chavez - 5.2ip ~ 8 hits/4BB/1HBP ~ 8ER ~ 11k's
Bootcheck - 10ip ~ 7 hits/4BB ~ 5ER ~ 13k's
Veal - 9.2ip ~ 3 hits/11BB/2HBP ~ 3ER ~ 5k's

Reds - Homer Bailey, Arthur Rhodes, Jared Burton, Bill Bray

'09 spring stats

Bailey - 10ip ~ 10 hits/1BB/1HBP ~ 1ER ~ 8k's
Rhodes - 6ip ~ 8 hits/2BB ~ 5ER ~ 5k's
Burton - 7.1ip ~ 9 hits/1BB ~ 5ER ~ 6k's
Bray - 2.2ip ~ 6 hits/3BB ~ 6R/1ER ~ 3k's
<table class="forum"><tbody><tr class="odd"><td class="forumpost-post">Nym at Atl

Mets - John Maine, Fernando Nieve, Roy Merritt, Nelson Figueroa, Ron Villone, Carlos Muniz

'09 spring stats

Maine - 9ip ~ 11 hits/4BB/1HBP ~ 10ER ~ 8k's
Nieve - 5.2ip ~ 10 hits/6BB ~ 7R/6ER ~ 2k's
Merritt - 0.1ip ~ 2 hits/0BB ~ 3R/1ER ~ 0k's
Figeuroa - 3ip ~ 1 hit/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Villone - 3ip ~ 1 hit/2BB ~ 0ER ~ 1k
Muniz - 6ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 3ER ~ 6k's

Braves - Tom Glavine, Jorge Campillo, Peter Moylan, Blaine Boyer, Kris Medlen

'09 spring stats

Campillo - 2ip ~ 5 hits/2BB ~ 3ER ~ 1k
Moylan - 3ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 2k's
Boyer - 6.1ip ~ 3 hits/3BB ~ 0ER ~ 6k's
Medlen - 5ip ~ 2 hits/3BB ~ 1ER ~ 5k's</td> </tr> <tr class="odd"> <td class="quoterow-left">
</td> <td class="quoterow">
Min at Phi

Twins - RA Dickey, Craig Breslow, Jesse Crain, Philip Humber, Bobby Keppel, Sean Henn

'09 spring stats

Dickey - 8.2ip ~ 9 hits/2BB/1HBP ~ 4ER ~ 10k's
Breslow - 7ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 10k's
Crain - 5.2ip ~ 1 hit/0BB ~ 0ER ~ 3k's
Humber - 6ip ~ 6 hits/0BB/1HBP ~ 4ER ~ 2k's
Keppel - 6ip ~ 5 hits/1BB/1HBP ~ 2ER ~ 4k's
Henn - 5ip ~ 3 hits/2BB ~ 1ER ~ 3k's

Phillies - Kyle Kendrick, Clay Condrey, Scott Eyre, Brad Lidge

'09 spring stats

Kendrick - 9.2ip ~ 22 hits/4BB ~ 14R/13ER ~ 4k's
Condrey - 5.1ip ~ 4 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 3k's
Eyre - 5ip ~ 6 hits/2BB ~ 2ER ~ 8k's
Lidge - 2ip ~ 4 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 1k
I would love to take them, but cant lay that chalk. Maybe i'll take the runline when lineups come out.

good idea sir, i was thinking of throwing them in a ML parlay but that may be a better choice. i sometimes forget they even have RL's for ST.... some books dont though.
Hou at Tor

Astros - Jose Capellan, Alberto Arias, Neal Musser, Gilbert De La Vara, Clay Hensley, Tim Byrdak

'09 springs stats

Capellan - 9.2ip ~ 7 hits/1HBP ~ 0ER ~ 7k's
Arias - 5.1ip ~ 5 hits/1BB ~ 1R/0ER ~ 5k's
Musser - 0.1ip ~ 0 hits/1BB ~ 0ER ~ 0k's
De La Vara - 9ip ~ 11 hits/3BB ~ 8R/7ER ~ 2k's
Hensley - 7.2ip ~ 14 hits/2BB/2HBP ~ 16R/10ER ~ 4k's
Byrdak - 8.1ip ~ 10 hits/4BB ~ 5ER ~ 4k's

Blue Jays - Roy Halladay, BJ Ryan, Scott Downs, Brian Tallet

'09 spring stats

Halladay - 14ip ~ 12 hits/3BB ~ 4ER ~ 15k's
Ryan - 3ip ~ 4 hits/4BB ~ 4ER ~ 2k's
Tallet - 1ip ~ 2 hits/1BB ~ 2ER ~ 0k's
good idea sir, i was thinking of throwing them in a ML parlay but that may be a better choice. i sometimes forget they even have RL's for ST.... some books dont though.

They have them at 5dimes, but not sure which other books do. A ML parlay with a NCAAB team today may not be a bad idea. Or a baseball parlay of Yanks/Jays looks good.
<table class="forum"><tbody><tr class="even"><td class="forumpost-post">Bos at Fla

Red Sox - Michael Bowden, Junichi Tazawa, Devern Hansack

'09 spring stats

Bowden - 7.2ip ~ 11 hits/4BB ~ 8ER ~ 7k's
Tazawa - 7ip ~ 3 hits/1BB ~ 1ER ~ 8k's
Hansack - 6.2ip ~ 9 hits/3BB ~ 8R/3ER ~ 5k's

Marlins - Anibal Sanchez

'09 spring stats

Sanchez - 13ip ~ 22 hits/8BB ~ 7R/5ER ~ 5k's</td> </tr> <tr class="even"> <td class="quoterow-left">
</td> <td class="quoterow">
They have them at 5dimes, but not sure which other books do. A ML parlay with a NCAAB team today may not be a bad idea. Or a baseball parlay of Yanks/Jays looks good.


runlines arent up yet so got tired of waiting. was looking at parlaying them with uconn.... but ended up pairing em with klitschko @ -108 odds just so i could have action on that WBC heavyweight title match, lol.

both i think are solid though. GL bro lets cash em.

runlines arent up yet so got tired of waiting. was looking at parlaying them with uconn.... but ended up pairing em with klitschko @ -108 odds just so i could have action on that WBC heavyweight title match, lol.

both i think are solid though. GL bro lets cash em.

Totals arent up either. I'm really like that Pit/Cin Under with the right ump. The last time totals and runlines werent up early they didnt put them up until 12:03 for the 12:05 games so I may be out of luck on that. Good luck Cap, hope you cash.