Saturday's Milleb...


CTG Regular
Bad day ayer. Ended 2-7 and down 13.2 units. One of the worst of the year for me in any sport. Was on the wagon for more than a week. As I could see things turning pear-shaped before my eyes, i tried to turn to the rally cocktail (Absolut and welch's fruit juice); alas it didn't work. Now 43-43-3 and +23.70 for the 2013 baseball season on posted plays.

Interesting day with a bunch of 4:00 games; shadows figure to play a factor in Atlanta, Boston, Chicago and Minneapolis.

Unfortunately nothing really stands out to me. A slight lean to Washington but I don't know the pitcher. A lean to Atlanta but would have to get -135 ish before I considered even a small bet. Lean Philly but price destroyed. Lean Cleveland but who knows. Anyone want to try to talk me into that? At least I get to watch Hawk on WGN (love that my cable company carries that here). Lean Houston small. Lean Detroit small. Lean Yankees. Lean Cards but everyone and their sister will be on that side, so I can't root that. Like Reddies but they're not hitting for fuck right now. Surprised Cubs opened a fave at Seattle despite one of their best pitchers going.

One play stands out. Against Doubront. Rogers has been solid most of the season, although he got beaten up by the Tampons to halt a long winning streak. And Doubront stone stinks.

The plays: Toronto +140 medium. Toronto OVER 10.5 -110 medium.

GL fellas!

Toronto has very good numbers vs the lefty.. I like them both a lot. I... along with a ton of others it seems like the rockies today.. what say you? is that sharp money moving that price?
seems the sharper of the money i've seen so far is on Colorado; price about what I made it there, no strong opinion either way.
De La Rosa during the day is money and Cain has been smacked around in the sunlight this year.

I find the price on Doubront rather revealing. He's terrible but somehow he's favored as much as you could possibly favor him here. If I were thinking Jays then I would think 5inn is the way to go.

Under between CHW/CLE seems like a good idea after they put up 46 runs yesterday.
agree tor and over, lean hou also but Lyles day splits keeping me a way. Bol on the action today Rex. :cheers:
P2W, you doing anything tonight with the CD card? I might mess around with it. Would be a good night to be back home, with the NASCAR and CD at night and the stakes races, etc.
Didnt come up with much...In the Bashford Manor, im against #3 Hollywood Talent since he won on the poly @ Kee. Both Asmussen horses (#1 and #6) both ran well last time, as well as #4 Debt Ceiling...who was pretty impressive on Preakness day.

The Firecracker doesnt appear to be a good betting race, Wise Dan will be awfully tough to beat...Maybe @ 12-1 ML Finnegans Wake can get a piece.

Likely not getting too involved and wish i had more, but that's all i see. GL.
bleh. You didn't see anything different than me. I still think Wise Dan is the best horse in training, but they're making him carry weights that I've not seen horses spotted since I was almost too young to bet. This is a true handicap race.
Hollywood Race #9 is the Triple Bend...#2 Jimmy Creed is the one to beat but i like #9 Camp Victory

Prarie Meadows Race #6 Iowa Oaks: Baffert's (#10) Fiftyshadesofhay may be tough but i like #3 Hitechnoweenie.
cant believe the short price on #4 Debt Ceiling in the 7th @ CD but he's super live...just watched replay again of his last race @ Pim on Preakness day, unreal...good set up pace wise but wide whole way and finished under wraps.

Win #4, EX #4/1,3,6 and saver EX #1,6/4
Did Al Stall Jr run that horse vs THE CHAMP?

I am wasted and didnt get to post....we c ouldnt tell if he was serious or not
cant believe the short price on #4 Debt Ceiling in the 7th @ CD but he's super live...just watched replay again of his last race @ Pim on Preakness day, unreal...good set up pace wise but wide whole way and finished under wraps.

Win #4, EX #4/1,3,6 and saver EX #1,6/4
One of my sharpest buddies betting wise obviously has a meteorological background as well. He said there is all sorts of ass at the NASCAR race but it pales in comparison to what you get at Churchill for these night races. That was one of the factors that tipped him in going to the track instead of to the speedway. The other? "Well pal, I reckon there's a decent chance of rain tonight and they'll run these horsies around this oval here, whereas they won't run the cars around the one out there. I can always go tomorrow"

Smart f-er...
sorry for the hi jack, rex. U asked for it by 1) talking bout ponies w/ me and 2) Twink got involved w/ this thread, lol.

bol bud
pal no need to ever worry about that; hell i contributed. No such thing as a hijack as far as I'm concerned. I've done it to others before and I have ADD (ADHD) so staying on topic is and always has been a real struggle for me.