Saturdays King Of The Blue Grass


Pretty much a regular
UK vs Louisville (-8)

Lots of offense in this one. I know Louisville lost a bunch of defensive players last year and on the surface it shows. But the more i look at it, the more i think its a mirage. Louisville unlike KY could afford too play Vanilla in the 2 games leading up too this one. UK did against EKU, but against Kent St they had to 'show" a little more to avoid the upset. I think UL didnt reveal what they plan on playing against KY and will do just enough on defense to get the stops to pull away. Ky will score, just not enough to match the Cards. s sad as i hate to predict it,

Loserville 44

Kentucky 31

GL guys, unfortunately if you cant get ESPN Classic, you will not be able to view this in state "classic". ESPN missed the boat on not televising this one on one of the majors.
Pretty much what I was thinking.

I had it 48-35, so seems like we have the same idea for the margin of victory!

Good to see a Kentucky fan that actually still has some sense. Seems like most of you guys think you are gonna win the SEC and go to a BSC bowl, lol.

That being said, and coming from a Louisville fan, I hope you guys go 11-1, and win out after this weekend! Even though I hate cheering for Kentucky, It helps us a LOT more when you guys are good! Just dont expect me to be pulling for the Cats come basketball season, lol.

I disagree totally, Kentucky wins this game outright and play with triple revenge! I think your wrong about the Vanilla defense, because they were actually in danger in that MTST game of losing. I just think UL's defense sucks and will be exposed in a big way on Saturday by an underrated Kentucky team! Final Score: 52-47!

I cant believe a UK/Louisville fans having a civil discussion. Everyone can have thier Mich./ Ohio St, UCLA/USC, Texas/OK rivalries all they want, but it doesnt get any more intense between the fans than UK/Loserville, aka Little Brother.

Line Exploiter,

That is why there is 2 sides of the spread, one of us will be right, one of us will be wrong. We will find out Sat. I honestly feel Louisville never was scared against MTSU, they didnt want to let UK see anything. Before this game was the 1st game of the year, now with it being the 3rd i dont they "showcased" everything. Trust me, i wouldnt care if we didnt win another game if we won this one, i just dont think UK can stop them on D.
I agree, I never really felt a sense of urgency against MTSU. I knew the Cards were going to win the game, and never felt like things were out of hand or anything of the sort. Dont know that the "Line Exploiter" was actually watching that game, because we were never in danger of losing. Last time I checked, you usually have to be losing at some point to be in serious danger of losing, and the Cards never trailed in that game.

CatsFan, yeah, kind of funny huh? Intelligent conversations can be had as long as both fans are rational. My experience tells me that most are not. And that goes for Louisville and Kentucky fans. You have idiots in both crowds.

I actually think that it hurt Kentucky this year that this game was not the first of the season. Any other year, and its probably a good thing for the Cats, but in a season where we have a new coach and new system, it probably would have been better for you guys to catch us early.

And on the comment of "Little Brother", I think Little Brother grew up, and is now about 4 inches and 40 pounds bigger than Big Brother, lol. Really I am just excited that this game is actually getting to the point where it will be competitive. Basketball has always been there, and now football is well on its way.

Speaking of Basketball, I am really looking forward to the next few years of that rivalry. Both schools have some very good recruiting classes coming in the next couple of years, and should make for some great games!

And just for the record, my father is a die hard Kentucky fan, and one of my best friends is a die hard Kentucky fan, so I am used to these conversations, lol.

My friend is actually heading up to Chicago for the weekend to visit, and I am sure we will both be decked out in our gear cheering on our respective teams. Probably a little trash talking going on as well........
Yeah, Darrius Miller, P Pattrerson, and Alex Legion is soem serious ballers coming in. UL has some sick young talent as well, and we all know Slick Rick works as hard as any.

I have a similiar situation as far as fans of the schools. I have 3 sons, age 9,13, and 16. The 9 year old is a UK fan with me, the 13 year old is a WKU fan and anyone who plays UK (rebellious), he actually bought and wore a Vandy Tshirt of all teams too last years football game @ Commonwealth. My 16 year old is a Card fan, and absolutely despises UK, so game day will be really interesting at my house. Esecially if UK pulls the upset.:36_11_6:
Yeah, congrats on getting Miller, that was tough news to hear. We already have the #2 overall in Samardo Samuels, and I believe when all is said and done, we will also have the #4 overall in Tyreke Evans. That would make for one hell of a class!

Please quit talking roundball on these threads when its Football Time!!!!! Good write up on Louisville/UK Cats. Best play may be the over in this game!!!!! What do you think?

Good to see a Kentucky fan that actually still has some sense. Seems like most of you guys think you are gonna win the SEC and go to a BSC bowl, lol.

Just because I disagreed with you saying this game meant more to Louisville doesn't mean I think we're gonna win the SEC...I'll be happy if we win 7 games this year.

I'm sure we'll have plenty of civil discussions this year...I have a lot of respect for Louisville and their program, I just couldn't imagine laying the points in this situation.
Ever gotten on the message board, mwwebb? I'm a UK lifelong fan and student and even I roast on people for some of the ridiculous things they say.

There was a season prediction thread in the pre-season, and I think everyone had us going atleast 8-4 with a bowl win...

Coming from a fan who bet on Clemson in the bowl game, it will eat you alive if UK wins this game outright and you had money on their rivals...

I too bet on Clemson -10 last year, so no it will not eat me alive.

and I too post on the Cats Pause also. SOem of those retards really do give UK fans in general a bad name. What is your name on there ????

DClark, listen Homer, just prepare for the ass whipping you will take Sat in the swamp. I will only bet Louisville in the game, if the total goes up, i will look at the under..
I think Kentucky goes either 7-5 or 8-4. I think you guys lose this weekend, and are certainly going to lose to LSU. At Arkansas is going to be a tough game, and you probably split the games between Florida and Tennessee. The rest of the games on your schedule are winnable games.

Hell of a season to be a UK season ticket holder, what a home schedule! Louisville, LSU, Florida, Tennessee!!! Thats a lot of good teams to get to watch on your home turf!
WIsh I were home this weekend fellas. I guess I've bought into all the hype from my media buddies back home saying it will be a basketball-esque type score.

I saw a good part of the UK game last week and all of Louisville's game... as well as highlights of each team's opener. Let me say that each offense is miles ahead of the defense. I don't see either team "milking" the clock and there shouldn't be many punts. It might be whoever scores last, wins... Dr. Bob has bet Kentucky down to a very attractive number (5 or 5.5) if you like Louisville. I expect it to go up today and tomorrow and close 6 or so. Not sure who bet the UNDER but it had to be someone who just wants to bet more on OVER tomorrow. At 75, I see this as being at least 10 points too cheap. Both teams get to 40 but I have no idea who wins. Can't wait to watch it....
I am a season ticket holder, i went to the 1st 2 games, and mostly watched the dline too see how much pressure the got on inferior teams. At times they really struggled, and up the middle was wide open. Louisville will score @ will, especially with Lumpkin going down. we are thin up front.

Rex, it should be a good game, unfortunately i will not be there, i took 2 saturdays off in a row, which is unheard of in the car business. I didnt want too push my luck and ask for 3. Besides my cousin and i sold our 6 season tickets to this game for for $1800 a couple months ago. It paid for our whole year, so we split the rest. I have UT/Florida of the major games. Going to check out WKU/EKU here, it will be the last game of a great rivalry, and they are going to try and break the attendance record.:cheers: