

To the left, to the left, to the right to the righ
Last night was dope in so many ways............

Clipps pk (-120 @ Greek)
Comeon now. They play this game tonight, and then have 3 days off. They lose this game, all the good they've done is completely fucking erased. Their next 4 are vs. Kobe, vs. Denver, @ Dallas, @ N.O. Not one easy win there. Golden State is coming hard for the eighth spot. You just cannot compare these two teams and what this game means at this point. My boy Cuttino says "We're on a mission right now." Cassell is back off the bench, and the kid from Syracuse is playing great. Brand must be licking his chops with Zack out. This have to win this game, period. You have to take a team in a playoff hunt, "on a mission," vs. a team that is playing out the season and doesn't care. Clipps will win in front of about 50 people.

:drink:...... Me last night with Grey Goose
great pick, clips need to win these games(games against weak teams), they need this bad to hold on to that 8th spot
Portland on the other hand has nothing to fight and their best player is done for the season

good luck
I like the Clippers, but it's a long travel to Portland, and I have the feeling they have been hitting on all cylinders and maybe are due for a letdown.
I like the Clippers, but it's a long travel to Portland, and I have the feeling they have been hitting on all cylinders and maybe are due for a letdown.

There will be a time to fade this team between now and the end. That time is not tonight, and not with Portland.
Do you know if the line was released before or after Zach was announced OUT FOR SEASON?

- BeLIEve

I have no fucking idea. I dunno WTF is up with this line. Is this saying that Portland would be favored with Zack in? LMAO
It was -1.5 when it came out probably before the Zach announcement. I tend to like Portland though since randolph is gone. Look at how well they played w/o him and how poorly they played vs Memphis when he dominanted the ball . Could be a paper loss for them .LAC is playing real well though which just makes this a coin flip. After winning at Arco for the 1st time in forever I cant run to back them....

BOL all
It was -1.5 when it came out probably before the Zach announcement. I tend to like Portland though since randolph is gone. Look at how well they played w/o him and how poorly they played vs Memphis when he dominanted the ball . Could be a paper loss for them .LAC is playing real well though which just makes this a coin flip. After winning at Arco for the 1st time in forever I cant run to back them....

BOL all

I'm as game for an anti-public home dog as anybody, I probably play 5 road chalks per season. But this time of year, it's different for me. You just can't compare needing the game for a playoff hunt and a team playing for absolutely nothing. Back 2 backs, fatigue, everything else goes out the window for me.
<TABLE cellSpacing=2 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD style="BORDER-BOTTOM: #000 1px solid" width="40%"><TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%"><TBODY><TR><TD>Corey Maggette, F, Los Angeles Clippers</TD><TD style="FONT-SIZE: 10px" vAlign=bottom align=right ;>Saturday 3/31, 9:16 AM CT</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR><TR><TD class=statline1 style="PADDING-RIGHT: 0px; PADDING-LEFT: 0px; PADDING-BOTTOM: 0px; PADDING-TOP: 0px">Corey Maggette sustained a chest injury during Friday night's game, according to the LA Times. It's possible he could sit out Saturday's game as a result.</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="2" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td style="border-bottom: 1px solid rgb(0, 0, 0);" width="40%"><table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" width="100%"><tbody><tr><td>Corey Maggette, F, Los Angeles Clippers</td><td style="font-size: 10px;" ;="" align="right" valign="bottom">Saturday 3/31, 9:16 AM CT</td></tr></tbody></table></td></tr><tr><td class="statline1" style="padding: 0px;">Corey Maggette sustained a chest injury during Friday night's game, according to the LA Times. It's possible he could sit out Saturday's game as a result.</td></tr></tbody></table>

I'm as game for an anti-public home dog as anybody, I probably play 5 road chalks per season. But this time of year, it's different for me. You just can't compare needing the game for a playoff hunt and a team playing for absolutely nothing. Back 2 backs, fatigue, everything else goes out the window for me.

I agree. As Mimir would say, this is an "enlightened square pick", and I'll prolly be on it as well. Trying to find out more about Maggette whether he will play, but I like this one nevertheless.

It's about the whole team stepping up. It's not like Portland will roll over, as then we would cash this part of the season without breaking a sweat :D, but let's just say the Clipps are the ones playing in higher gear. I think they take this one.
Was she hot pre goose/or just post goose? GL tonight BDK.

Nah she was hot pre-Goose. She is 34, black, and in the Navy. I am 24, white, and not in the Navy. She's gorgeous tho. I love black girls. Supposed to see her tonight. One of the highlights of the night was calling the scores hotline at like 4AM in the bathroom of this club and finding out I went 2-0 tho, haha.
I'm as game for an anti-public home dog as anybody, I probably play 5 road chalks per season. But this time of year, it's different for me. You just can't compare needing the game for a playoff hunt and a team playing for absolutely nothing. Back 2 backs, fatigue, everything else goes out the window for me.

My feeling has nothing to do with anti-public dog or anything of that nature. Its simply about Portland being a better team w/o Zach Randolph taking 20 + shots a game. I dont see or agree that Portland is not playing for anything cause they are young group. All young players are playing to show they can play in the NBA and make a name for themselves. Where have they quit or mailed it in...didnt they win in NY and @ Atlanta recently? This all carries the same merit or motivation as the fight for playoff spot does. Neither really makes them play much better but it makes us think they will try hard. I think Portland has some guys who want to show hey we are more then Zach Randolph.

By no means do I feel Portland is a great bet . I am just saying I would prefer the Blazers. They are now 4-0 this season with Randolph out winning @ Tor , @ NYK , @ ATL and home vs Wash. Not exceptional wins but neither is LAC. They managed to win @ Arco after losing 17 straight and every game for a decade. Which the main reason they beat Sac was Bibby only shooting 1-10 from three , not to mention it was a great spot as SAC was off the Suns upset then favored next game..

Not trying to persuade or disuade anyone here. I feel there are reasonable factors that make PORT attractive beyond someone talking sharp or squares play. Yes , The LAC's are hot but Maggette's status is questionable and Cassell played a whole 5 minutes last nite. Looking for a real low scoring UGLY game.....Aldridge has come of age in March and Roy is fighting for the NBA ROY...probably wait till halftime...cause there are compelling reasons for both....

BOL.....that includes your lady friend as well..:cheers:
I'm also thinkink under in this one. Three things that are almost certain. The Blazers are a better defensive team without Randolph and they will be missing their best scoring threat. The Clippers will try to take advantage of Magloire and Aldridge (not so much taking advantage, but getting Brand his touches) and pound the ball inside all night which will slow the pace of the game.