

Pretty much a regular
Last week: 13-13 -188
This week: 4-2 +185
NCAA YTD: 89-96 -1675

Kansas +27' 107/100

Illinois +4' 105/100

N Carolina -4 108/100

Purdue/Iowa under 57 103/100

Penn St +10' with Purdue +29' 120/100

Mich St +21 with Purdue +29' 120/100

Mich St +21 with Purdue/Iowa under 64 120/100

Wisconsin -3 with Purdue/Iowa under 64 120/100
GL you big bear! Like seeing a man of your stature on NC. As a resident jenk enthusiast I approve of the teasers. Number may be tight gonna be sweating your nuts off with all your teasers tied to that one if you get any bad scores in the Purdue game. BOL brother
U Conn +8 105/100

Wisconsin -11 105/100

UCLA -1 100/100


Wisc -4 with over 35 120/100

Wisc -4 with U Conn +15 120/100
hey man that Purdue game worked out about like you wanted, routine. no butthole puckering necessary like on my Army/Rutgers block haha
Last minute play.................

Mich St +14' 102/100

Was going to pass at 14 or less, but now since they put the hook on the 14, I'm giving it a shot.
hey man that Purdue game worked out about like you wanted, routine. no butthole puckering necessary like on my Army/Rutgers block haha
I missed it. What happened in the Army/Rutgers game? I see they covered.