Saturday plays

I see Ecu has taken on some money since I bet them. I’ve long since stopped trying to read anything into line moves and just happy I got them at good price. Houston coming down to huh? That gotta be “sharper” type money I would think. I havnt played them yet but when I go to play the afternoon games there a good chance I will. Gl today
Kinda get the feeling some popular plays (ala cincy) crash and burn today after the way most weeknight games went this week, almost setting lambs up for the slaughter!! Lol
Kinda get the feeling some popular plays (ala cincy) crash and burn today after the way most weeknight games went this week, almost setting lambs up for the slaughter!! Lol
We think a like books took a loss this week so far. Maybe just maybe a clemson loss tonight. I am not betting notre dame I will wait too see what happens and fade them after a big win.