Saturday Plays


Pretty much a regular
YTD 71-45 29.27 Units 61.2%
Yesterday 2-3 -1.17 Units

Busy day. Short writeups today. I'm already excited for Sunday. Lots of good basketball and football. Money to be made with Sunday's card.


Kings -9 (-101) Killa clued me in on this play. Don't forget Portland is (guessing) like 27-3 SU winning ATS. I'd be shocked if they won this game SU.

Bulls/Pistons U191 (-107) Detroit playing great D on the road other than the Knicks debacle. Bulls always strong defensively at home.

Pacers 1st Half -5 (-104) Hornets Last5 have lost first half by avg of 11 and game by 10. Looks like they're getting down before the game even gets going. Indiana has a bit of revenge in this game as well.
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Go get em boy, I'll hit u up on AIM later, got a play I'm eyeing for tomorrow
Thanks guys GL to you as well. That Pacers line was supposed to be -5 (-104) as renew updated for me. Busy morning and obviously I wasn'nt paying attnetion. Tough card for many around here with so many questionable games.

I've got to admit I'm still dwelling on the Cavs 4th qtr last night. I could honestly see them going on a Bulls/Mavs type run right now. Lebron didn't do shit last night and they just came out and played some great D. I say that not seeing the game and only relying on the box score and recap. Nets must have used a ton of energy last night and I'd be suprised if they are really competitive tonight. That said I don't feel confident about laying 7 points with the Cavs on a 4 in 5. Might pull the trigger on the U 185.5 as I really see one of these teams failing to get 85 points in this game. Nets team total might be a better play? In the end it'll probably be better off just laying off the game.
I'd agree as I've seen those 4 in 5 stats. Just hate that I keep hearing Lebron talk about how tired he is this year vs years in the past and then he played 43 min. last night.
He mighta been in the game, but it was Gooden that was playing...

Lebron took 13 shots in 42 minutes. With 9 assists. Maybe he was just tired, but I'm thinkin Jimbo just might be right...perhaps Lebron was saving himself for tonight...
redbearde---at this point I wish I would have saw what you wrote a bit earlier.

bc -- thanks man. hopefully we'll get both of them as I add this play.

Cavs/Nets 2nd Half U95 (+100)
The fact that Bulls and Pistons are able to have 4 possessions in the last 25 seconds of the 1st qtr lets me know enough about how this game is going. Has anybdoy ever heard of holding for the last shot? Unbelievable..8 points in the last 25 sec.