Saturday Picks


Flying Frenchman
Boston ML 2.500

Heres the same NBA-like situation again which is 1-0 so far this year in favour of the road team. Philly is back from a roadtrip and has one game at home before heading out back on the road for a game sunday. Eventhough this usually works, I dont recommend to go crazy here. Philly still in road-like psychological mindset isnt necessarily a bad thing for them, plus theyve had some key players recently return on the last roadtrip so fatigue probably wont be as much issue as it could be. Add to that Boston isnt setting the world on fire, but theyre due so its worth a play:cheers:
Thanks Big herm, Satyr, Devil and Retburj. Im gonna add:

Nashville Predators ML 2.080
Tampa Bay Lightning ML 2.320

And lord help me Im gonna add two totals:

Detroit-Ottawa OVER 5.5 1.870
Nashville-Columbus OVER 5.5 2.290:cheers:
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Add in the facts that Philly has been a much better road team this year and has consistenly laid eggs at home, and Boston usually plays well in Philly - the price is right!
SC, Mikey, C-Man. Thanks guys. Since the hurricanes are still bit by the flu bug, Im gonna add:

Colorado Avalanche ML 2.190
Another nice night, congrats. Nashville had to give that game away in the third to even get to OT. Almost perfect...well considering I don't follow your O/Us just yet :).
Thanks Big Herm. Yeah I hope nobody follows my over/unders, It'd be nice to bring them at an even level but I think Im gonna stop , I know Ive said that before but this time I mean it lol As much as Id like to, I never seem to have a knack for them.