Saturday Picks


Flying Frenchman
St. Louis Blues -0.5 2.000

St.Louis well rested playing at home against Washington who are playing 2nd game in 2 nights with some travel, also their 3rd game in 4 nights.

Chicago Blackhawks -0.5 1.980

Chicago has lost their last 2 games. They face Atlanta tonight in Chicago. I was tempted by the puckline but chose to be safe.

Montreal ML 2.660

Riding the habs at this price, they couldn't have strained themselves too much last night. And Price is starting, he should have a good game after his last outing was rather ordinary.
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I like the card but not sure about rl in Columbus. Columbus has lost 6 times at home to the Sharks and 4 were by 1. Last 11 home losses by Columbus had 5 by 1 run. Last 11 road wins b-b by Sharks 6 were by 2 goals. Probably do some mix. GL
I like the card but not sure about rl in Columbus. Columbus has lost 6 times at home to the Sharks and 4 were by 1. Last 11 home losses by Columbus had 5 by 1 run. Last 11 road wins b-b by Sharks 6 were by 2 goals. Probably do some mix. GL

Just a feeling that the sharks (a good road team other than last night) bounce back in a big way. I fancy a bit of a blowout, at least I hope so.:cheers:
At least Expos are doing well. Second day Nab has been let down by his team. In Pitt Crosby and Malkin still have not taken a shot and its second period.
2-0 to the Blues
Thanks guys well 2-2 , +0.66 for the day anyway. I got to be careful with the western conference. Taking SJ was a mistake, have to put that one in the wtf was I thinking file.
At least Expos are doing well. Second day Nab has been let down by his team. In Pitt Crosby and Malkin still have not taken a shot and its second period.

Price again didn't really play that well, he let in 2 goals that he really shouldn't have.