Saturday Night CFL


Pretty much a regular
YTD: 15-5, +9.30


9/12/2015 6:35 PM Canadian Football 455 Saskatchewan Roughriders/Winnipeg Blue Bombers* Under 50½ -118
*Wasn't much yardage for a game that barely got over, so not expecting too much in the way of offense (or points) this week either. Two other things that should help the under cause: a) Matt Nichols unfamiliarity with the Winnipeg playbook (and overall suckiness - 8 TD's and 10 INT's on the season with Edmonton) and b) (somewhat) brisk winds expected in Winnipeg this evening. Hopefully this translates to a lot of running the ball and a lot of burning the clock.

Thanks inZane. Not sure if I'll bother with the Edmonton game given Mike Reilly's an unknown factor in his first game back, but I wish you luck either way.

YTD Final: 16-5, +10.30

*I'm going to call it on the season as there's not much way I can do any better than this (well, unless I start tacking on some Prime Time "wins" an hour after the game's over... : ) Good luck the rest of the season!

nice work Hugh....I watched that MF post 1P plays in pux ALL last season a half hour after the puck dropped and Nobody said a f'kin' word about it....I'm not gonna do it again this year without calling the MF out on it....\m/
nice work Hugh....I watched that MF post 1P plays in pux ALL last season a half hour after the puck dropped and Nobody said a f'kin' word about it....I'm not gonna do it again this year without calling the MF out on it....\m/
Thanks bum. Yeah, it's actually pretty astounding/head scratching/disappointing to see the mods wishing him good luck all the time (is CTG that desperate for traffic?) A few weeks ago he posted 5 so called winners in the soccer forum over an hour after the games were done. If he actually bet them and won, good for him, but a) who does that help exactly? and b) who the fuck cares? Plus, what's the point of keeping a record if you're not going to calculate units won and lost? Sure, 100 games over .500 looks impressive, but not when your average play is -170 or higher.

Also pretty sure he's never posted in a thread other than his own, so it's pretty obvious he's not here to make friends, be a part of the community, pass along insight/information, etc... It's all about dick swinging and what better way than to just give yourself a few extra wins when you think no one's looking.

Stuff like this kind of takes the fun out of posting here...

Good luck the rest of the season bum.

couldn't have said it better Hugh....I've been posting my plays online for nearly 20 years and been a moderator for over 10 years and have Never seen a MF get away with so much for so long....dude has been Blasted over at blankets and just brushes it off like he did nothing wrong, lol....dude would have been warned and banned at my site faster than one can say Record Fudger....glad that you've noticed his bullshit too of luck my brah....\m/
yeah, f'kin' A skippy it's Astounding seeing the Mods wish him gl all the time....who the fuk posts plays without the price???....-170 is being generous, the shit ton of +1.5 puck lines he posts average in the -230 to -250 range....I've seen D8 say to people "don't post a play without the price" and wish more would say it....I don't give an Aerial Fornication if I get banned or not as my plays posted here in All Nine Sports ( all well into the black) I post over the last 30 straight months have made this place a Helluva lot more coin than this place has made my brah and grab that cash with both hands....>m< (-.-) >m<
Yeah, at the end of the day, I don't really care if someone keeps a record or not (it can be embarrassing if you're doing poorly, it can bring unwanted attention if you're doing well) but to keep a record without a unit count, especially in high juice sports like baseball and soccer, that's a pretty calculated move designed to throw people off. And to keep sneaking in wins after the fact (of course they're always wins, never losses, wink, wink), that pretty much says it all.

Like I said, I don't really care. I just find it funny how the mods can make the claim to have the moral high ground over a place like Covers, yet continue to encourage this fraud to post here. Definitely takes a bit of the lustre off of posting here.

Nice run with the Canadian bacon, hugh. BOL with the rest of your ventures...

Thanks inZane. And don't be shy about posting your own thoughts - seems like you've got some good insight to offer the forum.
