Saturday Night CFB Action


Beer and Betting Belong Together
Stanford -2.5 v. Washington............not a bomb here, but a good solid 5 unit play.....the UW has major problems, including the worst QB in the P12.....our LB group is a problem and the UW just lost arguably their best LB for the season (Ulufoshio -- ZTF is much better of course, but coming back from an achiles injury and still playing limited snaps)....The UW hasn't won down on the farm in what seems like ages and I cannot see any way they come away with a victory....Tree certainly not a upper-crest team, but are solid enough to take care of this UW team.....there are simply problems everywhere with this UW program, top to bottom.....they should have lost to Arizona, but the Wildcats handed them the game....not going to happen with D. Shaw.....Stanford 23 UW 13