Saturday Discussion Thread

Up nice and early as @2daBank likes it. Now I don’t gotta listen to @KJ and bump it because Bank will just blabber all night :D

You gonna get a more locked in less talkative me! All business no time for games!! If you ain’t talking money I can’t hear ya!!

Still don’t have power, sitting in car for ac and radio, can’t decide if i should cAp games or do some looting!
Blue jays and o’s over priced again. Much more reasonable line on rangers here, game 1 line was a joke but I forgot to bet them, worked out good tho, after rangers took 3-1 lead I headed back across river to live bet Stros, ended up being 3-2 rangers when I got houston, still a fat number. Didn’t really understand it, I think they pretty much equals but Stros have huge edge after starters leave! That advantage ain’t going away. I’m ok wit Eovaldi laying -120s but if that game close after 4-5 innings gotta bet Stros live!!
Giants another great value. They can score off JV and muts offense ain’t scoring enough! Bunch of overpaid dudes hitting .220 = Mets score bout 4 runs a game! How the hell they -140s knowing they not scoring more than 4 runs? Jv isn’t shutting giants down!
Wacha has looked really good but why he had so many days off? Reds dangerous, gotta be crazy to lay -150 against them.
I can’t believe my fuckinv powr still out! They said it be back in at 9:30!! This sone bs, Been staying in hospitals all week, not getting hardly any sleep, dying to crash but I can’t sleep in a hot humid house!! How hard is it to turn this shit on, these Mfers making plans for the 4th instead of getting some work done! I’m fixing to loot
Holy shit, look what rays did to seattle pen, they should get a ABP put out to find seattle heart!!
Pads are overpriced but wacha does have a fantastic history in this park. High total, early start, wacha has only allowed 3 runs in 19 innings during the day this year. Could be a rare play for me against reds offense, pretty sure I was very early identifying them as a play on team not long before they went on that huge win streak! It was clear to me they were taking very good at bats throughout lineup! (Small brag! Lol).. that said I just think there could be some value here based off game total. Could be a reds Ff tt under.
Someone spit a game they went to talk bout! Im starting to fall asleep in my car, the fucking power still out and I just can’t fucking sleep inside with no air.
Or sign off! Lol. Mfer, I ain’t trying to go sleep in hot humid house w no power. This week been a real Mfer! Power couldn’t go out when we were Stuck at hospitals?!! Only thing I can do to take my mind off this crap is bust out a bunch of winners! Pissed off I missed 2 pitcher props last night, can’t believe McClamhan got tan so early by seattle crappy offense! A start after getting beat up by kc!
Here we go, nothing like power being out and house getting all warm to where ya can’t sleep to cap the games, drive to Illinios in car with ac to get everything in early! Can’t believe the power still fuckinv out! Of course it happens the day Theresa is discharged from hospital! Talk bout shitty luck!!! This crazy, when we had the tree take the power lines down to our house we had power back that night! Now our whole block been out for 8+ hours! Everything in freezer melting, fridge getting warm, house humid and getting warm. We get the trees and transformers down, other lucky bastards got golf ball hail on other side the hwy! Went and kicked it at friend of mine for awhile after power went out and ran into guy at gas station all happy cause car he just bought few months ago got beat to shit by the hail! For anyone who doesn’t know if you lucky enough for that to happen you basically get a free car if you don’t mind some little round dents all over! Lol. The insurance totals it, pays off loan, hopefully you pocket money on top, then if you want to keep car you pay them a sweet little buyout! If you ever need a car paid off and your head above water on it you don’t even have to see the golf ball size hail, you simply have to be in a surrounding area and claim you were in the hit area visiting a friend, then you take a ball pin hammer and go to town, makes a dent that looks exactly like golf ball hail! Don’t be shy you really gotta get it all over!! Lol.
Card so far, I might play more but this a good start and I feel like it really strong!

Eury perez ov 5.5 k’s +120.. I been talking bout this kid and betting him on and off since his 1st start. He is the real deal and seems to be getting better every time out!! I know Braves are straight up raking, this will be a test but good pitching beats hitting! Kid has allowed 1 run all of June! That a overall line of 5 starts, 28 innings 1 run! , 34 k’s w 5 walks!! He allowed 1 home run for the run he allowed, that Braves bread and butter, he not giving up a bunch of bombs!! MAybe Braves can get him to look slightly more human but long as he goes 5 innings he gonna punch out 6+ easy here. Early on he had a few games where he got guys down 0-2 and struggled to punch them out. He has started to figure that out and trusting his put away pitches! His swinging strike rate is up to 14% on the season and 3 of his last 4 starts he has been well over 15%, he had a 21% swinging strike game against jays! This a great bet against the free swinging Braves. I dunno if they get a hr or 2 off him but that won’t get in the way of him pitching 5-6 innings and striking out 6+, plus money here a freaking gift imo.

Fish Ff ml +135.. see above. If fish can get me a few off morton they can easily be ahead when Perez leaves this game. Atl 14–1 last 15 but Miami isn’t far behind w a 11-4 record over that time. +135 w the more talented pitcher to be ahead after 5 well worth a bet. If you rather take the +.5 nothing wrong with that. Solid chance this a pitchers duel tied thru 5, I’m just greedy!

Reds Ff tt un 2.5 -105…. I bet nobody saw this coming! I lead the charge for reds offense for a week or so before they busted off that long win streak (shameless pat on the back but ya gotta admit I was all over this! Lol). That said the lineup not only guys in this game playing their best ball!! Wacha has looked fantastic! Don’t go buying into those silly analytics that try to dismiss his incredibly good season as some kind of “luck”, not the 1st time they have claimed this with him never taking the time to admit their metrics are vastly overrated as a predictive tool. Of course the fact they do get treated as the be all end all by many no imagination having gamblers is the very reason we get value being against that opinion!! Fact is dude knows how to pitch and has always had one the better change ups in the game. This season he has shed any inconsistency issues, after a slow start to the season he is on 9 straight starts where he has allowed 2 runs or fewer! He has a long career against cincy and in this park, unlike other cards pitchers he was fantastic pitching in the reds band box. I have little doubt he can limit a hot reds team to less than 3 runs thru 5 innings, -105 a fantastic price, he has a era below 1 in 3 day starts this year, he should be ready to go while the young reds probably went out drinking to celebrate the come from behind victory last night, maturity a thing! Another play I think has insane value today, let’s try and forget I generally suck w the earliest start games! Not here! Lol

Stros ml +115.. back to the well, cashed them yesterday and once again tough to pass up plus money on these guys as much I like Eovaldi and rangers. Stros are a championship team who been in the mix for the last 5+ years, they know what it takes and know these important games for them to get back into race. Love Eovaldi but he has started showing a few kinks in the armor lately imo, he hasn’t been bad but he has started to struggle thru some early innings, giving up a few runs early and more importantly having some inefficient innings that put a drain on his ability to go deep. He has figured it out for most part in these games but it also had him more vulnerable at end his starts and coming out sooner than the days of him handing it off to the pen only needing 5-6 outs! Remember we have a significant edge in pens so this a big deal! I been on rangers bandwagon a ton but this how baseball works, when they earn the respect to get lines like this and ppl laying it against the World champs it’s time to pivot! Eovaldi has also had his fair share of struggles wit some guys in this lineup, while I’m ok with houston being down a run or 2 when starters leave (like yesterday) there a chance the youngster Hunter brown gets to Stros superior pen with a lead, another play I think cashes at way higher clip than price suggest!

I gotta wrap this up and still have several more plays, you can tell I havnt talked bout this In a week!! Lmao! Just posting the last few plays and I’ll talk bout in little bit!

Nats/Philly ff un4.5

Nats ff ml +155

Giants Ff tt ov 1.5

Giants Ff ml +145

That “all” for the day card. Slightly aggressive I know but damn If I didn’t see a ton of value in all these!! Just one of those days!
Bright and early start! Thanks banker. I would contribute but have nothing profitable to add for baseball. I seem to always pick the big fav to lose and yesterday was Phil’s and I was going to double down today but smdh …
Cashed with nats Ff yesterday also (had already started before I got home to post so I didht). Anyways, that might have been a tad easier yesterday as they had a nice starting pitcher mismatch with josiah gray vs some bum I never heard of. Not so easy today but I am a bit a believer when it comes to Gore, he comes off the rails sometimes but his stuff is undeniable! Of course I’m a huge wheeler fan also and why I but the Ff under as well. Typically would have took the half run but felt greedy for the nice payouts this morning! In fact I did a 4 team RR in groups of 2s with all 4 money line dogs that pays fat if I hit 3!!!
Bright and early start! Thanks banker. I would contribute but have nothing profitable to add for baseball. I seem to always pick the big fav to lose and yesterday was Phil’s and I was going to double up today but smdh …

I played nats Ff yesterday and today. Tougher one today w wheeler going but I think Gore can go toe to toe with him, not sure if he will but he capable.

Honestly that why you don’t see me play many favs other than props. For the most part I can hit small to mid range dogs at about the same clip I do when trying to pick a -150 to -180 fav! That what I love bout baseball but also makes it kinda a grind/annoying, you can’t take what looks like a strong fav and make a super confident bet cause no telling how that random game play out! But you can put together a solid card of 4-5 plays most days of teams that have a 50% or slightly better chance and be getting plus money on them! Just a whole different experience than betting football!::::
Liberatore trying to hide. We will be back for game 2 of the cards/yanks double dip to play yanks Ff tt over!
Oh god dammit, I was afraid DK was gonna do that to me if I bet all those plays so early. Now I have a 50% boost to any play today, but I already bet all my favorite ones!!!
Guess I can do yanks Ff tt over in gm 2 (assuming I like the lineup for that game), have to find another play or 2 to go with it as the limits so low you gotta parlay it Or do futures to make it worth it! Not ready to do futures, almost, I usually look at them all and play a few over the all star break when there nothing to bet!!
Guess I can do yanks Ff tt over in gm 2 (assuming I like the lineup for that game), have to find another play or 2 to go with it as the limits so low you gotta parlay it Or do futures to make it worth it! Not ready to do futures, almost, I usually look at them all and play a few over the all star break when there nothing to bet and I think I’ve found a few teams floating around .500 or little under who could make a run!!
i can’t take this no electric shit any longer!!! If it was 1000 ppl without power it woulda been fixed within the hour: since it only 43 poor unlucky bastards they really don’t care. All the food in my fridge gonna start being a problem, it gonna be up into the 80s-90s in house in no time, I can’t deal w that. I just want everything normal so I can eat these zannys a friend gave me so I can pass the fuck out and sleep 6-8-10 hours!!!!!
i can’t take this no electric shit any longer!!! If it was 1000 ppl without power it woulda been fixed within the hour: since it only 43 poor unlucky bastards they really don’t care. All the food in my fridge gonna start being a problem, it gonna be up into the 80s-90s in house in no time, I can’t deal w that. I just want everything normal so I can eat these zannys a friend gave me so I can pass the fuck out and sleep 6-8-10 hours!!!!!

How many MG does it take you to help sleep? I have never taken one. Always curious how much it makes people to relax and sleep.
How many MG does it take you to help sleep? I have never taken one. Always curious how much it makes people to relax and sleep.

Kinda varies, lot of ppl don’t use them to sleep like I do, lot of my moron friends like to take them while they out drinking and get retarded. Others take them during day cause they say job stressful. My brain chemistry different than other ppl, a big part the reason I have a hard time sleeping (besides the fact my body will twitch hard second I fall asleep and wake me up, or a few other reasons) the main culprit is I have a terrible time shutting my brain off and relaxing. I will lay in bed and start thinking about all the million things I want to accomplish or things I need to accomplish but dunno how, or any other of life problems!! If super annoying. How much it takes me just depends, if I’m not drinking and don’t stay up and smoke or anything a 2 mg bar will usually put me to sleep, Sometimes I start taking a half here and there while I’m having a drink or 3, by time I lay in bed I’m ready to just fade away. If I take them but then start having a conversation in person or talkin on forum, smoke a cig or 2 and it will pass and can’t sleep again. I try not to go overboard with them, well these days it easier cause they harder to get and more expensive, we used to have 1000s of the bars getting ordered from Canada super cheap!!! Those were the good ol days. I always liked taking adavan/volume better when I was going out and partying, or just during the day to meet ppl for lunch or business, I didn’t like having to worry bout going into blackout mode like lot my friends get drinking/partying w zan’s, lol. Long way to say a 2 Mg bar works great. If I take less it can work but if I smoke cigs or just miss the window then I gotta take more and wash down w some booze!! Lol.
The reds under cashed easy peasy!

Jesus. I guess Braves are just unstoppable. Perez is getting crushed and can’t even get a damn out.
Eury has been so good and he gives up b2b jacks now b2b singles, alresdy at 20 pitches and not one out!!
Braves just a juggernaut right now. They’ve been money for the 0.5 first inning run and it’s usually a better price than getting involved in their ML’s.