Saturday Bases


CTG Super Moderator
Staff member
Faves: 61-47, +4.57
Dogs: 30-23, +39.23
1.5 RL: 7-7, -1.575
1 RL: 2-2, -2.29
F5 Faves: 3-4, -2.35
F5 Dogs: 1-2, -3.00
F5 1/2 RL: 3-8, -18.40
Overs: 15-4, +31.85
F5 Overs: 1-0, +2.00
F5 Unders: 4-1, +8.55
Team Totals: 3-0, +6.00
ML Parlays: 6-5, +10.80
Player Props: 0-1, -1.50
Overall: 137-106, +73.695

Fri: 9-2, +21.27

Sat, 5/18


952 - CHC -1 (Feldman) +103
953-54 - CIN/PHI Ov 7.5 (Arroyo/Kendrick) -120
961-62 - SF/COL Ov 10.5 (Lincecum/Chatwood) -130
966 - CLE -1 (McAllister) -105
971 - CWS (Santiago) +121
975 - DET (Sanchez) -127


958 - ATL TT Ov 4 (-140)

Thanks to all who stopped by yesterday — always appreciated. GL fellas.
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GL Grinder. I'm on Tribe too. Think we might see a gem outta Bronson today but I can't fault you for playing Over...
Great work on Fri and the season Grind
went the other way on the Phillie total but left us room for us both to win. On the other with U my friend GL
GL Grind - I was debating that Atl TT over as well today and decided on the game over. Hope they both cash.