Saturday Bases [230-201] +80.65


Well-Known Member
[230-201] +80.65

2*LAA +122
2*Oakland -125
2*Zona -1 -113
1*Dodgers -1.5 +150

Usually dont have more multiple unit plays than singles but thats just the way things were graded today.
Welcome to the site, best of luck on the games. I will be at the Yankee game so I have to say Good Health there
glad to see you posting your plays here smartz. if you have any quesitons just pm myself or any partner/mod.
I tried looking for news on reduced pitch count before I bet the game and found nothing. Every report said he's close to 100% so I figured he'd go 100 pitches. Did you find anything on a reduced pitch count?
I found it. Doesnt really say that is what the pitch count will be rather saying that 65 pitches was the goal earlier in the week. And that article was dated on July3rd, articles written after have Geren saying he hasnt specified a pitch count and that Harden is pretty much 100%. I'll take my chances with the more current information, if he's close to 100% he should get at least 6IP
Welcome Smartz....Nice to have you around..Look foward to chatting with you about Stick Ball....Nice Record!

One from yesterday, I'm not sure you can assume he is going to go farther than 65 pitches, in which case you are laying juice on the A's pen. I wouldn't really want to be in your shoes.

Harden will be on a pitch limit, but A's manager Bob Geren didn't want to get into specifics. Based on the manner in which the A's have worked starters back into the mix in years past, the limit figures to be 60 to 65 pitches.
"He threw 46 [pitches] last time, and he felt pretty good after that," Geren said Friday before the second game of a four-game series against the visiting Mariners at McAfee Coliseum. "So obviously we'll increase that."
I've watched Seattle's last two games when Fernandez has pitched, he looked pretty bad two games ago, last game he looked amazing. I'm hoping for something half way, I think that will be enough for Seattle to take this game. Umpire trend favors Seatltle as well, 5-13 W/L for home team.