Saturday at the Ballpark (omaha included)


CTG Partner
Went 5-2 on Friday, 1.595 units to the good. But the question is, what's wrong with King Felix? Dude began the season looking like the top SP in the hurt...and has come back nothing like the dominating SP he was prior to the stint on the DL. If he ain't right, the M's really need to consider shutting him down for a this doesn't turn out to be Liriano Part 2. Something's definitely not right with the kid's arm, by watching these recent performances.

YTD: 165-134-1, +32.115 units...S&G Parlays: 1-5, -.968 of a unit.

300 wagers into the season, exactly...and hitting 55% exactly as well. But that's the benefit of avoiding the juice, sometimes at all costs, over the long haul. Sure, i sacrifice some winning percentage with RLs and such...but laying too much chalk, on a day to day basis, will just kill you in bases. All that matters is the amount won...and by playing only 1/2 unit to 1 unit wagers so far this season, that 55% has equated to over 3K in winnings over the first 2.5 months of the season. Not bad at all...considering the small amounts i've been playing.

Anyways, enough of the season milestones...and onto the Saturday card, and (eventually) the next 100 wagers of the baseball season.
Still working on the card...but there is one play i've made already, and i wanted to post it now. Made the play right after hitting the under in Friday's freeway series i was shocked to see the Dodgers as very slight favorites, regardless of the venue.

LAA ML (-101) over LAD for 1.5 units

Weaver against Schmidt. This is a bit more than my normal play...but i'd be on it much heavier if there wasn't still a bit of concern regarding Weaver, considering he left his last start after 3 innings. That said...Schmidt has been a shell of his former self this year, and had to serve his own stint on the DL too. But it's a far different Jason Schmidt from when he last faced the Halos, in the '02 World Series. Schmidt has only thrown one good game, since coming off the DL this year...and that was on the road. Pretty much, he's been very hittable...and even atrocious at times, especially at Dodger Stadium.
Anyways, however you cut it, it's definitely a decent SP advantage the Halos have on Saturday. They also have the advantage at the plate. Dodgers have struggled with RHPs for the most part. Halos, except for Friday, have been en fuego at the plate. Both teams come in fairly hot...both teams have excellent pens...and both teams play some solid defense. But the Halos have been on a more torrid pace, over a longer period...where the Dodgers were kinda chunking, until the Mutts came to town. But in any case...Halos are the better team, overall...they got the advantage on the mound...and they got the advantage at the plate.
The Halos also pretty much own this series. I know the #'s of the last few played at Chavez Ravine, versus the ones in Anaheim...but these are two teams i watch every single night, including the final preseason series each year. And the bottom line is that the Halos have dominated, for the most part.
Lastly is interleague play, in general. The Halos are a great interleague team...and the Dodgers are anything but great in interleague play. Halos are 7-3 this year, and they're great every year. Dodgers are 2-6 now in interleague games this year...and a mere 6-24 in their last 30 IL games.
Anyhow, everything considered...including home field...the wrong team was favored (albeit slightly) in this one. And i'm sticking to the Halos taking 2 of 3 this weekend series..where i layed off a side in Friday's game, and just settled with the easy under.

Whew...long post for jsut one game. But i'll be back with the rest of my card later today, as i finish up working on the thing.

BOL on Saturday. :cheers:
forgot about Omaha...

Made my first two plays of this year's College World Series as well. And where the doggies collapsed on day one...they won't on day two. The SoCal teams are too solid for that.

Saturday, 6/16

UCI ML (+195) over Arizona St for 1/4 unit

CSUF ML (+100) over Oregon St for 3/4 unit

I won't be making CWS plays every day, but will come in here and there...and keep a separate i truly enjoy watching as much of this as possible.
Anyways, these aren't jsut homer plays. I actually like UC Irvine to start off with a very good game...and i love Cal State Fullerton to go deep into the CWS.

Good Luck Yanks...
You are correct about reducing juice and avoiding big favs..It'll kill ya in the long run, keep up the good work.
some more...

Adding two early game, one late game.

Still not finished with this Saturday the remainder of the late games will have to wait. The freakin' sun is getting ready to rise, so this will be it in terms of the early i'm gonna go crash.

DET ML (-104) over PHI for 3/4 unit
Miller against Moyer.

TOR RL -1.5 over WAS (+100) for 3/4 unit
Speigner against Marcum.

CYA sometime later today. Definitely will add more...after a few hours of sleep.
betting the college game, gotta love it, gl tonite yanks


UCI and AZST in a helluva game. Sun Devils jsut took a 5-4 lead in the bottom of the 8th. Gonna need a comeback outta the Anteaters in the top of the 9th.

On the MLB side...
very nice to see the BJays begin the day on a winning note.
and the late additions...

Actually got a lot of late adds to the card...5 more, to be exact. Freakin' Schimdt is throwing better than expected...and the Halos/Dodgers are in another duel. Hopefully the better team will win...cuz if so, i'll be happy. Anyways, here are my evening additions.

CWS RL -1.5 over PIT (+110) for 3/4 unit
Buehrle against Van Benschoten.

MIN RL -1.5 over MIL (+150) for 1/2 unit
Bush against Bonser.

OAK RL -1.5 over STL (+110) for 3/4 unit
Wellermeyer against Dinardo.

FLA/KC under 10 (+105) for 3/4 unit
Vandenhurk against De La Rosa.

TX/CIN over 10 (+105) for 3/4 unit
Wright against Harang.

So three RLs, and two go along with the original plays above.

And jeez...can these SPs have some crazier names tonight? Prolly spelled half them wrong, lol.

BOL the rest of the way. Go Yanks, and Go Halos!!! :cheers:
Anteaters fell short.

helluva game though...and they definitely gave the sun devils a run for their money, as a sizable doggie.
4-4 today...but a bit over a unit to the good, thx to hitting the right ones.

I'mma off tomorrow. Too drunk and tired to cap anything. So good luck with things, boys.