Saturday almost home Discussion


Meatballin' in Celtics Stadium
Posting from Dublin, see y'all bitches in a few hours as its been 8 days since I made a bet...

KC +110

on the radar:
CHW -108

As usual, go ahead and talk me off. Would like to see some Keuchel money flow in to make Noesi the dog...
Reds have many out. Reds on a bad day of week. Ump a little chalky. Yanks 5-2 last 7 at home. MCCarthy 3.14 ERA with him. Simon the better pitcher and on short sample fine on this rest. Teams roughly equal in day games especially with Nuno gone. Hard to evaluate this spot but spread seems too high.
Posted on Tweeter...Value is on Cardinals today at this price. I'll dabble most likely. Line should only continue to rise w/ public on Grienke
Posted on Tweeter...Value is on Cardinals today at this price. I'll dabble most likely. Line should only continue to rise w/ public on Grienke

Currently with the public. Stir playoff revenge, mix well with no Molina interesting drink
Small bet on Miami.
Henderson not good on 6 plus. Henderson is good at home. Plus SF sucks.
Detroit is 11-4 today and they are playing off 3 losses. I am looking at this Detroit pitcher. His first 4 games were fine and included a win at Detroit. Then-----6 losses and a win at home vs Detroit where he gave up 5 runs in 2 innings. In the 2 road games since then 6 run losses. Any insights why I should not lay 2.5.
In fairness his last game was very reasonable at home.
How do they have 4.5 on the first half?
At Tampa and Anaheim he gave up 5 runs at both sites first 5