Sat bases and Preakness


Pretty much a regular
Had a winning day yesterday 2-1-1 plus 920. Damn I'm fired up today, somebody hold me back. A little DJ Quick right now, a little Tonite is on. Let's shoot some craps. I'm 7 and 11 and I'm taking niggaz money. Unfadeable, watch me bust a ho. Yeah gonna get it done today. Fucking Preakness and baseball. Just put these Preakness bets in, a couple horse match up bets. They moved one line way down, the other one was sitting steady. They must be scared of Kid Cruz, and they don't think much of Ride On Curlin. I like Ride on Curlin, guess we'll see.


Ride On Curlin +115 vs Social Inclusion risking 434.78 to win 500

Kid Cruz +135 and +120 vs Social Inclusion risking 393.52 to win 500, they moved it would only allow 250 at once, ha they must be really scared of Kid Cruz

I like both of these cuz Social Inclusion is gonna die like a pig in the stretch, and both Ride On Curlin, and Kid Cruz will be coming late. Can't see worse than a 4th or so by either one of these, well maybe 5th if shit goes wrong I suppose. Social Inclusion will be backing way up at the end, not anywhere close to 4th, will be 7th or worse.

Gonna check out the baseball a bit more now. Gonna have a pick 4 at Pimlico later for the Preakness. Will single Cali Chrome in the Preakness then spread out in the other races. I think there is not a very good chance of Cali Chrome losing this one. Wouldn't want to bet him straight up at 3-5 odds, you never know, but I think in a pick 4 that isn't a bad idea. Go for prices in a couple of the other races in the sequence.
Added on a baseball game

Atlanta at St Louis -120, risking 1200 to win 1000

I am straying from the under here cuz of Harang, I don't trust his bitch ass, especially after watching that last game vs St Louis. That was struggle city for Harang, he was lucky to not give up more than 4. Well with Atlanta I feel comfortable with Minor, Wood, Teheran, and Santana, but not Harang. Well Santana kind of sucked last night, but on occasion he is gonna have a bit of a blow up. Those other 3 though Minor, Wood, and Teheran those guys are really good. Miller for St Louis should do well enough for the win, all he has to do is control those Atlanta weak sticks, ha, those Braves bats are fucking terrible. I'm not too scared of them lighting up Miller, he can walk some guys doesn't matter.
Man I remember Kid Cruz's dad, Lemon Drop Kid, he won the Preakness at about 20-1 or something like that. One of my buddies put 50 bucks on him, he was going nuts. That was a nice hit there. I didn't have Lemon Drop Kid that day.
Shit who the hell knows about that Brewers at Cubs game. Have no idea what Garza or Jackson will do. Suppose I would take a chance with bumfuck Jackson if I had to, oh man don't wanna go there. That game yesterday is still pissing me off. If Samardzija just would have pitched like any of his other starts I would have won damn it. Fucking any of em, fuck. Had Lohse pegged to give up 3 or more, and then I thought Jeff would hold the Brewers down with all those guys out, no Gomez, no Ramirez, no Braun, ha all those guys out and he has his worst start of the year, go fucking figure on that.
Added on another MLB day game

Mets at Nats -1, -109, risking 1090 to win 1000

I was looking at Gio vs the Mets, and he has really kicked their ass. He has 6 starts where he allowed 1 run or less vs the Mets, then 2 kind of clunkers. That is since he joined the Nats in 2012. So pretty good odds that he is gonna bounce back today and throw a gem. Well he is a pimp, doubt he is gonna struggle again after that bad outing, plus against a team he always dominates. Looked at the Mets as a whole vs Gio and they are batting .158, that is every player though they have, so those won't all be in there. Just look up and down there are a lot of struggles. Well and the Mets offensive doldrums are back, the last 3 games they aren't hitting again. Colon he has been a little bit shaky this year, kind of up and down. I figure he won't do all that well today. Even if he pitches well there could always be a late 7th inning or 8th pen meltdown to get the -1, the Mets pen on the road that is a debacle waiting to happen. Sounds good to me.

Think that is it for the day games in baseball. Didn't see anything else that looked good. Will bet some night games later.

Gotta get this pick 4 in the Preakness figured out. Suppose the pick 4 will take a while to figure. Guess even if I lose the pick 4, those horse match up bets will win. It is too bad they don't have those everyday. Those are a helluva lot easier to figure out than betting trifectas, or pick 4's.
Got the Pimlico live feed on. I checked equibase, for the changes, and it says all turf races moved to dirt. That couldn't be right, the Gallorette and the Dixie those must be on the turf. Must just be the early ones they are gonna be on the dirt. Guess I will find out in a minute, ha, get your shit together Pimlico.
Ha, now they changed it. Now it says at this time some races remain on the turf. Okay so they must mean the 9th and 11th are gonna be on the turf then, they should probably specify that. Fucking morons.
Ooooh jackpot pick 5 carryover, bet that will get huge. Maybe I will do that races 8-12, so Preakness last leg. Ha, I can't even hit a daily double how the fuck am I gonna hit a pick 5. Oh well gonna give it a shot, ha, man I'm dumb.
Well that Preakness race will be exciting if I make it to it. I will have a heart attack probably, cuz I'm gonna throw some bombs in there, on my ticket. Cali Chrome coming down the stretch I'm gonna be yelling my ass off. I will get there to the end, and then Cali Chrome will lose the boy, ha, yeah that would be about right.
I need a beer and some burritos. Better get that then look at the pick 5. Can't do a pick 5 on an empty stomach, that is some work there, hard work, hard work.
Thanks Rex, good luck to you on the ponies as well. Know your betting the Preakness, being from Kentucky.

Here's my pick 5 ticket for Pimlico starts in race 8, fucking 5 dimes doesn't have the pick 5 on the menu. So gonna have to head out to the OTB, Lincoln Racecourse. The Racecourse with no racecourse ha, there ins't a damn track out there.

.50 pick 5, 1,3,6,11/3,7/2,3,4,5/1,2,6,8/3 so it's 64 bucks for a .50 bet there.

I have several long shot bets in there. Have 1 or 2 horses over 12-1 in every race besides the 9th and the Preakness with Cali Chrome. Those 2 races the favorites look tough. The other 3 it looks like anything could happen to me. Guess I won't go into detail on all my horses, that would take a while, although I want to cuz I like fucking talking ha, when I'm drinking.

Guess I need to go to the track now and put in that bet, chicken shit 5 dimes.

Gonna check out more baseball when I get back.
Yeah gorgolon, that is a good one there. The Braves couldn't hit me, I could go out there and fire a decent game vs em, probably.
Fucking done in the pick 5 right away haha. I really suck at horses lately damn.

Oh well the baseball is the important shit, that is the big money. Well those horse match up bets I think I can win those, but as far as picking winners in the horses probably not on that.

Added a baseball game

Pads at Rockies -124, risking 1240 to win 1000

The Pads can't hit Lyles I wouldn't think. He is rolling right now, wheeling and dealing. Chances of the Pads ending his run aren't good. Erlin has done real well his last 2 starts, but oh well those were at Petco against a Marlins team that can't hit on the road, and KC who doesn't hit usually. Saw there was big line movement towards the Pads and there are more bets on the Rocks, oh well, don't care they are wrong here. The sharps can suck my dull dick.
Fuck what the hell is wrong with Gio? He is looking like shit again. I better hope Colon really sucks ass, he is gonna have to with this start by Gio.
Yeah they got it there gorgolon. Cards are a winner, so plus 1 k there, down 64 bucks on the horses, damn it. The Nats look in rough shape at the moment. Guess gotta hope for the push, maybe the Mets pen can come in and blow it. Fuck 2 run homer. Yeah the Nats are a loser.

Added one

Blue Jays +102 at Texas, risking 980.39 to win 1000

Well Robbie Ross has been awful lately 4 out of his last 5 starts he has been rocked. Only decent one was at Seattle, easier offense and park there, than tonight. The Jays are pretty potent, so I don't understand this line at all, ha, maybe I am taking a sucker bet I guess. I don't think so, but we'll see. Buerhle is rolling pretty well so seems like an easy blowout win to me. This line is really fucked, probably should keep me away, but I'm strolling in anyway. Have the better offense, and the better pitcher, at plus money, I'm down.
looks like the line adjusted in favor of the rockies after the lineups were released.

cheers tuck BOL tonight :cheers:
Here's my crappy Preakness bets that you don't wanna have, lol, well my horse bets oh my they haven't been going well at all for a while now been months of bad bets on horses. Maybe today is the big day here with a super, and a tri hit. Not sure if this will pay great if Cali Chrome wins, but I think there is an outside shot that maybe Ride On Curlin or Kid Cruz runs him down late, since the pace is gonna be heated and Kid Cruz and Ride On Curlin have some late kick, especially Kid Cruz he really kicks it in gear late. He likes the track too, he ran well here last race.

Preakness plays 2 of em

$1 super box 1,3,7,10 so 24 bucks

$1 tri box 1,3,7,10 so 24 bucks there too

Yeah Austin saw it moved up. That chick in your avatar looks like she is on about 5 hits of acid, ha, don't know what that is from that picture. She looks kind of like my girlfriend when I was 19 she would get that look when we were trippin.
Fuck for me I don't do anything but sports. Unless I'm at my brother's house on a Saturday then sometimes we watch a movie or something. Don't remember the last time I went to a movie in a theater, fuck been a while there.
I have a bunch of supers and tris in the preakness. I think a few horses can be eliminated from bets: 4,5,6,9.

So I eliminated them and took the others in tri's and supers. Most have Cali Chrome finishing 1st!
Yeah I think Cali Chrome will win probably, the only problem could be he gets too close to a hot pace up front. Then that sets it up for Kid Cruz, and Ride On Curlin to close. Not sure if either could catch him anyway though. The Belmont he isn't winning that one though.
May have a late pick on those 8 central time games, haven't delved into em much yet.

Time to go out to the track with my bro. He just got here so we're gonna go out there and bet, he doesn't have an online account.
i don't know who this chick is tuck. but she has brought me good luck. she is one tripped out chick - i am going to stick with her.

i feel you on staying locked into sports and nothing else. do what you are good at. it takes everything i try to do in life anyway: self-discipline, math, feel for the game, intelligence. i love it when one of my ideas come into reality. i love it more than money.
Yeah I didn't win anything on the horses but I didn't lose. Ride On Curlin beat Social Inclusion so won that match up bet, lost with Kid Cruz. So won 107 bucks on horse match ups. Kind of pissed Social Inclusion didn't run like he was supposed to out front and burn out. Guess Kid Cruz didn't bring shit.

It was kind of funny at the track they had this black guy out in the parking lot waving people in, there was nowhere else to go but to turn right, but they had some bum waving a stick telling you to go right, ha. Otherwise you could have turned left and gone over a curb and into a corn field, ha. Can't believe they fucking paid a guy 7 bucks an hour or whatever the minimum wage is to tell people to follow the road to park.
Yeah good luck with it Gorgolon I am not doing anything on that one. Well Bailey and Hamels both scare me on an under, but you could be right cuz Cincy and Philly both suck hitting. Especially Cincy.
Yeah I'm still thinking it over right now on the 2 late games there gorgolon. Not sure if I will do anything else.
Fuck I am thinking about taking a shot with the Marlins. Well Lincecum was damn good vs the Braves, but who the hell cares about that, lol, the Braves everybody shuts them down. Yeah I'm adding it, fuck it. Well Koehler has been really good this year besides 2 starts, hope he bounces back tonight. Like he did after his last crap start. Taking the Marlins to win 2 in a row on the road, well maybe the booze is getting to me now. Am all tanked at this point.

Marlins +135 at Giants, risking 740.74 to win 1000

Just taking a shot here since Lincecum has been pretty awful for the most part, except against the Braves 2 out of his last 3 starts. I don't give a fuck about that, my mom could shut down the Braves. She does throw a mean slider however. Koehler has been pretty good, 2 bad outings that's it. I think he is gonna be dealing hopefully tonight.

This may be it, not sure. Gonna go over to my brothers house I guess. He is tired of being with the wife all the time.
Yeah I think Miami can do it gorgolon. I mean I look at that price +135, and I'm thinking well Lincecum has sucked ass except vs the Braves, so why not take a shot with a guy who has been dealing all year besides 2 fucking starts. Seems like a good bet to me.