

Moderator (Honorary)
Been fumbling my way through the Steele mag, schedules and scouting reports. You sandwich lovers circle Nov 22. Tons of letdown spots for the big boys. Here are the big sandwich spots I saw on my first glances. As always, there can be no bye week preceding or following the sandwich.

Nov 22 - Bama hosts Western Car after Missy St and before the Iron Bowl.
Nov 22 Auburn hosts Samford off @Georgia and before the Iron Bowl
Sept 27 LSU hosts NMexSt off Missy St and before @Auburn
Sept 20 Arky hosts N. Ill off @ Tex Tech and before A&M
Oct 25 Ark hosts UAB off Georgia and before @MissSt
Sept 20 Georgia hosts Troy off @Gamecocks and before Tenny
Nov 22 Georgia hosts Charleston Sou off Auburn and before GT
Nov 22 South Car hosts South Ala off @Fla and before @Clem - brutal spot here.....
Nov 22 FLA hosts Eastern KY off South Car and before @FSU
Oct 11 Tenny hosts Chatt off FLA and before @Ole Piss
Nov 1 Bucks host Illini off @PSU and before @sparty
Sept 13 Michigan hosts Miami-O off @ND and before Utah - probably be an autoplay for me here...
Nov 22 Clemson hosts Georgia St off @GT and before Spurrier
Sept 20 BC hosts Maine off USC and before Colly St
Sept 27 VT hosts Western Mich off GT and before @UNC - another likely autoplay. VT will be coming off tOSU, ECU, and GT. Most have VT and UNC battling for the top spot in the coastal this year so a monster lookahead with the Chapel Hill trip on deck...
Sept 27 Kansas St hosts UTEP off Auburn and before Tex Tech
Sept 13 (Nice early season Sammy) WVU hosts Towson off Alabama (In Atlanta) and before @Maryland (this game was a nice rivalry for a long time). I will be on Towson very big here at any reasonable number. Towson will make noise here and make a game out of this.
ECU in week 2 vs. SCar is in a great spot for a cover, provide a scare, and possibly make it a closer game than it should be.

'Cocks open with TAMU on Thursday night at home, play ECU in wk2, play UGA at home in wk3.
I won't bet all of these, but I've always taken a hard look at dogs in the spot and over the years I've done well with it.

ETG - Nice one there. Seems like ECU's dbs and linebackers will be a step down this year but they should be able to keep running teams pretty honest. GL this year bro.