Sam "the bitch" Mitchell Fired!!!


The Doc
About damn time. Guy was a terrible coach, who was constantly being out-smarted by the opposition.

Ya, he won coach of the year a few years ago, but that was mainly because the Raptors were so shit the year before and Colangelo came in and got some decent talent which resulted in a pretty significant turn around.

As for his replacement, I'm hoping for Avery Johnson or Flip Saunders to come in.
after that home loss to the nets people were started to get fed up with sam's coaching style, blowing huge leads and getting totally exposed on plays out of timeouts.

last nites 40 point loss to the nugs pretty much sealed it.

good f'n riddance.
hope my boy Ukić gets more minutes under new coach:smiley_acbe:

Green, Mike, t-dot, any impressions on the guy? I know he's been getting peanuts, but still I think he can be a solid contributor coming from the bench, the guy's a balla'an_horse'
This is long overdue. This team has had too much talent the past few years to do absolutely nothing in a weak conference.
lol at Eddie Jordan. Hes about the only coach who wouldnt be a upgrade
avery johnson is basically a mini version of mitchell. get someone in there who'll increase the tempo and let the team play loose.

I think the stat was 6 fast break points per game so far this season for the Rap. that is a joke
ukic is not bad. he just needs more minutes and getting used to the nba. he needs to practice his stroke from beyond the arc and make better decisions. definitely potential
mitchell was a fuckin joke...thank god...i've said for years that the guy should go but colangelo had to keep him b/c he got coach of the year

alan, your boy ukic is very bad...he shouldn't even be in the nba...sorry bro

good europeans are gasol and calderon and the guy on portland...there may be more i'm missing but it isn't ukic
wow really? Did not see that coming. Think he can be ok, not thinking new Calderon but he spent a couple of years in Spain, had some experience there, now came here, getting peanuts so far.

Anyways, still hoping he steps up, we'll see.
i think avery johnson would be a good fit for this team.

Avery is a horrible choice. Avery and Smitch have the same strengths and weakness'. They are good at being a players coach and motivation. But are piss poor at execution and strategy.
good europeans are gasol and calderon and the guy on portland...there may be more i'm missing but it isn't ukic

What do you mean there MAY be more? :D

here's the list of good Europeans in the NBA:

France: Nicolas Batum (potential), Boris Diaw, Phoenix Suns; Yakhouba Diawara (potential), Miami Heat, Tony Parker, San Antonio Spurs; Mickael Pietrus, Orlando Magic
Germany: Dirk Nowitzki, Dallas Mavericks

Italy: Andrea Bargnani,
Latvia: Andris Biedrins, Golden State Warriors
Lithuania: Zydrunas Ilgauskas, Cleveland Cavaliers; Linas Kleiza, Denver Nuggets
Russia: Andrei Kirilenko, Utah Jazz
Serbia: Predrag “Peja” Stojakovic, New Orleans Hornets
Spain: Jose Manuel Calderon, Toronto Raptors; Rudy Fernandez, Portland Trail Blazers; Pau Gasol, Los Angeles Lakers; Marc Gasol, Memphis Grizzlies; Sergio Rodriguez (we'll see), Portland Trail Blazers
Turkey: Mehmet Okur, Utah Jazz, Hidayet "Hedo" Turkoglu, Orlando Magic

Not all of them are "TOP CLASS" but all of these qualify under "GOOD". :popcorn:
hope my boy Ukić gets more minutes under new coach:smiley_acbe:

Green, Mike, t-dot, any impressions on the guy? I know he's been getting peanuts, but still I think he can be a solid contributor coming from the bench, the guy's a balla'an_horse'

I actually believe he will be better than Calderone.
Ukic has a better skill set for this league. He is just skinny and not strong enough. He is too used to be the quickest player on the court in Europe and didn't develop his jumper. he should be able to improve in that area with our coaching staff. The only thing RIGHT now that Calderone does better than Ukic is shoot.
i just don't see it but maybe i'm wrong

colangelo won't get 4 foot coach avery johnson with the worst voice in the world....the players hate his system...bryan is a stud...he'll get somebody good
mitchell was a fuckin joke...thank god...i've said for years that the guy should go but colangelo had to keep him b/c he got coach of the year

alan, your boy ukic is very bad...he shouldn't even be in the nba...sorry bro

good europeans are gasol and calderon and the guy on portland...there may be more i'm missing but it isn't ukic


Watch Calderone closely. His reliance on Bosh and the quality of shooters we possess is what gets him his assists. He DOES NOT produce easy baskets. We are last in the league in fast break points for a reason. With Gazelles like moon and Bosh, its an embarrassment that we are last in that category.

Watch Ukic, he is fearless attacking his defender; he is just too weak in the upper bidy to finish plays in traffic. It will come. He is already twice the creator and defender Calderone is.
:shake: very good breakdown there, I agree wholeheartedly. He used to beat the defenders with speed and now he has to use everything he has and it may not be enough against some guys.

Needs some muscle that's for sure, but I think he'll be good. Not a future star perhaps and not better than Calderon maybe, but Roko will be good.
ukic better than calderon, not in a million years

Calderone was also trash his first year in the NBA. It takes time to adjust. But Ukic physical tools and skill set is much better than Calderone. You cant even question that.
we agree to disagree fellas

i hope you're right b/c i'm a raps fan
I'm a Spurs fan but Ukic is our only boy left in the big league so we need him to step up, I'm watching all Raps games this season because of him.:popcorn:
Now on to Mitchell.

As everyone knows; he was pissing me off to no end with his in game decisions and substitution patterns. The players tuned him out since the Celtics game.

I have a short list of guys that I want and am just waiting for Colangelo to ask me for them :).

Now we just need to get rid of Calderone, while the league still thinks he's a borderline all star.
What do you mean there MAY be more? :D

here's the list of good Europeans in the NBA:

France: Nicolas Batum (potential), Boris Diaw, Phoenix Suns; Yakhouba Diawara (potential), Miami Heat, Tony Parker, San Antonio Spurs; Mickael Pietrus, Orlando Magic
Germany: Dirk Nowitzki, Dallas Mavericks

Italy: Andrea Bargnani,
Latvia: Andris Biedrins, Golden State Warriors
Lithuania: Zydrunas Ilgauskas, Cleveland Cavaliers; Linas Kleiza, Denver Nuggets
Russia: Andrei Kirilenko, Utah Jazz
Serbia: Predrag “Peja” Stojakovic, New Orleans Hornets
Spain: Jose Manuel Calderon, Toronto Raptors; Rudy Fernandez, Portland Trail Blazers; Pau Gasol, Los Angeles Lakers; Marc Gasol, Memphis Grizzlies; Sergio Rodriguez (we'll see), Portland Trail Blazers
Turkey: Mehmet Okur, Utah Jazz, Hidayet "Hedo" Turkoglu, Orlando Magic

Not all of them are "TOP CLASS" but all of these qualify under "GOOD". :popcorn:

I saw this post coming a mile away as I was reading through the thread. Well played and I agree with you 100%. :cheers:
+ I forgot to add my boy Ukic as a potential, but until he proves it more I won't include him on the list just yet.

My short list for candidates.

1. JVG

He has always been pro-Raptors.
He stresses defense and knows how to work the big guys.

2. Messina

The Euro posters know who is.
Great tactician and is a student of the game.
Hard nosed and values execution.

3. Jeff Bdzelik

He should be able to vastly improve our offense immediately.

4. Butch Carter

Total wack job, but knows how to coach.
You , missed some good players.

Nocioni, Rasho, Radmanovic, Darko, Vujacic and Zaza.

Probably a few more too.
well I know, I kinda took the liberty to stress those I consider slightly above others.

I do think the ones you mentioned are good, although I don't rate Darko nor Sasha as highly as I do some others. Nor Radmanovic or Rasho that much.

Except Nocioni, he's Argentinian (although originally Italian, hence the surname), so he doesn't fit the category.
The difference between Avery Johnson and Sam Mitchell is that Avery actually did something as a player, where as Mitchell was just a scrub player at best. And honestly, it's hard to take orders from a guy like Mitchell who didnt do shit in the league as a player, where as Johnson has that credibility and respect, even though he's a midget.

Also, Avery also knows the point guard situation like the back of his hand, and that's a spot where the raps have been struggling lately.

JVG is the most annoying fucken guy in basketball and I hope to hell that he doesnt get the job.
Satyr, it's hard to have a really strong opinion on Ukic considering he hasn't had much time on the court.

But from what I've seen of him so far this season his jumpshot is below average, but he is a good distributor of the ball and drives to the basket pretty well.
The difference between Avery Johnson and Sam Mitchell is that Avery actually did something as a player, where as Mitchell was just a scrub player at best. And honestly, it's hard to take orders from a guy like Mitchell who didnt do shit in the league as a player, where as Johnson has that credibility and respect, even though he's a midget.

Also, Avery also knows the point guard situation like the back of his hand, and that's a spot where the raps have been struggling lately.

JVG is the most annoying fucken guy in basketball and I hope to hell that he doesnt get the job.

Sam worked hard as a player, he had the respect of his peers. THere are plenty of good coaches that didnt do shit as a player.

Avery is in the Mitchell mold, no question. Being a great motivator can only go so far, if you cant grow as a coach. Both Avery and Smitch grew stagnant and the players tuned them out. He is piss poor at the x's and o's. He had Del Harris; Smitch had Todd.

We need someone to implement a system. We need someone to teach our guys discipline. We've been lackadaisical under Smitch because he "just" let them play. Thats one of the reason we're bi-polar as a team. GHow often do we sprint out to a comfortable lead, just so we can give the game away. Discipline. We need lots of it.

A good coach should be able to mask some of our weakness'. JVG would make us a threat in any play-off match-up.
What do you mean there MAY be more? :D

here's the list of good Europeans in the NBA:

France: Nicolas Batum (potential), Boris Diaw, Phoenix Suns; Yakhouba Diawara (potential), Miami Heat, Tony Parker, San Antonio Spurs; Mickael Pietrus, Orlando Magic
Germany: Dirk Nowitzki, Dallas Mavericks

Italy: Andrea Bargnani,
Latvia: Andris Biedrins, Golden State Warriors
Lithuania: Zydrunas Ilgauskas, Cleveland Cavaliers; Linas Kleiza, Denver Nuggets
Russia: Andrei Kirilenko, Utah Jazz
Serbia: Predrag “Peja” Stojakovic, New Orleans Hornets
Spain: Jose Manuel Calderon, Toronto Raptors; Rudy Fernandez, Portland Trail Blazers; Pau Gasol, Los Angeles Lakers; Marc Gasol, Memphis Grizzlies; Sergio Rodriguez (we'll see), Portland Trail Blazers
Turkey: Mehmet Okur, Utah Jazz, Hidayet "Hedo" Turkoglu, Orlando Magic

Not all of them are "TOP CLASS" but all of these qualify under "GOOD". :popcorn:

lol andrea bargnani should be (potential) haha
I didn't see Beno Udrih on there. Got to see him play in person last year and he's pretty good with that left hand.
Hey all...

It was about time Mitchel had to go, regardless of what happened during this season I have tons of respect for the guy especially during the first two years at a job. Change was needed, and I agree with Colangelo's decision to fire him.

Like t-dot said, I think JVG would be an ideal choice for the Raptors, though I would like us to push the ball a little more, starting with Calderon. In my eyes, I think Ukic is a good backup and I do think he has potential to be better then Calderon once he gets that aweful jumper going. Athletic, long, good defender, aggressive, and penetrates. Jose's biggest downfall to me is his defense... He absolutely can't keep up with the opposition, not even the first two steps..... Anyway, no matter who the next coach is, Raptors need to make a good move in order to improve.
I really really hope they hire David Blatt. Israeli with US citizenship that
already worked under Colangelo in <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" /><st1:City><st1:place>Treviso</st1:place></st1:City> and Colangelo said that he is NBA material coach. Won the Euroleague three times as assistant coach, won Italian Championship and Cup, won the Eurocup, won European Championship with <st1:country-region><st1:place>Russia</st1:place></st1:country-region>. One of the best coaches in the world right now and it seems to be the right place for him. He said a few times that he wants to be a head coach in the NBA, but not assistant and that is why he isn’t in yet. Maybe this time he will finally get the job he deserves.
<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p> </o:p>
New coach or not Colangelo needs to bring in some new talent to address the weak spots on the team.

A veteran back up point guard and a consistent wing-man, who plays average defense at the least are two things this team needs desperately before they can even think of making some noise in the playoffs this season.

just in time satyr :tiphat:

and hey, Blatt is just great.. but im truly doubtful about Euro coaches getting to manage NBA teams

That's just it, he isn't European, he is US coach just like all other coaches in the league :)
BTW, he is the one the brought Parker to Maccabi and knows him very well, he coached Bargniani on Treviso and knows him very well also...