Saban to Texas?

My buddy (who used to live in Austin and knows plenty of folks there) forwarded me a link to a story a couple months back which said/showed Saban's wife "house shopping in the Austin area.
urban meyer to alabama, then jon gruden to ohio state ( assuming nick leaves for texas)
Text my buddy just now and he says exactly way Mack is gone, biggest UT booster, Joe Jamail, came out and said "Mack is not to be fired".

Also said the word on the daily local Austin sports talk show on 590 KLBJ is that "Mack will be back for sure" according to UT sources.
1049 in austin mentioned that saban was already hired in texas, it was a joke. some thread on reddit said the same shit, none of it is true. and as far as jamail goes, that old bastard is only 1 booster. he's got a lot of money, but if the new AD can shut him up for 5 minutes, he might realize this good ol boy network can shut it's pie-hole.

remember, another booster is the guy who started talking with saban's agent via email and started all these rumors in the 1st place. so warring factions in the booster world at austin are making things weird and interesting.
My buddy (who used to live in Austin and knows plenty of folks there) forwarded me a link to a story a couple months back which said/showed Saban's wife "house shopping in the Austin area.

Always love the house shopping rumors. Bill Cowher's been looking for a house in Strongsville, Ohio for 10 years. He's very selective.
The Sabans have been involved in many speculative real estate purchases, including the one disaster on Lake Burton in Georgia, so it's not out of the question for Mrs. Saban to be looking at houses in Austin, particularly lake front properties. Plus, Austin is a nice place to retire I've heard. What I've heard from some Texas people is that Mack will "retire" this year, but not until a new coach has been found. Saban is their first choice, and has been for a couple of years. However, at this point, he isn't leaving Tuscaloosa. I guess that can change, but listening to those who have a better grasp on it than I do, he's happy (and more importantly his wife is) where they are. Texas can pretty much hire anyone they want, so I wouldn't expect any news until at least after this weekend, and maybe all the way through bowl season and NFL regular season while they go through all the big time names.
Every big coaching search is flooded with real estate speculation. Everyone said les miles bought a house in michigan while they were looking for a coach.
Is Bama a better job than Ohio St? I would have to think not. Alabama will drop off the map without Saban.
Is Bama a better job than Ohio St? I would have to think not. Alabama will drop off the map without Saban.

No way you actually believe that. Alabama has one at least one national title in every decade of the modern era, except for the 1980s. There will be a drop, but it definitely won't fall off the map.
Im not that sure that demand to coach at Alabama in the thick of the south is on par with other jobs in the country. Without elite recruiting Alabama will fall back.

the SEC is quickly falling apart from the teams we've seen own it last 10 years. ole miss could be dominating this conference in a couple years quite easily. Scar, Florida, Bama, all trending down.

bird man bird man
I just finished reading that college football book where they wrote a behind the scenes look on a whole slew of topics including the Alabama coaching search. Rich Rod was already hired and had the contract signed. They were set to announce the deal in the following day or two. Someone from Rich Rods camp leaked the deal to ESPN and it fell apart and the AD went after his next choice in Saban. How the history of college football could have changed if Rich Rod just doesn't leak the deal to ESPN
I just finished reading that college football book where they wrote a behind the scenes look on a whole slew of topics including the Alabama coaching search. Rich Rod was already hired and had the contract signed. They were set to announce the deal in the following day or two. Someone from Rich Rods camp leaked the deal to ESPN and it fell apart and the AD went after his next choice in Saban. How the history of college football could have changed if Rich Rod just doesn't leak the deal to ESPN
The Miami Dolphins would have been stuck with that dickhead then. The same guy who passed on Drew Brees, who wanted to play for Miami, because he didn't like his throwing motion. Oh the thought!!
lotta smoke comin outta austin about mack being gone after the baylor game. that it's a mutal decision, and that patterson (new ad) is gonna bounce his ass.

mack brown said this after the tech game:

"What I've said every time I've been asked is I'd like to meet the new athletic director (Steve Patterson) and be able to sit down and say, 'Hi, I'm Mack Brown. How are you? Let's talk about our future together.'

"Instead of putting him on the spot with me saying what he's going to do or what he's not going to do.

"And he's been great. He met our staff yesterday morning and got to visit with us for the first time. It's the second time I've talked to him with 17 of my best friends standing there.

"So as soon as we get through with Baylor, I'll be excited to sit down with Steve and talk to him about the future of Texas football and where we're going."

not lookin good for mack brown.

if baylor puts up a 50 burger, it'll be that much easier for mack to walk out. his buyout is 2.75 million, not gonna matter to UT at all.

saban would only leave bama and go to texas because he's a psycho. the money would help, but it's really about building ANOTHER championship team.
It just makes sense for Mack Brown to resign after tomorrow or the bowl game. I have no idea who coaches after him.
If Saban doesn't leave for Texas then he's at UAT for life. If he has any inclination to bolt now is the ideal time: there almost certainly won't be a better offer than Texas in the future, he's accomplished a ton at Alabama with nothing else to prove, McCarron is gone etc.

I think there is a chance this goes down because at the end of the day Nick Saban is a mercenary. In some ways the marriage between him and Alabama is a strange yet perfect relationship. The fans don't really give a shit about Saban other than his consistent winning to the table(notice the disappointment the AU loss caused, not that it endangered his job security one iota but Alabama fans are an inherently miserable group that are insufferable even in the best of times.) and Nick Saban doesn't give a shit about the fans/UA but he puts up with the Gumps because they paid him the big bucks to escape the NFL.
the story is that all of mack's buddies in the good ol boy network are coming out now in favor of mack staying, and how much he saved the program, and how much everyone loves he can walk out gracefully and retire. that way, he'll leave with some dignity, and work in the athletic department in some capacity, or just hang out at LHN studios and shoot the shit.

i think the larger question is, is mack really leaving? if he stays, then all these stories that i mentioned are bullshit. but if mack really "retires" after the baylor game, and these good ol boys really were in on a PR campaign to save mack's dignity, then you gotta figure they'd have someone else in mind. and someone else is almost guaranteed to be a big name. could it be saban? shit. i don't know. but you gotta figure it's somebody that is going to make an immediate impact on the field and on the recruiting trail.
If Saban doesn't leave for Texas then he's at UAT for life. If he has any inclination to bolt now is the ideal time: there almost certainly won't be a better offer than Texas in the future, he's accomplished a ton at Alabama with nothing else to prove, McCarron is gone etc.

I think there is a chance this goes down because at the end of the day Nick Saban is a mercenary. In some ways the marriage between him and Alabama is a strange yet perfect relationship. The fans don't really give a shit about Saban other than his consistent winning to the table(notice the disappointment the AU loss caused, not that it endangered his job security one iota but Alabama fans are an inherently miserable group that are insufferable even in the best of times.) and Nick Saban doesn't give a shit about the fans/UA but he puts up with the Gumps because they paid him the big bucks to escape the NFL.

Stopped reading at UAT.
Texas arguably the most premier job in the country. You don't have to leave the state to recruit, you are the biggest name univ. in the state, and you get to live in a great city. Oh yeah, they can pay amongst the 3 or 4 highest salaries in the industry. There is a significant chance this will happen post 12/07. What the percentage is, only Saban and his wife know, but the pluses are there and they are more than Bama has.
5 years at Mich St. 5 yrs at LSU. 2 yrs with the Dolphins. 7 yrs at Bama. I think we can see the trend lol
He's 62 and rich. Not a great combo for your next coach. Not to go all Texas on ya', but he'd ride in with his saddle bags already packed full of loot.
He's got no more mountains to climb. If he were that driven, he'd take another NFL job. Also, his last few minutes in that Auburn game? ... His slip is showing.
We'd see just how big of a dick he had if he left the Bams to go to wake Forest University. Whatcha got, Satan?!