S.Miss down starters via Covid

Seems like when teams are down starters / players they win and often cover. LaTech (vs SM), Ark State (vs KSt), Kansas St (vs OU), VT (vs NCSt), BYU (vs Troy). I guess there are games like when ULL was down players vs Georgia State, they didn't cover. And Georgia Southern didn't cover vs Campbell. Probably others. Texas State has been without some key players and covered several games.

I'm not saying it isn't information we or I don't want to know, but I am saying it hasn't mattered much at all.

I agree, I actually played S.Miss at 1' and then added to it when it hit 3. I feel cappers and public (Unless severity of starters) are over compensating for Covid. I see the record above and haven't played off the game, however the information is a data point for some.

Good luck this week sir.