Russell Wilson isnt happy

He shouldn’t be. It a testament to either his character or his facade that he has kept quiet this long!

Carroll such a dinosaur he was happy with that bum shottenhiemer’s kid running the offense for way to long! Guy has never been a good OC, just another one the many cases ppl have when accusing the nfl of racism cause he def proof of the good ol boy network getting and keeping jobs they have no business having!!

who did seattle end up hiring as their OC? It was another huge joke they even interviewed that clown Gase! Woulda been enough for me to break the minute I heard he was in the building! Guy seriously known for ruining QB’s and you brought him in for a interview?
Lots of interweb talk about Russ making his way to the Raiders. I am a Carr fan but I would pack his bags for him if it meant Russ played in Vegas next year.

im sure you would, I don’t buy for a second seattle gonna move him! This isn’t anywhere close to the watson situation and I still have serious doubts houston will move him. You don’t just trade away franchise Qb’s! What could raiders possibly offer that make it even worth considering?
Good Lord I hope they don’t NBA this shit

sure kinda looks to be going that way don’t it? I don’t think players will ever have the same level of power in nfl but nfl is starting to get that offseason more important feel to it.

As I often say, that movie “any given sunday” often proves to be right about lot of things it suggested where nfl was headed in that movie. Thing gotta be a good 25-30 years old now doesn’t it??
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I didn’t think there was much to this story but sure starting to sound like seattle listening to offers on him!!! I’ve heard a lot about 3 1st rounders being the starting point for negotiations, that feels cheap considering seattle gave up 2 of them to get adams!! Would they really trade away a couple 1st round picks for a freaking safety which to me implied they don’t value those picks all that highly! Then turn around and take 3 of them for Russ? Doesn’t make a lot of sense to me!!
Ruined what though? Reality is we've ruined what you want sports to be by gambling and having overblown opinions....they're just being capitalists.
Contracts in the NFL are different than the NBA.

How are they being capitalists?
What does gambling have to do with it, also?
Probably more for the NFL w/o guaranteed contracts. Eventually stud players want to get guaranteed stud money. Fantasy did that. They want to maximize their value not to the team, but to the league.
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I’m happy!!! BUT....
Wow. I'm surprised the Raiders are on that short list. Maybe cause they're in Vegas now and his wife would love that.
Wifey wants a show in Vegas, not even sure it doesn't happen even if he doesn't go there

ah. Gotcha. I mean he a upgrade over Carr but I certainly don’t think Carr the problem in vegas. Think they be better off fixing the d instead of giving away all their draft capital.
ah. Gotcha. I mean he a upgrade over Carr but I certainly don’t think Carr the problem in vegas. Think they be better off fixing the d instead of giving away all their draft capital.
I'd go but wouldn't be the first show I crapped out in there. See: Madison, Holly
Again. As a huge Raiders fan I understand that the problem with the team is absolutely not Carr. Its the defense. They would be MUCH better off fixing the defense and moving on from this.

That being said. Players like Russ simply do not get traded but once in a generation. If they can get him it might be worth tearing everything down and starting over if thats what they have to do.
The relationship between Russ and Gruden goes way back to when he was being drafted. Gruden was a believer then before just about anyone else. Said something to the effect of if I was Tavaris Jackson and Matt Flynn I would be very scared of this kid taking my job. That was just after Flynn was paid big bucks by the Seahawks too. Russ never forgot that.
Lots of interweb talk about Russ making his way to the Raiders. I am a Carr fan but I would pack his bags for him if it meant Russ played in Vegas next year.

ive kinda changed my initial option on this, you think going to Russ while losing bunch of draft picks they could use to improve that defense would really improve ya’ll that much over where they are with Carr? I love Russ and he def a upgrade but not sure it a large enough improvement that would change the landscape of the afc west. Carr is the least of Raiders problems, he really isn’t a problem at all.

I get the appeal, im sure it be exciting to have a qb who takes more risk throwing the ball down the field and the ability to escape and make plays that Wilson has. Carr runs gruden offense really well tho, I’d go as far to say he was surgical last year with way he played and getting them into the right plays pre snap. In that division the raiders 1st, 2nd, and 3rd priority this offseason outta be fixing the defense cause as currently constructed Kc and now chargers are gonna hang 30 on them at will. The offense with Carr is plenty capable of doing their job, they just need a defense that gives them a fighting chance cause right now they the worst defense in the west by a large margin imo.

Russ not only doesn’t change that problem but actually makes it worse since they would have to give away draft capital they need to fix it. I don’t think replacing Carr with him would make the offense so much better they could overcome being the worst defense in the division.
Dallas makes way more sense to do whatever it takes to go get Russ. I dunno if they have the ability cause not sure Dak is a appealing trade piece with the contract situation? I’m sure seattle much rather have Carr under contract at 20ish mil per the next 2 seasons than Dak under the tag at 37 million then a free agent next year! That not really a trade piece at all! Lol. Plus Russ would make Dallas real contenders in the nfc imo, mostly cause the nfc East is so weak and Dallas has so many weapons it wouldn’t matter nearly as much their defense sucks like it does the raiders.
It would ensure that Raiders fans will be miserable for the next couple decades

they have never appreciated Carr enough. It would serve them right to move off Carr and continue being average at best!! I dunno why Carr doesn’t get any respect? It took him a minute after the year he broke his leg before playoffs when he had raiders looking great but he been easily a top 10 qb the last 2 years I think. He had a top 10 passer rating and qbr last year. I’d rather he took a few more chances throwing deep but that a small gripe compared to most guys. I’d take him over Baker all day every day and ppl love Baker!
they have never appreciated Carr enough. It would serve them right to move off Carr and continue being average at best!! I dunno why Carr doesn’t get any respect? It took him a minute after the year he broke his leg before playoffs when he had raiders looking great but he been easily a top 10 qb the last 2 years I think. He had a top 10 passer rating and qbr last year. I’d rather he took a few more chances throwing deep but that a small gripe compared to most guys. I’d take him over Baker all day every day and ppl love Baker!
Carr to Minny would be sublime
They be crazy if they were looking to move him. Guy a top 10 qb and under contract at 20 mil per the next 2 years! Good luck finding that again!
Raiders averaged 27 points per game last year (ranked 10th) The defense gave up 30 or more in 10 freaking games tho!! If they can develop Ruggs to keep him from being a bust they should score even more in ‘21!!

Seattle scored 28 per game, it debatable who had better weapons? Russ had a better pair of wrs, Carr had a beast te and better rb when he was healthy, seemed like jacobs was banged up a lot last year tho (I dunno how many games he missed or was limited). Carr had better oline when they were healthy and Rona free (that probably hurt the overall ppg as well, they had one or 2 games with covid problems that seattle didn’t), Carr had the better offensive scheme.
Wilson QBR was 73 to Carr’s 71 last year. Are those 2 points worth the haul they would have to give up or the extra money? Sure doesn’t seem like it would be to me.
27 ppg without a true number 1 wide out. Add a real wideout to the mix and the offense becomes unstoppable really. You can’t double Waller in that case.

the defense is absolutely the problem though. I read an article today that had the Raiders giving up a first rounder to the Bears to get Mack back and the Bears going hard after Russ. I like that way better.
He wants out because his coach is an idiot. Hasn’t improved o line in years, demands to run the ball and doubled down on it this off season with “establish it” and gave his sons preferential treatment as coaches (one moved on to OC at Arizona), supposedly. However, Russ saying he’d go to CHI negates any of his beef going with Nagy, no WRs if A-Rob leaves and tells me it’s more about where his wife wants to live. He’s more likely to win a SB in Sea then CHI and Vegas for that matter. Dallas probably too. Teams would have to give up capital and none besides the Saints on his honey do list are good enough to give up draft capital for him and compete for SBs