Rumor About Les Miles Resigning On Monday....


In transit, arriving late.
All on social media. Supposedly a relationship with a student or cheerleader.

Blowing up down here that at 730 Monday he resigns.

Anyone out there?
my dude who is pretty in the know says it has been known since last October and he thinks nothing will happen fwiw
I smell bullshit....not buying it

its too similar to the Gary Moeller issue that kept les from getting the UM job.....that's why it sounds fabricated to me
The running joke is, have you seen his wife? Now wonder
Wow I don't get it. Maybe her family's rich as fuck, he married into money when he was younger?
he is looking at her like WTF am i doing, just look at his face of pure disgust.

maybe she gives crazy head?
Lareux's right, she's pretty much Corky, although Corky may have bigger tits and a more come hither smile.
I mean, I'm an average looking guy married to an average looking woman, and, well, this makes me feel better about myself, I have to say.
I don't always eat grass. But when I do, I go home to a white, female Julius Erving.
More like Gilbert Godfried...

I was referring to Mark Gottfried fucking cheerleaders at Alabama and why he abruptly resigned four years ago or so. Mark Gottfried says, "welcome to the club, Les" ... Assuming this is true about Les.
ummm checked up on it and says there is nothing to it, all just a bullshit rumor from a student reporter from Western Kentucky that had no viable source.
ABSOLUTLEY anything is possible when it comes to a human being, but I was leaning BS on this. But I'm also smart enough to know it still doesn't mean it didn't happen.