Ruining the sport wasn't enough. Had to ruin the new version too.


This claim is disputed
Rule 23 – Game Misconduct Penalties
A new Game Misconduct category will be created. Clipping, charging, elbowing, interference, kneeing, head-butting and butt-ending move from the general category into the same category as boarding and checking from behind ("Physical Fouls"), whereby a player who incurs two such game misconducts in this category would now be automatically suspended for one game.

Last straw for me .. nice knowing you nhl:hang:
its just the way they call some of these hits, sometimes the ridiculous headshots end up getting called interference

so all it means is getting kicked out of two games gets you a 1 game auto suspension if I am reading it right
this is from the Hockey News report on the 10 new rules, thats how I read it too

Rule 23 – Game Misconduct Penalties
A new Game Misconduct category will be created. Clipping, charging, elbowing, interference, kneeing, head-butting and butt-ending move from the general category into the same category as boarding and checking from behind (“Physical Fouls”), whereby a player who incurs two such game misconducts in this category would now be automatically suspended for one game.

This is a good one. The NHL continues a crackdown on dumb-dumb penalties, the kind that never have and never will have a place in any level of the sport. Prior to these changes, if you received two game misconducts (five-minute majors) for either boarding or hitting from behind, you received an automatic one-game suspension and the possibility of further supplemental discipline. Now, that rule has been expanded to include these seven other infractions.
You might look at this and wonder why interference is included among the more heinous transgressions, but remember, the game misconduct only comes in to play for five-minute majors. Basically, the league is attacking the needless “intent to injure” infractions by locking in an automatic one-game suspension, with the possibility for more. This rule isn’t coming after the accidental penalty, but the dangerous ones. And to get suspended for it, you’d have to do it twice over the span of 41 games. Prior to this change, there were no specified fines or suspensions for some of these penalties (like head-butting), while others (like elbowing) had an automatic fine of, get this, $100.
The only downside I see here is if the automatic one-game suspension makes the league less inclined to suspend a player for even longer.
its just a continuation of taking the physicality out of the sport. Gonna have to watch a bunch of figure skaters now. Now they are making it monetarily punitive to play actual hockey...... will the sport even have goons in ten years? And one of the reasons ( besides just being a far more entertaining version of the sport ) that I like the physical Hockey over the pussypuck is because the games had more passion... not a little bit .. a ton more passion.

All about the mighty buck ... owners don't want to dish out all that money and then see their superstar get hit and hurt. But yawn city ... I have to draw my line in the sand somewhere Teeed. Granted, I really already have .. going from an IHL season ticket holder and avid fan from the late nineties to having watched maybe five games all of last year and not a single Stanley cup game. So I suppose they aren't losing much in regards to me as a fan because they had basically already lost me. Still .. this sucks.
The traditional goon is losing his job, but I don't need to see two of them line up and drop them off a face off then pat each other on the shoulder and say good job. I don't have a problem w a 5 min a night guy with no skill losing his job. Give me guys that can play the game and stand up for their teammates.

Someone like David Clarkson. He tries at least.
ya I think the best example of the last 10 years is probably Iginla

was an elite player but was always willing to drop them

if they can get rid of the staged fighting I won't mind, that plus the fight after a clean hit

would make the ones that come up more organically mean more

Lucic might be the best current guy, not an elite player but he's a top 6 winger who can drop them
Goons used to be able to play too, I dont know if that says more about the league then or their talent at the time, but guys like Probert and Tiger could all take a regular shift

the Colton Orr's of the world can't play longer than 5 mins a night without being a disaster
As a guy who attended the NHL Referee Combine this past summer in Buffalo, New York I think you are misinterpreting the rule. This isn't to eliminate physicality, it is to eliminate as Guaranteed said idiotic plays. The rule will hardly come into play as rarely, if any of those calls added to the list are reported as Game Misconducts. I think there is a major difference between being physical and being cheap.

If being physical is what you are worried about Clown this will have no effect on how the game is played. If a guy is dumb enough to get 2 game Misconducts in one game, he certainly isn't smart enough to consider nor care the reprecussion of a 1 game suspension.
Granted, I really already have .. going from an IHL season ticket holder and avid fan from the late nineties to having watched maybe five games all of last year and not a single Stanley cup game. So I suppose they aren't losing much in regards to me as a fan because they had basically already lost me. Still .. this sucks.

What is a minimal fan like yourself doing reading the new rules anyways. :cheers3: