Round 3 for NOOSE


You've Got To Bleed For The Dancer
No series plays as they are pretty much even odds.
Here we go:

Round 1:
Series: 0-3 -15.75 Units

Games: 9-13-2 -2.36 Units

Round 2:
Series: 1-3 Even
Gams: 6-10-0 -5.8 Units

Total for both Rounds:
Series: 1-6 -15.75 Units
Games: 15-23-2 -8.16 Units
Total: -23.93 Units

BUF 3.9/3
ANA 3/3.9

GL to us all!
:bow: huge fucking win, bro. congrats.

musta been a helluva nail-biter...but that's freakin awesome it came thru for ya.

:wacka wacka: :wacka wacka: :wacka wacka: :wacka wacka: :wacka wacka: :wacka wacka: :wacka wacka:

Round 3:
2-3-0 +11.1 Units
I love how you're all over the place on this series, Bet. Detroit's going to win the under games, then, dammit, the Ducks are going to win the over games, dammit.

I'm laughing with you, not at you, I swear it.

This damn series has just been such a b*tch to figure.

Hell, I think and hope the Ducks win tomorrow, but I wouldn't be at all surprised if Noose is dead on with the PL.
huge win today, bud. fucking excellent call.

also looks like you're buyin the beers on thursday, lol. oak quarry...early aternoon.
Round 3:
3-3-0 +10.1 Units

only play is DET 2/2.7

Must win for Dead Things an I have to believe that the score will reflect how badly they have outplayed the Duckies....if DET can scofre on the first of 2 PPs then they win this game and the series.