Ron Artest is the best...


Eagles Fan
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I musta went to bed last night before this...but WTF?!? Some dude got stabbed through the heart with a table leg?!?!?!

And Chucks reaction - "He grew up in a violent neighborhood..."

love ron ron.

also there has to be video somewhere of that AAU team. could you imagine the hijinx of a 10-11 year artest/odom/skip to my lou all ballin on the same team. lmao unbelieveable
I love Ron,

The last few weeks he's climbed into my top 5 favorite players,

And its scary odd you posted this Smoke - I meant to do it a couple hours ago before I left, hilarious..."Ron always goin down memory lane..."
I musta went to bed last night before this...but WTF?!? Some dude got stabbed through the heart with a table leg?!?!?!

And Chucks reaction - "He grew up in a violent neighborhood..."


not exactly... a piece of leg from a table was thrown through his heart *throwing motion*
love ron ron.

also there has to be video somewhere of that AAU team. could you imagine the hijinx of a 10-11 year artest/odom/skip to my lou all ballin on the same team. lmao unbelieveable

Yo, all this does is reaffirm my fact that some guys are auto-ballers at a young age. If you get tossed into the right circumstances at a young age, meet the right people, and do the traveling, you're setting yourself up for a pro career. This is mainly just basketball, as connections mean everything once you're getting ready to go to college.

It kind of pisses me off, there ARE better ballers out there, they'll just never get the chance...
He only speaks the truth

He has been surprisingly lucid lately, even if his tales meander all over the place. At least his eyes aren't darting around and he's not flailing his arms around or anything.

He must be on his meds.

Good for him. Go Ron.
Yo, all this does is reaffirm my fact that some guys are auto-ballers at a young age. If you get tossed into the right circumstances at a young age, meet the right people, and do the traveling, you're setting yourself up for a pro career. This is mainly just basketball, as connections mean everything once you're getting ready to go to college.

It kind of pisses me off, there ARE better ballers out there, they'll just never get the chance...

its all politics and connections man. I grew up playing ball in NYC and I know ron and a few other dudes that made and didnt make the NBA. Ron coached me at five star one year LMAO and me and his brother danny are pretty close.

That story he told yesterday is well known in queens. My sophmore year in HS I was playing JV we had a game at Christ the King. Triple header which is freshman JV then varsity teams all play. We won our game then stayed to watch the varsity game. Lamar,Erick Barkley,Speedy Claxton,John Hampton

all on the varsity team

Ron was at lasalle
so wierd to see this because i also have becmoe a huge fan of ron ron in the past few weeks. heres what i think:

he was a crazy/psycho player with mad skillz. i heard from ppl i know at st johns that there was shit he would do in the locker room in college that is just unacceptable. there there was teh whole detroit incident.

however, it seems like since then, he has calmed down and is really being just the best player and the best person he can be. hes bettering himself, and thats all i can ask of anyone. as far as last nite, its bullshit, the refs look for reasons to toss him and kobe and do w/e he wants and get away with it
so wierd to see this because i also have becmoe a huge fan of ron ron in the past few weeks. heres what i think:

he was a crazy/psycho player with mad skillz. i heard from ppl i know at st johns that there was shit he would do in the locker room in college that is just unacceptable. there there was teh whole detroit incident.

however, it seems like since then, he has calmed down and is really being just the best player and the best person he can be. hes bettering himself, and thats all i can ask of anyone. as far as last nite, its bullshit, the refs look for reasons to toss him and kobe and do w/e he wants and get away with it
Last year the cops were called to his house in Sacramento when he beat his wife or threatened to hit her. I forget what the outcome was.
its all politics and connections man. I grew up playing ball in NYC and I know ron and a few other dudes that made and didnt make the NBA. Ron coached me at five star one year LMAO and me and his brother danny are pretty close.

That story he told yesterday is well known in queens. My sophmore year in HS I was playing JV we had a game at Christ the King. Triple header which is freshman JV then varsity teams all play. We won our game then stayed to watch the varsity game. Lamar,Erick Barkley,Speedy Claxton,John Hampton

all on the varsity team

Ron was at lasalle

wow talk about wasted potential. I was a big fan of his when he came into St. Johns. I don't think I have seen a single PG in college with a swagger like this kid's.....ever. As a true Frosh too. Not saying he had the best skills ever but his swagger was crazy.
ok i'm a dumbass. scratch that previous post. I was thinking of Omar Cook, not Erick Barkley, although Barkley was nice too
wow talk about wasted potential. I was a big fan of his when he came into St. Johns. I don't think I have seen a single PG in college with a swagger like this kid's.....ever. As a true Frosh too. Not saying he had the best skills ever but his swagger was crazy.

Yeah, he had so much potential if he would have just stayed another year or two. Still got drafted early 2nd round by Portland I believe. There was that span when young talented PG's like Omar Cook, Barkley, Taylor from MSU and William Avery decided to go pro way to early and paid for it.

As far as the topic of this thread. Watching it after last night was great Smoke. Ronny was very impressive.
love ron ron.

also there has to be video somewhere of that AAU team. could you imagine the hijinx of a 10-11 year artest/odom/skip to my lou all ballin on the same team. lmao unbelieveable

whats crazy is Hustle_Man was the 6th man on the team :popcorn:
Yeah, he had so much potential if he would have just stayed another year or two. Still got drafted early 2nd round by Portland I believe. There was that span when young talented PG's like Omar Cook, Barkley, Taylor from MSU and William Avery decided to go pro way to early and paid for it.

As far as the topic of this thread. Watching it after last night was great Smoke. Ronny was very impressive.

CapTwo - God Shammgod. Swag on a hundred thousand billion.
before we really get into the cheering for the middle
I would like to thank all parties involved in talking me out of betting atlanta
Omar Cook is one of the best playmakers in Europe right now. His passing is terrific, but his defense is a joke. I wouldn't be surprised if he goes back to NBA soon, though.

Ron is a great player, always loved his game. But I bet he does something stupid till the end of this series.
HA HA its funny yall mentioned Omar cuz he is another good friend. O grew up in my hood he just had silly people in his ear telling him to go pro plus Omar is an egomaniac he thinks he is the best pg ever. He is doing his thing overseas tho and last time I seen him he was playing at Hunter College in the summer pro-am with Nate Rob and Ron Ron.

I still hang with Omar cousins. Another dude yall prob dont know thats from Brooklyn is Carmello. He moved when he wa 8 so he didnt play the AAU scene here but imagine if he stayed. He comes back often tho
CapTwo - God Shammgod. Swag on a hundred thousand billion.

He ain't got swagga like Puff tho. OJ in the Fruit Loops baby.

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Yes I just wanted an excuse to post this vid.
I just talked to danny artest (ron's brother) he said he met kobe today in houston said he is cool but had mad security with him. Said kobe told him he wants ron on the lakers.
I just talked to danny artest (ron's brother) he said he met kobe today in houston said he is cool but had mad security with him. Said kobe told him he wants ron on the lakers.

Kobes definitely scared lmaoooooooooooooo
Yo, all this does is reaffirm my fact that some guys are auto-ballers at a young age. If you get tossed into the right circumstances at a young age, meet the right people, and do the traveling, you're setting yourself up for a pro career. This is mainly just basketball, as connections mean everything once you're getting ready to go to college.

It kind of pisses me off, there ARE better ballers out there, they'll just never get the chance...

You can say this about any career. It's all about who you know.

Great vid by the way. Artest is a cool dude.
ok i'm a dumbass. scratch that previous post. I was thinking of Omar Cook, not Erick Barkley, although Barkley was nice too

i figured you were talking about Cook.

Little #10 was money until he jumped for the league too early