Rod's WNBA Saturday


Have an adequate day
Reg Season (4-12-0) -29.00 units

I'm liking the first quarter more than the game line for the Sun today. First home game of the season for them and they are coming off a loss to the Stars where they were sluggish from the get go down by 21 points at halftime and a franchise low 7 points in the first quarter so expect them to come out with more urgency today.

Sun -1.5 v Sparks 1Q (3.5)

Sun -3 v Sparks 1H (3)

Sun -6 v Sparks (2)


I decided to stay away at the end on this one.. I had the line at -5 right where it is and personally I think LA covers.. which is why I would rather stay away..

good luck bud... hope you hit it.
GL Rod.:cheers:

Enough warming up already, let's cash from now on:36_1_36:

Btw, Detroit may be the best team, but I also nominate them as the ugliest based on the picture today. Couldn't be much worse really:36_11_6:
They were sucha good team on their home court. To do this against a team that they've owned and is without their leading player is pathetic.
Uhhhh, Mr Steel, I don't think you'll be in the red on WNBA when season is over.

Confidence is the greatest asset a gambler can have, and you got it. losing also..We can liken this to the start of the NBA wherein suns and mavs lost the 1st few games..eventually this will turn around hehe but i wouldnt know coz its my 1st season on wnba
hehehe....Im just Hoping here hehe
this has been some bizarre shit going on...we can't seem to even pick our noses here...

alas. Losing streaks happen. This one happens to be rather significant, I guess.

We shall prevail!