Rod's Rugby Union/League (16/2-18/2)


Have an adequate day
Rugby Union 5-3-0 (+4.30 units)

A nothing round last week thanks to late tries in both the Bulls and Ireland games, try and get something this weekend. Still recovering from a heavy NBA loss on Thursday so may skip today and look at tomorrow's games.

Not interested in the Bulls / Force total ... ? 48.5 just looks a little high to me .. mainly based on the Force's involvement ...
Not interested in the Bulls / Force total ... ? 48.5 just looks a little high to me .. mainly based on the Force's involvement ...

Not sure about that's only a matter of time before that Force backline lights up. Of all the current backlines going around, they probably have the ability to put up the most points, it's just so far this season conditions haven't favoured them.
Fair call ... that post of mine wreaked of a bit of desperation because unless rain or the Reds are involved I usually don't look too hard at unders in Rugger ...
Hurricanes looked lost vs the Reds, got much lucky against a Chiefs team who should have won by 10+, now face the resurgent Blues?

At this point I like the Blues half-full price. Wind is up here in Wellington region (so noticable in the ODI yesterday), so if the jaffalanders get to use it (in the) first (half) thats where I see the value. If the Canes got to use it first, the Hurr/Blues combo might be worth something, but I couldnt trust the home boys to definitely lead.
Hurricanes looked lost vs the Reds, got much lucky against a Chiefs team who should have won by 10+, now face the resurgent Blues?

At this point I like the Blues half-full price. Wind is up here in Wellington region (so noticable in the ODI yesterday), so if the jaffalanders get to use it (in the) first (half) thats where I see the value. If the Canes got to use it first, the Hurr/Blues combo might be worth something, but I couldnt trust the home boys to definitely lead.

Am finding it so tough to get a handle on the NZ teams without their All Black content ...
Blues were dominant all match, basically, and lost. That sucks, Rod, but you'll get it going sooner than later.

This Blues/'Canes match reminded me of last round's Chiefs/'Canes where Chiefs dominated and lost.
Second half territory but couldn't quite translate that on the scoreboard. However props to the 'canes to hang on in the end.
Reds +5.5 v Brumbies (2)

Will be playing a game in beloved Sth Africa as well. Also taking a look at the SL on Sunday
Yeah, man, I'm looking hard at London Broncos and City Reds.

Don't know if I have the balls (lunacy) to mess with the 3 matches down in the Republic or not. If I am crazy enough, I damn sure won't risk more than like 10 dollars on the play.

Been messing with the satellite all night......just can't deal with all that work and no betting. Sad, and true.

Good luck on Reds, man. Queensland is definitely the right side today.
Dogs ripping up the SL XII, as well.

This'll probably mean a calamity, man, but when NRL starts in a month, it's going to be dog, dog, dog, dog until I am either broke or whatever. Same goes for NAB Cup next week and first few rounds of AFL.
Small one in the Premiership to see if I can get into the + for the weekend in the Union. Hopefully the return of Cueto can spark this Sharks backline.

Sharks +9.5 v Wasps (2)


Hey Rod-

How goes it, man? I was looking at the old covers site a few minutes ago and saw the rugby forum. It's dead now 'cept for some school-kids who just go in there and mock shit.

It died when you left, man.

And since covers merged with wagerline and required a bunch of personal info in order to post, I've yet to go back.

Sad.....truly is.

Covers fucked themselves good and hard.

Now it's nothing but a bunch of little school-boys being foolish.
Want to hear a funny story - got an email from a moderator asking me to comeback and start posting there otherwise they will likely pull the plug on the rugby forum there

LMAO - Like I give a shit now :moose: