Rodgers has covid. Out for chiefs game

Also , before it even starts we have a covid thread, if anyone wants to get into the merits of it and/or the vaccine, that's the place


Doesn't that thing have like 30k posts and is somehow still going? Hahaha.

Also, it looks like he only lied to the public and the press. Which is shitty and he should still be suspended for putting his teammates at risk, but we all know he won't be. They may throw some bullshit at the team, but my guess is they just try to move on as quickly as possible lest people realize that there's no possible way he was the only one in the league lying about his status.

Weird though, he has to miss a game check for this right? Not that it probably matters much to someone who's making that much money. But it still has to be well into six figures, right? You literally left the cost of a house on the table because you thought you were too clever to take a free vaccine? Genius.
I was going to say - he couldn’t have lied to his team. I’m sure this isn’t an honor system or a huge portion of the population mandated to get the jab, wouldn’t have. They never received proof of his vaccination because he never had it. But they didn’t out him to the media. They probably earned major points with him and their chances of resigning him just went up a ton. In a year from now, hell, even when he throws his next tuddy, this will be forgotten about.
Yeah that someone is Bortles would love to see him get some game time

First of all, why am I suddenly rooting for Blake Bortles to be the backup QB of the Pack. I have no idea, but that's where I am.

If @Inspekdah's right (and I'm going to guess he is, in part because as we all know, CTG only exists for those who are always right and only fuck supermodels, but also because of the extremely low amount of faith I have in the NFL), I'm sure the club would welcome fines only. Obviously, that's up to a point in terms of dollars, but still. I think the fear has to be how many games they lose Rogers for. A fear which, btw, could be a total blessing in disguise if Love goes Tom Brady with this opportunity.

Were I the league, I'd suspend the guy three games concurrent with the protocol, meaning this week, probably next week seeing as how he can't even come back to the team until like a day before their next game, and then one more. The bellyaching would be through the roof. Honestly, sports media would probably love it because it would give slapdick radio and TV a solid week or more of content. It would also send a message, and guys who can't afford to lose game checks the way Rogers can, those who've been trying to play this same game, might finally figure it out.

Conversely, that would benefit the health of the players more than TV ratings, so I would imagine the chances of that are extremely slim.
Adams was Vaccined and he got it last week. What's the differents?

As bad as KC defense is doesnt matter who the QB is,just don't turn the ball over.
Adams was Vaccined and he got it last week. What's the differents?

As bad as KC defense is doesnt matter who the QB is,just don't turn the ball over.
Hey we had 5 three and outs last week, a season high. Might be improving a bit.
He said he doesnt need to do the daily testing anymore for 3 months as well, which would be end of season

So this has been a win win for him, his leverage is higher than ever after what love showed too