RIP George Washington:


Pretty much a regular
Sad day at the Breeder's Cup...too bad they can't give them a chance.

...Tragically, though, Ireland's George Washington had to be euthanized following the race, after sustaining multiple fractures to his right foreleg, equine doctor Wayne McIlwraith said. The injury was hopeless, he added, but couldn't necessarily be attributed to the track's sloppy conditions.

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Yeah...George Washington had a fracture that led to a loss of blood supply to his ankle or something. They threw up tarps around the horse and euthanized him. Too bad they don't have a device to help bring blood to the injured ankle or whatever; maybe a peg-leg for a while, then someone could keep him as a pet. That just sucks how they have to die from what seems like a injury that could be repaired/healed. I don't know much about this obviously...does anyone know the details of this type of injury, or how they put them down???
I think--THINK--it's pretty humane now.

I believe it's some sort of injection. For a long time, though, I'm almost certain they had to shoot them.
Das Kapital,

If this was an attempt at humor, it went over like a lead balloon. :hang:

As an owner of t'breds, I can tell you first hand this is one of the worst things for the sport having been informed to put one down. Grant it, none of them have ever made it to a Breeders Cup race but they've raced from the low levels (6k) to Grade 1.

Hopefully in the future you'll think twice before posting such things.
Sad day at the Breeder's Cup...too bad they can't give them a chance.

...Tragically, though, Ireland's George Washington had to be euthanized following the race, after sustaining multiple fractures to his right foreleg, equine doctor Wayne McIlwraith said. The injury was hopeless, he added, but couldn't necessarily be attributed to the track's sloppy conditions.



Thanks for posting the news. Take a good look at his front right leg, around where a humans' ankle would be - notice which direction it is. Next take a gander up at his eyes. They are dark/dull and don't have a shine or glare - this is not normal. Continued good fortune to you and your family.
thats fucked up why do they have to kill them ?

When a horse has a serious leg injury, its medical complications are far different from that of a human. The delicate, complicated nature of a horse's blood vessels throughout its legs often means that a broken leg will eventually prove fatal. The difficulty with blood clots, hemorrhaging, and infection which any wound, human or animal alike, presents is greatly magnified in the anotomy of the horse's leg.

If they could have saved it they would have but it was too severe (multiple fractures) to treat. And you really can't keep a horse from standing up during recovery.

and in regards to those who I offended. Lead ballon? give me a break. They did use to send the horses to the glue factory, its not like I was the one doing it and its not like I'm making it up.

and to PacMan, so you raise throughbreads? congrats. go count your money as you are most assuredly more wealthy than I am. Hopefully that will make you feel better and not care about what I have to say then.
The tragic irony is that, as i heard from the tv commentary, he was retired to become a stud, but due to fertility issues, they decided to bring him back for another try at the big race.

So sad. R.I.P.
When a horse has a serious leg injury, its medical complications are far different from that of a human. The delicate, complicated nature of a horse's blood vessels throughout its legs often means that a broken leg will eventually prove fatal. The difficulty with blood clots, hemorrhaging, and infection which any wound, human or animal alike, presents is greatly magnified in the anotomy of the horse's leg.

If they could have saved it they would have but it was too severe (multiple fractures) to treat. And you really can't keep a horse from standing up during recovery.

and in regards to those who I offended. Lead ballon? give me a break. They did use to send the horses to the glue factory, its not like I was the one doing it and its not like I'm making it up.

and to PacMan, so you raise throughbreads? congrats. go count your money as you are most assuredly more wealthy than I am. Hopefully that will make you feel better and not care about what I have to say then.

Das Kapital,

I am well versed in what they use to do with horses. The point was, that picture was in poor taste. It's that simple.

I own (sole) and am in partnerships and "do not raise" them but see most of them on a daily/every other day basis. Wealth or lack there of, has nothing to do with this. When a person says (or posts) things that are offensive, or make an ignorant remark they should expect a response. Have a nice day, try not to piss to many people off today and don't forget to grow up young man.