RIP Denny Green

It is really sad. I feel I should share this story about Denny while I have a few minutes.

In 1995 the Vikings had lost a heartbreaking thriller to the Lions on Thanksgiving. Denny Green was supposed to talk to our team, who had just been recently knocked out of the high school playoffs about how to overcome obstacles in life and give us some encouragement the morning of in the Silverdome restaurant. We were all brought to the game because one of my teammates father was John Teerlinck, a very well known D line coach in the NFL who happened to be coaching the Lions at the time after working for the Vikings.

Anyway, Denny was unable to make it in that morning as they said he had a personal matter to tend to as well as pregame preparations to get in with the early start. We just all figured we got stiffed, no big deal we got free breakfast, seats etc for a great game, whatever.

It was halftime and our coaches told us that Denny pulled Teerlinck aside on their way to the locker room at halftime and said to tell those boys I am still going to talk to them after the game, lets get them down here, make it happen.

Nevertheless, after the game we all got to go down on the field in the end zone and Denny Green gave his full 30 minutes of speech unscripted from the heart. When a player rep came up and told him that the buses were about to take off Denny said "I don't need a gosh darn shower, I'm busy can't you see, I'll catch a cab or charter if I have to back home. I made a commitment to these boys and I will stick by it"

The speech was great but his quote was one that was painted in our Fieldhouse...."I made a commitment to those boys and I will stick by it". Denny Green

RIP Denny, something so minute back then is still something so powerful in all of us today.
Lots of good Denny stories on the local radio shows today. Often considered a "players coach" but really not much of a "relationship" guy. However, he did always have his player's backs and took most of the heat for their performance when necessary. Phenomenal evaluator of talent and strung together many successful seasons without much stability at QB. The man could coach his ass off yet there are many funny instances like when he decided to kick off after winning the opening toss then didn't understand why the other team got to choose to receive the kick at HT. I don't recall the exact game but it absolutely happened.

The other amazing thing is the Denny coaching tree. Many great coaches like Dungy and Billick that won SB's either got their start or spent significant time coaching under Denny.

RIP. Dude pissed me off a ton but at the end of the day his record speaks for itself.