RIP Craig Sager

a true legend, in so many ways

will be dearly missed, in so many ways

so odd for him to pass on thursday....

NBA left me a long time ago but he never did. When everyone in your profession loves you it speaks volumes. RIP
Noooooo. Damn man, this is horrible news. He put up quite the fight, and it hits home a bit more for me as my dad passed away from the same disease. Craig was the best at what he did...and he will be missed greatly by fans as well as everyone involved in the NBA (players, coaches, analysts, etc).

RIP Craig
Really sad loss, but his character will be around the sport forever. Guy's energy was unforgettable.
Dude fought to the end and showed remarkable character in the face of adversity. Big loss for the NBA. Huge loss for TNT. Tremendous loss for mankind.

RIP to the worst/best dressed dude in the business.
RIP. When I was a kid, always looked forward to seeing him on Sports Tonight on CNN on the weekends, back when it was pretty much the only highlight show we had access to up here.
Assume some have met him, one of the greatest things I recall, when the Suns were in the Nash heyday, after a playoff game he was over at Majerles for the celebration...every table in there, he'd stop by and just chat for a few minutes about the game. He knew how recognizable he was, probly a purple jacket or something that night, but stopped table to table to discuss the game that night and have a cheers. Was with my ex at the time and she asked him a stupid question (of course, don't remember what it was) and he just rolled with it...then asked why Suns fans set themselves up for disaster lol. Was the year Cheap Shot Bob chucked Nash into the sideboard.

But he went to every table to just shoot the shit, was a natural in that setting, loved by all.
Great person, sharp dresser and more importantly dude loved people.

RIP Craig Sager, left a massive hole in sports broadcasting.

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He was a remarkable guy, made the game fun with his interviews. Incredible courage through great adversity to keep on doing what he loved. He loved people and lived life to the fullest.
Shaq said it best last night. Not one bad thing can ever be said about Craig. Just a downright special human being.

Some of of these stories on twitter are amazing. I never knew he was the first to interview Aaron after his record breaking homer.
The best thing about Craig was his work ethic. He'd show up even when he was sick. I remember when he was right in the middle with his battle with cancer but he was still on the sidelines doing the job he loved. Frail, thin, looking weak and all he was there.