RIP - Anthony Mason

Damn, he was just improving according to reports. He will be missed. He was the heart and soul of those Knicks teams in the 90s.
Pretty much epitomized as a player what you can accomplish in life if you're willing to work hard and put forth the effort.

Hated those Knicks teams but was always drawn to Mason. Just loved the way he played. He was a beast before their were beasts.
Pacer fan, hated the Knicks back in the 90's....wish we had that same style of hoops now...Come into the lane and get your ass handed to ya. Mad respect..RIP A.M.
Knick fan, hated the Pacers back in the 90's…cool to hear that despite the hatred (from probably 90% of the league) that there was still respect for the way he played and how hard he worked

Loved that frontline…Ewing, Oak, and Mase...