Ridicoulos ... horrible CTG ... horrible

this is no discussion ... this is another group hating on SEC ... well SEC will beat down any other conference ... 100 grand gaurenteed ... round robin .... SEC would win!!!!:36_11_6::cheers:
Happy B-day, homeslice...hope it was a good one...

GL tomorrow...
THANKS BUD ... :cheers:
just slammed Alabama ... OMG i will be on the field tomorrow .... hahahahaha i love SEC ... if you honestly think any conference is superior ... i may have a good argument!!!! much love to my CTG partners ... i know ya booted me earlier ... not sure why ... but i still got love for my bitches!!!!:36_11_6::cheers:
haha my partner ... money;money;
sometimes it better to sit back and watch the pros at work!!!
gotta love this shit baby ... :cheers:

(p.s. its my birthday ... wasted!!!)
Happy Birthday, but I was hoping for more of a Dr. Atomic type meltdown.