Rick Nash's Dangle


Pretty much a regular

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yeps =) put that in my thread earlier lol...
haha do you remember his goal last summer wher the finnish player literally picks him off the ice and he manages to score still :) unbelieveable! amazing player heis!
lol, didnt see it in the thread, but it needs its own. ha.

yeah, he is certainly a player flying under the radar in Columbus for the rest of the NHL.

I remember that goal, he has probably 2 of the top 5 this year I'd say
between the legs, top shelf... nothing but net

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agreeed! nash in a pittsburgh jersey with sid, staal, malkin would look lovely =) but the sal cap thinks other wise !
do you remember his goal last summer wher the finnish player literally picks him off the ice and he manages to score still :) unbelieveable!


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he's on both, i think it depends on the play of his linemates, i've seen him as a winger this year and i've seen him as a centermen =)
he is so sick, ever since that breakout years a few years ago i've been watching nash closely one of my favorite players
